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from January 27, 2002

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[Chavez] [Freedom]

WOD Gaming Notes for 01/27/2002



Chavez and Sammi arrived at The Landing with Adam showing up minutes later.  Carter and crew arrived shortly thereafter.  Carter said he'd wait outside and be our backup if something major goes down.

Chavez, Sammi, and Adam went inside of Club Afterdark with Adam taking the lead.  Bouncers tried to stop our pace to the meeting room by standing in front of Adam and putting their hands on his shoulder, but within a blink of an eye Adam had them both knocked soundly out cold.  They approached the meeting room and walked in.  Haley, Ashley, and Anton Lasher were inside having a meeting, but with the doors suddenly bursting open, they arose alarmingly to the surprise of Chavez, Sammi, and Adam walking in through the door.  "Chavez!  What are you doing here?", Haley stuttered.  "I came here to get to the bottom of your men trying to run me off the road and destroying my new car!", Chavez shouted.  Of course, Haley acted as if she had no idea what he was talking about.  Chavez pointed out the black rose insignias that were painted on the 18 wheelers and the fact that Lorenzo chasing him on a motorcycle.  Haley stated that Lorenzo is out of town.  Chavez told Haley that she needs to get her facts straight.  Ashley chimed in, saying to Haley, "You're not going to just let them waltz in here and interrupt our meeting, are you?"  Chavez shouted to Ashley, "Hold your tongue!  I'm sure that you've had your hand in this matter as well!"  Ashley's bodyguard stepped in, insisting that he not talk to his boss in that tone!  Chavez screamed that he'd had enough of Ashley and her cronies telling him what to do.  At that moment, Chavez whipped out his .9mm Glock and shot the bodyguard squarely in the forehead, instantly killing him.

Ashley, shocked, jumped out of her chair, shouting, "NOOOOO!"  The room suddenly went black and a loud commotion arose as a fight broke out!  Chavez heard Adam shout, "Look out!" as a KUTHUD sound rang out next to his head.  The lights came back on and the room was empty, except for Chavez, Sammi, and Adam.  A table was flipped up on end with a machete stuck in the side of the table.  At that moment, gunfire rang out from above as Uzi bursts shot up the bar level of the building from Carter and his gang.  Chavez and crew made their way to bar level to find the place completely empty.

Long story short, no one was outside.  Sammi took Chavez home, to his fortress at Cedar Hill.  When Chavez got home, the leader from the Garou Caern spoke to him in the form of a riddle, concerning Magnus, Freedom's son, and Caitlyn, Sammi's soon-to-be ex-wife.  "Woe is the woman.  Watch out for the younger version."  Chavez next went inside and spoke with Sera concerning the riddle.

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Nothing of importance for Freedom this week!

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