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from February 11, 2002

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[Chavez] [Freedom]

WOD Gaming Notes for 02/11/2002



The following Monday morning, Chavez received a call from his mechanic, Carl - Exotic Imports Plus, asking about details for the repairs on Chavez's new Saleen.  He next received a phone call from Cassandra, Carter's ghoul and right-hand woman.  She said that Carter wanted to meet him for dinner to discuss business.  Light bulbs went off in Chavez's head, remembering that Oedipus warned him that someone high up in Carter's organization would betray him and also Carter's warning that if someone other than himself or Breaker called to arrange a meeting, BEWARE!  Chavez agreed to meet, but really didn't plan to show up.  Immediately after getting off the phone with Cassandra and not realizing that it was the middle of the day, Chavez called Carter to have dinner with him this night.  They agreed to meet at the Ozzymandaius.  Well what do you know, the enemy at the gates finally stuck their head out!

Shortly thereafter, Chavez headed to WSP to take care of some business.  After arriving, Chavez's intercom went off.  It was Sammi.  He wanted Chavez to come over to his office to look at something.  Chavez headed over.  Sammi had received the plans for their resort in Mexico, Casa del Sol.  They chatted about it for a bit and somehow ended up on the subject of Caitlyn and the ongoing divorce.  Chavez mentioned the riddle that was given to him by the Garou Cairn leader.  Sammi began to decipher it using him magical abilities.  He came up with the outcome that Magnus, Freedom's son, was in danger from Caitlyn.  Chavez asked when the last time he had heard from Freedom and what were Caitlyn's whereabouts.  Sammi mentioned that he had received an urgently marked email from Freedom that was blank.  Next, Sammi decided to leave a message for Freedom to call him.  Freedom received the message while he was at his Surrogate Mother's funeral and returned Sammi's call.  

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The next few days went by, surprisingly, quick and uneventful.  He began to get back in sync with school and things were going rather well.

On the way to school, the following Monday morning, Freedom received a call from Portia, the WSP's secretary.  She said that she had a man on the other line by the name of Edward Red Crow, which happened to be a close childhood friend.  She said that he was urgently trying to get a hold of him.  Freedom told her to give Ed his cell phone number and to have him call him back.  A few minutes later the phone rang.  It was Edward Red Crow.  Ed told Freedom that his mother had just passed away and she had requested him to attend her funeral and will reading.  She apparently wanted him to have something of hers.  Ed's mother was sort of an adoptive mother toward Freedom and practically raised him after his mother and father had passed away.  Freedom's father had passed away in a cave-in while working in the coal mines near Deer Lake Sioux Reservation, located approximately 2 hours north of Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, Canada and his mother died in a car accident.  She was killed by a drunk driver while she was also driving while intoxicated.

During his first break, Freedom worked on getting flight arrangements to the funeral at the student's center.  He left a voice mail for Jess, explaining what had happened.  Unfortunately, Jess couldn't go to the funeral due to school and internship restraints.  Freedom also arranged for all of his homework assignments for the week to be sent to him via email.  He also called the babysitter, Adrian, and asked if she could watch them the rest of the week.  After school, Freedom picked up the kids from daycare and headed home.  The sitter arrived at the house shortly after Freedom.  They ordered the 8 person special for dinner from a new Italian restaurant that delivers.  Freedom went downstairs to begin working on his homework, when he heard knocking coming from the basement window.  He went to the window to see who was knocking.  Surprised, he went out the basement door, thinking it was the delivery man,  to see Val standing at the gate.  Freedom invited him to stay for dinner and to listen to some of his new compositions for class.  Val ended up helping Freedom finish his assignments right as the delivery person arrived.  Freedom mentioned the funeral he was going to in the morning and Val asked if he like company.  Freedom then arranged for Val to fly with him.  They next went upstairs to have dinner and introduced Val to Adrian.  Val, being the womanizer he is, began hitting on Adrian.  They all ate dinner and Val mentioned "Open Mic Night" at "The Reading Room," which happened to be a Coffee Bar/Performing Arts hangout.  Freedom freshened up after dinner and they headed out.  

At "The Reading Room" they ran into one of Freedom's class mates.  A vampire also entered, later introducing herself as Simone, before they had stepped up to the mic .  Val and Freedom played three songs to a final standing ovation.  After their set, Simone stepped up to the mic and began singing Opera and then broke into a few classic rock covers, mesmerizing the entire crowd.  Freedom instantly new that she must be part of the Daughters of Cacophony clan.  She drew a standing ovation as well.  Freedom, glancing at the clock, noticed that it was a quarter after one in the morning.  He signaled to Val that it was time to go, as they had an early morning start.

After arriving at home, shortly thereafter, Jess was still up with an aggravated look, thinking that Freedom went to a strip bar with Val.  Freedom explained what had happened and where they had been.  She didn't believe him, knowing that Val was always going to strip bars and only many occasions had lured Freedom into going with him.  She went to bed, not speaking with him.  Before he was able to go to bed, he went to check up on the kids, doing one of his normal routines.  Maggie was asleep under his bed with a cover rapped around him.  Anna awoke as he started to kiss her on the forehead.  She had that same look that she gives when she needs a new diaper and a bottle.  He changed her and gave her a bottle then went to bed.  Freedom crawled into bed, and then tried to lightly hug Jess and began to apologize, not wanting her to be mad.  She didn't speak and ignored his charms.  He rolled over and began to sleep.

The next morning Freedom awoke to the annoying buzz of his alarm.  He recalled specifically setting his alarm to the radio.  He then got up, took a shower, then headed to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and began making breakfast.  Soon after, he went downstairs to wake up Val.  Val awoke with a grunt and headed upstairs to shower.  Halfway through making breakfast, Maggie's door opened.  He must have smelled breakfast cooking, thought Freedom.  Next, Val strolled out of the bathroom and sat at the kitchen table, sipping at his cup of coffee.  Maggie insisted on having a "cup of coffee", known as chocolate milk to Freedom.  Jess, hastily, opened the bedroom door and headed for the shower, grumbling that her alarm was screwed up.  Shortly thereafter, Freedom stuck his head in the bathroom door, asking Jess if she was still mad at him.  She replied with a mouthful of toothpaste, "Yes!"  He asked if she would like some breakfast, and she replied, "No, not enough time."  He told her he'd fix her a sandwich and a coffee, to go.  Jess grabbed her stuff, kissed Freedom and the kids goodbye and then rushed out the door.  Just then, Adrian's car pulled up.  She was going to watch the kids till he got back into town, on Saturday.  She walked in the door and said, "Aren't you supposed to be leaving now?  You're going to be late!"  Val grabbed his bag and went out to start his Durango.  Freedom grabbed his bag, kissed the kids goodbye, handed Adrian $100 cash to take the kids out and then rushed to the truck.  They headed to the airport.

Long story short, they arrived in MooseJaw about 4 hours later and met up with Ed Red Crow.  He had aged a lot in appearance since the last time Freedom had saw him, but that's what working in the mines will do to you.  They went back to his modular home, approximately 1.5 hours away, and got re-acquainted, as they reminisced about old times.  Ed began talking about how Freedom left the reservation and hinted that he would like to someday leave the reservation, but mentioned that he couldn't afford it.  Later on, Ed pulls out an Freedom's favorite skateboard from when he was a kid, that he had had Tony Hawk autograph.  Freedom couldn't believe that he still had it.  Freedom ended up handing a check over for $5000 for holding onto the skateboard for him, mainly for the expense of moving off of the reservation.  Later on, they went to the funeral home for the layout of Ed's mother.  At the funeral home, Freedom visited with Ed's Uncle Dallas and reminisced of old times.  Afterwards, he joined Ed in front of the casket and pictures and discussed how she had aged tremendously.

Later on, Freedom received an urgent message from Sammi and Chavez.  Freedom quickly returned Sammi's call.   Sammi mentioned to Freedom the riddle from the Cairn leader.  Freedom, using his extremely accurate Enigmas skill, easily deciphered the riddle and told Sammi he needed to call Jess to make sure everything was ok.  He called Jess at the house to find out that Caitlyn had taken Maggie to the McDonald's Playland.  Jess, picking up on Freedom's urgency, began to panic.  Freedom told her that he would have to call her back, as he needed to make a quick call to Adam.


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