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Chavez Stormcrow

Reluctant Immortal
[Vital Stats: DOB-December 22, 1845; DOA-May 28, 1870; Nationality-Native American(Sioux)]
[Hair-Black, Eyes-Brown; Height-5'11"; Weight-200 lbs.]
Currently the CEO of Business for WyldeStorm Productions]
[Currently the CEO for WyldeStorm, Inc.]
Has residence in Cedar Hill, MO., Poison Sioux Reservation, SD., and Cambridge, England at Cutter Castle]
Girlfriend: Sera Rainwater]
Adoptive Daughter: Jennifer McEachern]
Vehicles owned by Chavez]

    Born in 1845 in Nebraska to the Sioux Indians.  Shot and killed by a United States Army soldier in 1870 and became an immortal.  His tribe brought him back to their homestead and began their rite for sending his spirit to the afterlife.  When his wounds miraculously healed, the Sioux Nation praised him, thinking that the "Great Spirit" was giving him a second chance to win back their land from the white man.  He was then looked up to as a great warrior.  About a year later, the Sioux Nation gave into the white man and were sent to reservations in Poison, South Dakota.  Chavez never gave up and kept fighting the white man with a small group from his tribe.
During this time, Chavez met his second immortal, Antonio Rodriquez, who soon became his friend and mentor.  Antonio became an immortal in the year 1299 and had fought many immortals.  He began teaching Chavez the rules of the immortals, telling him that he would never die.  A short time later, the majority of Chavez's band was killed during a confrontation with the U.S. soldiers.  Chavez then began to travel with Antonio.
Their first stop was Spain, Antonio's homeland.  Antonio began teaching Chavez the majority of the immortal ways here.  They stayed in Spain till about the year 1920.  Their next destination was the Isle of Scotland, arriving in 1921.  This is where Chavez really began to grasp onto the English language and started learning scientific skills.  They traveled throughout Scotland, avoiding World War I, till about 1930, then set sail for China.  They reached China in the later part of 1930.

In China, Chavez met his third immortal, Chang Kwai Chien, and his first mage, Nichiba.  Chang Kwai Chien was a very notorious immortal, coming, going, and taking what he pleased.  This is what started the disagreement between Chang and Chavez.  In the heat of battle, Chavez defended greatly against Chang, but Chang was a lot older and more experienced than Chavez.  Chang gutted Chavez, but before he could take his head, the mage Nichiba happened to walk into the battle.  Nichiba quickly did a flying side kick, amazingly his hands and feet were ablaze with flame, and struck Chang is the throat.  This stunning kick knocked Chang out cold.  Nichiba helped Chavez up and escorted him quickly away from Chang, back to his home.  Nichiba bandaged Chavez's wounds and laid him down to rest.  About three hours later, Chavez awoke, fully healed.  Nichiba gasped in amazement at Chavez's quick recovery.  Chavez thanked Nichiba for his help and headed back to find Antonio.
Antonio, worried, found Chavez in the street, wandering back to the house.  Chavez explained to Antonio what had transpired.  Antonio laughed, saying how lucky he was to still be alive.  He then began telling Chavez the story of Chang Kwai Chien and how the same thing had happened between the two of them.  Chavez began to laugh as well, not feeling so defeated.

A few months later, Antonio and Chavez began to travel once again, this time ending up in South America, Chile to be exact.  The year was 1935.  They stayed in South America till around 1945, then moved back to the U.S., settling in Montana.
During his years, Chavez gained a vast fortune.  In the early years, from trading animal hides and training horses.  In the later years, from breeding champion race horses.  Chavez and Antonio set up a major horse breeding ranch, gaining the majority of their fortune over the next fifteen years.
Around 1960, Chavez traveled to San Francisco, California to check out some of the most popular race tracks.  While in San Francisco, Chavez was introduced to the late Bruce Lee through an acquaintance.  In 1961. Chavez began training under Bruce, learning the martial art known as Jeet-Kun-Do.  He trained under Bruce for the next two years, while in the process of selling his prized horses to the highest bidders.  At the end of the two years, Bruce Lee decided to move back to Hong Kong to start his film career.
In 1963, Chavez then headed back to Montana.  Antonio was very happy with breeding and training the horses and decided to settle down, away from the immortal life, with his wife, and continue his current job.  Chavez was happy with Antonio's decision, but knew that he could never escape the war.  Around this time, Chavez decided that he should move and begin a new identity, starting over as Chavez Stormcrow, III.  This worked well as everything was easily handed down from father to son with little discrepancies.  Antonio easily helped with the proper documentation of birth certificates and other forgeries.
In 1970, Chavez decided to move to the Show-Me state, to start his new life, and set up a new ranch in the rural area of Jefferson County.  He began breeding horses and racing at Fairmount Park in Cahokia, Illinois.
Within a few years, Chavez had gained quite a reputation as breeding some of the fastest horses in the world.  Investors began calling and sending letters, wanting to latch on to some of Chavez's prized horses.  Chavez, amazed with attention, decided to form a corporation, Stormcrow Enterprises, Inc.,  and start investing in the stock market and other up and coming businesses.  Chavez became a silent partner in the Dewey, Cheetum, Steele, and Howe Investment Firm.  Within a year, he also learned the hard way of how the legal system worked and decided to buy into the Lynch & Bernum Law Firm, which really helped him gain some legs to stand on and hold his positioning.  Other companies, such as Solid Securities, Inc. and Expo Realty, Inc. attracted his attention as being a major power within the St. Louis business community, which he bought into as well, procuring a 70% ownership.
In 1976, Chavez decided to move the majority of his ranch to Owensboro, Kentucky, thinking it a wise decision to be near the Kentucky Derby.  Expo Realty found a 160 acre ranch that would be perfect for the rearing of his prized horses.

By the early 1990's, Stormcrow Enterprises, Inc. became a major player in the finance market and had gained many contacts and allies to help further their success.    Their clientele has ranged from the top grossing companies to poor families looking for a better way to save for their children's college educations.
Nowadays, Chavez is mainly a scout, looking for new and better business opportunities.  This is how he became partners with one of the most successful musical artists in the business, Sammi Lynn Wylde, of the River City Angels.  Together Sammi and Chavez formed WyldeStorm Productions, based in Fenton, MO and later branched out into Los Angeles, CA.  Sammi and Chavez find, promote, and produce rock/alternative musicians with the help of Prime Requisite, Inc.  They have helped out bands, such as Faith Keeper, Sundown, Losing Bet, Wysper, and Stone Pony.
Chavez has also made it his personal goal to help build up the Sioux Nation in Poison, SD in the form of monetary donations for building up the community and keeping the area prosperous.  Recently, the latest completed project has been a new hospital, which has provided thousands of jobs for the community.

~More to come soon~

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