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The Reckoning

May 30, 1997 St.Louis MO

“Mr. Marschak, we would definitely be interested in your services and skills but if you don’t mind me asking, why are you jumping sides?” “Look Mr. Grant, the Adepts have started changing. It used to stand for something, but these new groups of kids are more interested in playing social games and spitting in the face of all we built. I signed on to help people, not tell them how lame they are and try to crash them off the Web. Iteration X is where Virtual Adepts who grow up go, plus getting back the use of my legs doesn’t hurt.” “I see, your knowledge of satellite and orbital warfare intrigue us greatly. I would have to say we have a deal. Welcome to the Technocracy Dave Marschak.”


 June 2nd, 1998 The Raven  

“Thanks for agreeing to see an old dog like me Adam, I know how busy you’ve been, looking for Shaitan and all. How’s it coming?” “To tell the truth Modius I think I’ve hit a dead end. I thought I had him in Trinity, KS but it turned out to be another of his “brothers”. But the unholy thirteen is one less now and I guess that’s good. I’ve some feelers out trying to find any clues of his and Jasmines whereabouts.” “Yeah I know what you mean. The Gateway Caern is at a dead end of sorts too. The last fight with the Times Beach Labyrinth really hurt the Caern. Physically it’s fine, but the energy is starting to fade from it. The caern is breaking up from inside the packs too. Too many wolves are leaving to stronger caerns and the ones I have left are so warlike that they will do more harm than good at this point.” Adam smiled, “Too warlike for Modius Wyrmscourge?  That kind of creeps me out.”

Modius smiled, in the old days he would have felt the same as these cubs, leadership however tends to take some edge off a wolf’s tooth. “The point is, we’re leaving the Caern. I’m rebuilding the packs and we’re scattering. One last mission for us all and we are gone for good. I came to say goodbye and to bring you a gift.” At that he held out a small mirror. “ This is a communication fetish, all the packs have one. If we hear anything of Shaitan or Jasmine, we will inform you.”

Adam was stunned; some of these wolves were friends. Hell, one was practically a brother in law. Speaking of “What about Steve. I would think he would want to see Andrea before he left.” “Yeah me too, but what do I know? He got on a plane to Japan with Warpath this morning. He said he’s going after someone named Nishi Oka. You heard of him?”

All Modius received was silence.


August 29th 1998 Nagasaki, Japan

“Great Gaia, this place is foul Steve! He better be here, if I find out you drug me to this Wyrm-ridden cesspool as a joke I’m going to hurt you bad.” Steve cracked a grin, in the old days a crack like that would have had them fighting like cubs. Damn but I’m getting old, he thought. “Look Warpath, you heard that Asian vampire. He said Nishi’s training ninja here. If it’s true we’ll find him and get the answers we need.”

“Then he dies right?”

“Or we do, I fought this guy before. He beat my ass, that’s why I wanted you with me. Hopefully we can do what no one else has been able to. No matter what though, our job is to find out where Shaitan is and tell Adam. If it gets bad, you leave. Screw the glory and honor, no one will sing about our victory if we’re dead.”

“Spoken like a Shadow Lord Steve. You would make them proud.”


December 25th 1998 Enoch, The Shadowlands

“Dam it Des! Carter has my city! What was so important I had to come here? You know I hate the Shadowlands.” “Your likes and dislikes do not concern me little vampire. You are here because I want you here. That should be enough. Now if you are calm I shall explain. Something is happening in the physical world and it is much bigger than St. Louis at the moment. Gideon is making things difficult out there for my work. Here his wraith abilities cannot affect us. Since his bones were taken from my possession here I have no hold on him. You’re job is to find them. Only someone in the Black Hand could take them from me. The people who wish me ill are not few, but I’m sure you can find them. Deborah will be made available for you. Find those bones, once Gideon’s out of the picture everything else will work out.”

    “Are you sure that’s Enoch, Gideon?” Rupert asked, “ It just looks like another island to me.” “My body is buried in there Rupert. I can feel the pull of my own fetters you know. That’s Enoch all right. Are you sure you can find it again?” “I’m a ferryman Gideon, I can find anything. You know what you’re risking if the Hierarchy approves this mission? That fetter is gone.” “It’s worth it as long as I get him. It’s all worth it.” Gideon smiled, “Merry Christmas you son of a bitch!”


February 2nd 1999 Nagasaki, Japan

Warpath looked at the mounds of ash laying about him. “How many more of these goons is he going to send? He’s got to know all he’s doing is killing off his students.” Steve was busy searching the clothes, all that’s left of the twenty plus assassins who attacked them. “He does” Steve said, removing a note from one of the pockets “This is where we’ll find him. It’s a trap of course, but it’s our only shot left.” Warpath couldn’t be happier “It’s about Gaia damned time. Let’s finish this. When the Ahroun moon is up, we’ll take Nishi Oka down.”


February 14th 1999 Stygia, The Shadowlands

The Centurion was amazed at these reports. Vampires and mages acting in concert here in the Shadowlands! How dare they! But the truth is here; this Gideon has compiled way too much evidence to deny. And his request! Normally it would not even be considered, there are only two. But judging by the power of the people involved it is the only sure way. “And you’re sure you want to be there?” “Absolutely, I want to see everything he worked for ruined! I’ll gladly face Oblivion for it.” “Well it has been approved, we will begin gathering the equipment for the campaign. By July, this Black Hand will be destroyed.”


February 15th 1999 St. Louis MO

Finally after all this time, the mirror glowed. Adam was amazed to see the face of Warpath reflected there. “Hey Adam! I got it! Steve died fighting Nishi Oka but at least he took him out! Shaitan is laying low in India. I found a note from him here; after I got one of his ninjas to read it to me I called you. Apparently he’s found where some Antidelusion thing is near Bangledeath. I don’t know what it means but I killed him anyway.” Adam didn’t grin this time. “It’s Bangladesh, and it’s serious. Alert all the other packs you can. This can’t wait, I’ll meet you in India.”


March 15th 1999 Cairo, Egypt

Nos FO Suroh sat waiting patiently while Serena yammered on about every boring thing that caught her feeble little mind. Of all the people Gideon could choose, he thought, he picks this annoying little software programmer. Suddenly she stopped midsentence and began to twitch ever so slightly. “Finally, what took so long?” “Hey you can get in big trouble for possession over there, I have to be careful.”

    “Whatever, did you find the location?”

   “Sure did. The legion let me see them yesterday. I’ll e-mail you the location and blueprints tonight. Remember you can’t move till we are in route to Enoch, but if you can get it it’s all yours. Why do you want it anyway?”

   “Classified, let’s just say it’s a favor.”

   “That’s cool. I’m too close to care why you’re helping but I appreciate it.”

   “No problem, what about Haley?”

   “ She’s in position there. Desmere has no idea she took the body, there is too much evidence blaming his other winged flunkies.”

    “ And with their removal goes a huge part of their defenses. Very neat.”

    “Well, being dead, it’s not like I don’t have time. It took a while but I think I learned patience.”

   “It looks like all our business will be concluded soon. It has been interesting Gideon”

   “Yeah it has. Good luck. And tell the circle of Orpheus hi.”


   “What?” Serena asked.

   “Never mind”


March 20th 1999 Bangladesh

Dana has never seen anything like this. These werewolves just decimated her entire temple. Her beautiful Daughters of Cacophony choir was ash; her Dominated congregation was dead. Shaitan will not be pleased.

“He’s the least of your worries bitch.” She heard in her mind. “Now you tell us where he is and you’ll die quick. Don’t and I feed you to the wolves.”

“He’s moving through the small southern villages, looking for something. It’s dense jungle there, millions of people between us. You’ll never get to him in time”

“Not your problem”

Adam waved his hand in front of her, and Dana burst into flame. She burned quickly but he was sure it felt like an eternity to her. After all, that’s what Time magic is for.

“So?” Modius asked.

“South. She was right; India has too many people to initiate an investigation. So we stay together and use all our strength. If you smell your leeches take them down. We don’t have time to sort innocent and guilty.”

Adam looked at his team; Warpath, Modius, Bloodclaw, Bloodscream, Erich, War Machine, Casey, Freedom Windwalker, and Chavez.

Death is coming.


April 30th 1999 Enoch

   “Have you found anything yet?”

   “Not yet, Desmere. Haley is sure it is one of the Gargoyles that were brought here. It’s just a question of finding out which.”

    “What do you think Deborah? Is she doing her absolute best?”

    “ I think so, sir. Her attention to detail is incredible; none of them do anything without her awareness. One of them will move for the body to remove the evidence, then we will have them.”

    “All the same kill a few, as an example. With some incentive they may turn on themselves and speed things up.”

    “I’ll handle it, sir”


May 15th 1999 Greece, The Circle of Orpheus

    “Nos I am impressed. Not only did you locate a weapon we can use from the Shadowlands, you arranged a military action far enough away that their security will be diminished.”

    “Thank you sir. If I may; now that I have done it, what are our intentions?”

    “Of course, here are the plans. Read them at your leisure. I’m sure the prospect will pique your curiosity.”

    Nos hung himself that very night.


June 2nd 1999 India

   “If you don’t mind me saying so pop, we need to speed it up.”

   “I’m killing them as fast as I can Bloodclaw. And don’t call me Pop.”

    “I’m just saying, if there is a pack of Spiral Dancers nearby, these fomori are giving them time to vamoose.”

    “Well then smartass. Do something about it.”

    Modius whirled to get an answer and Bloodclaw was gone. “Damn.”


3 days later

“Well Adam, the boy’s on their tale all right.”

 “How soon?”


 As night fell they silently approached the Spiral Dancer camp. It was a large pack and some of the Garou were injured that night. Fortunately none were killed. As much as it bothered Adam they would have to slow their pace. But that was all right, a Spiral talked. Shaitan is staying in a fishing village, with a girl matching Jasmine’s description. He’s close; he can feel it. Once again Adam stretches out his senses, trying to get a sense of direction, a stray thought, something.

   “Adam.” The thought came unbidden in his mind.

   “Who is this?”

   “We are bodhisattvas, the eldest of the Asian vampires. We knew of your coming and we came to help.”

   “You know about Shaitan?”

   “The child of Zau-Lot is not your problem. Can you see into the other realms?”

   “Of course”

   “Then look at the night sky.”

  Adam did so and saw it; a dull red star that was never there before. “What is it?”

   “A sign; one of many. The Reckoning is coming. The land stirs; our madmen scream and talk of the one who stirs under the earth. It is said you speak uncomfortable truth and it passes. You tell us what is happening.”

   “The Antediluvian is waking up.”


  June 5th 1999 Enoch

“Desmere, we got them.”

“Gideon’s bones? You’re sure?”

“Absolutely, I dug them up this morning.”

“And the thief?”

“Dealt with them.”

“ There was more than one?”

“ That’s what made it so difficult. They were covering for each other.”

“I see, how many did you kill?”

“All of them.”


June 30th 1999 Enoch

Gideon screamed in agony again. Desmere can be unrelenting when it comes to torture. That’s fine; he can take it. This way he is front and center for this. It’s worth it.


June 30th 1999 India

Here he is face to face with his strongest opponent ever, and all Adam can think about is what’s coming.

The Asian vampires brought him here to end this matter forever and then walked away. Strange bunch, but who’s he to talk? But now it’s time to finish it. The pack is holding it’s own, giving him time to try his most difficult spell ever. He spent a long time working this out. Before Adam was willing to risk a vulgar blowout; not now. He is finishing his last weaving as Modius crashes into a tree nearby. “Anytime Adam.” he shouts, shaking his head.

“Did you get it?’

“Right here.” Says Modius, handing Adam a chunk of scalp.

“Perfect. Here we go.” Adam already had all the other hair samples from the others. He began the chant while throwing the hair in the fire. The world shimmered just slightly, like pushing through water, and he was done.

“Did we just go sideways?” asks Bloodclaw.

“Oh yeah.” Says Adam as a fiery aura begins to burn around him. “You guys can stop now. He’s mine.”

 Jasmine opens her eyes, and has no idea where she is. These other vampires with her seem as confused as her. What is happening?



July 1st 1999 India

The Umbra is burning, thinks Modius. Nothing can survive that. Adam set off a set of explosions like he’s never seen before. Off in the distance storm clouds are emerging. That will help. “Hey Modius, those clouds are alive!” Modius stops to take a second look and for the first time the Get of Fenris feels fear. “Fuck me.” What appeared as clouds is a swarm of Banes, the largest ever.

“The monsters awake” he hears behind him. Modius turns to see Adam standing beside him. “The sun is being blotted out of the sky.”

“So he can move in daylight you mean. What do you suggest?”

“ We fight like we never have before. Let’s at least see if we can hurt the fucker before we die.”

“You would make a great Garou Adam.”


July 2nd 1999 Enoch

“Desmere!” Deborah shouts, bursting in on his thoughts.

“ This better be good girl. You know I do not enjoy intrusions”

“Something’s wrong. All the Ravnos began slaughtering each other last night. The Malkavians are crazier than ever. They’re saying the Ravnos Antediluvian is awake in India. What do we do?”

“Stay calm, Deborah. Help restrain the dangerous ones for now. We are the chosen people of the Antediluvians. We shall stay and observe for a while. All the same get our spell of return ready should it be necessary.”


Deborah rushed to her quarters to get the sacred dagger and ingredients. As she entered, she discovered her room has been ransacked. All her magical components were gone! Rushing out, Deborah slams right into Haley.

“Deborah, what’s the matter?”

“My room was robbed. Everything’s gone! We have to warn him!”

As Deborah pushes past her, she felt a sharp pain in her back. Reaching behind her she pulls back her hand soaked in blood.

“There’s your knife back bitch.”


July 3rd 1999 Iteration X headquarters Washington DC

“Sir Priority one transmission. Code Ragnarok acknowledged in India. Request Confirmation?”

“Of course we need confirmation.” Dave Marschak replied. Not good he thought, Ragnarok is a doomsday deploy. One he designed for the most serious of threats. Already he moved all satellites into position to view it himself. Two hours later confirmation came, and Dave knew, finally he made the right decision coming to IT-X. He may very well be saving the world. He pressed the button.



“Adam, we are losing places to retreat to.”

“I know Modius, but we have to give the Asian vampires time. They’ve taken the fight to him, but we have to keep away the distractions.”

“Distractions! This is a full scale invasion.”

Adam watches as Casey and Warpath fall beneath the swarm of nexus crawlers. Damn, his friends are dying around him, and he knows if that’s the worst, they are getting off lucky. Then Bloodclaw and Bloodscream fall, torn to pieces by the Ravnos vampires, coming to their lord, offering their blood to make him stronger.

“Modius, War Machine has fallen. We must move back!” shouts Erich, battle-axe smeared in red and black gore.

Then Adam feels it; a change in the measure of Forces around him. Looking up and using Correspondence, he sees it. An orbital platform, releasing a rain of neutron missiles, saturating the area.

“Time to go!”



Desmere is confused; people usually talk after this long a torture session. And now, today, when he’s sure Gideon will break, Gideon begins to laugh at him!

“And what, is so humorous?”

“I suppose I can tell you now, Des. Seeing as how you will die today.”

Desmere very nearly smiled at that. He’s gone mad. Of course. He should have seen it coming. “And why am I to die today?”

“Because you’ve been set up. Haley took my body. Your investigation was used as an excuse to kill your most loyal followers, the Gargoyles. On top of that I informed the Hierarchy about your little ghostly island here. They will be here any moment.”

“I see two flaws, first why did Haley give me your body? She knew with your fetter I could capture you and torture you. Two, What makes you think your wraiths can harm us?”

“One, Haley was supposed to return my body to avoid suspicion. I’m here to watch you die, plain and simple. Two, the wraiths know they may not win a long war with you; too many would get away regardless. But certain items in the living world manifest here when they are destroyed. If enough people think about them or they hold a special meaning they may still function. Oh is that a WWII bomber I hear?

Care to know what the payload is Desmere? Two words; Fat Man!”

  Desmere ran like never before. If he can reach Deborah, they were gone. As he entered the room and saw the body he knew it was bad.

“Want to know how much I hate you Des?” Whirling about, he saw Haley supporting Gideon’s Ghostly frame. “I needed to make sure you were dead. I mean gone. Not even as a ghost. So while Fat Man lands here. A group an associate of mine belonged to stole Little Boy. You see, they are a curious bunch; they like to experiment. They have decided to drop their Little Boy on the Labyrinth! When that fucker breaks there will be a ghost storm unlike any before. It should be enough to rip us all to pieces.”

 Desmere wanted to respond; he just didn’t have time.


July 4th 1999 India

Modius brought up his lunch again. That damn teleport trick of Adams hurts like hell. To make it worse, Chavez didn’t go. Can an immortal survive an attack of that magnitude? If he did will he be radioactive?

Modius quit thinking about it, it didn’t help. If he were alive they would find him. They came back to this blighted hellhole this morning after Adam worked up something for radiation. The death toll will reach at least a million people. Adam said the Technocracy is already working to cover it up, some story about a tropical storm and severe flooding. The overhead sky will help that. That is what worried Adam though.

Neutron bombs don’t cause ash in the sky; it kills people but leaves the site intact. Which means that thing may still be here.

 Adam is still wincing from the pain, too much vulgar magic in too short a time. One more stunt and the Paradox may blow. He should have brought Tom, his familiar. Oh well, no time and we have to be quick. Soon the Techno’s will be here to clean up. He looks up to see a figure moving his way. Horribly burnt, skin black and cracking in the heat, the figure moves his way. At first Adam thinks it could be Chavez till it speaks. “ Hungry, so Hungry, you are a start little men.”

   Modius, Erich, and Freedom went to Crinos and jumped into it. The first shot went to Modius, his hammer releasing a blast of thunder as it struck. Freedom lodged his claws into its stomach as Erich slammed his axe down, shattering it on the creature’s head.

 Then something happened, a twitch of movement from the monster. All three wolves went flying, crashing hard into the ground. Adam blinked and the thing was on him, teeth in his throat. Adam knew he would die here if he didn’t move fast. Summoning his avatar, he changed his blood to acid. The creature tore off, screaming. Looking at each other Adam knew it would have to be all or nothing, one last big effect to end it.

He conjured sunlight.

The creature screamed as the rays struck him, desperately it looked for a place to hide. It may have found something if Modius hadn’t thrown his hammer flush in the monster’s face, bowling it over. Simultaneously both the monster and Adam screamed as the 4th of July and the Reckoning began with two explosions.

Modius spent all day searching, but there was no sign of Adam. Finally the three wolves did the Howl of Mourning for their friends and family they lost.

Modius looked at Freedom and Erich and decided maybe, just maybe, St. Louis needed a few good wolves after all. They were going home. Adam said there was some new uppity leech prince in town. Let’s see how good he is.


The Umbra

Watching the three wolves leave made him happy. The paradox had hurt so bad he had to step sideways. However, something’s wrong in the Umbra. When crossing it felt like a million daggers going through his soul. Not to mention the sounds, like a million voices screaming in agony. He doesn’t dare return, the pain would be too much, and it may kill him. At least the others made it and he did what he set out to do. Well he might as well do some exploring as long as he’s stuck here. Maybe the Deep Umbra….








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