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[Providers of T1, DSL, and Dial-up Internet Access as well as affordable web-hosting.]
[Currently working on releasing a new line of computer games]
WyldeStorm Internet Services is owned and operated by WyldeStorm, Inc.

~*~ Here is a current list of employees at WIS ~*~

Brad McQueen
[General Manager/Systems Engineer]
Riley Coleman Shogun [Systems Engineer - Technical Support]
Clifford Sykes Crack [Software Engineer]
Rico Ambrusso Plague [Sales Representative/Software Engineer]
Sang Bhat I-Spy [Systems Engineer - Technical Support]
Simone DuBois Fate [Sales Representative/Software Engineer]
Amir Qaadir Cyber-A [Systems Engineer - Technical Support]
Morton Pheeney Lady Killer [Software Engineer]

Ghosts in the Machine


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