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[Ahroun, Wendigo Werewolf]
Vital Stats: DOB-May 8, 1976; 6'6"; 266 lbs.; Brown Hair; Brown Eyes]
Born near Dear Lake Sioux Reservation, Saskatchewan, Canada]
Rhythm Guitar/Vox/Writer and Co-founder of the band FaithKeeper]
Currently the Technical Supervisor for WyldeStorm Productions]
Currently working towards a double Masters degree in Music Theory & Classical Spanish Guitar from Julliard]

Wife: Jess Windwalker
Date of Marriage:  August 29, 1999 by Rabbi Finneas Hanrahan
Children:  Magnus Samuel Windwalker (DOB-08/29/1999)
Anna Caitlyn Windwalker (DOB-08/26/2001)
Best Friend: Valentine Ferris

Freedom was born to Frank & Louisa Windwalker on a very poor reservation, approximately 2 hours north of MooseJaw, Saskatchewan, Canada.  His father was a coal miner and his mother took up odd jobs, mainly as a seamstress.  When Freedom was about 8 years old, his father died of lung cancer from working all those years in the mines.  Shortly thereafter, his mother had a nervous breakdown and began drinking very heavily.  She also began to treat Freedom very badly, cussing him out and acting as if it were his fault that his father had died.

A couple of years later, Louisa was driving home drunk and crashed head-on into another drunk driver.  Both his mother and the other driver were instantly killed.  Luckily for Freedom, his best friend Edward Red Crow's mother was fond of Freedom and took him in as one of her own and raised him until he was about 14 years of age.  At that time in his life, Freedom felt that he could not take another day living on the reservation and ran away to the U.S. in search of a new life, never looking back.

Freedom found odd jobs here and there, but his main interest was playing his guitar.  He practiced anytime he had a spare moment.  He lived with friends, mostly, and moved around a lot.  Within a few years, Freedom was a pretty good, self-taught, rhythm guitarist.  He played in a few small-time bands which brought him to St. Louis, where he stumbled upon a club, known as "The Raven", owned by Adam Ravenoff.  Adam had a wealth of knowledge and contacts.  One of those contacts being Sammi Lynn Wylde, founder of the band, River City Angels.  Freedom mentioned to Adam that he'd like to form a band and if he knew of anyone that could help him.  Adam introduced him to Sammi and what a fine introduction it was.  Sammi was the key he needed to start on the road to musical success.

~ More to come ~



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