Recent Updates

Below is the most recent update to this site.

4-6-2002 - Yet another update. I'm now obsessively determined to get this thing totally fixed up. I added many new images... most by me, sadly enough. I'm also getting sick of the main index site, so I may change it... soon... hmmm... I also added an image to the section of "important people"...

4-5-2002 - Been a while. Long while. There is a reason for this... I nearly gave up on gaming altogether. Of course, the first thing that would be sacrificed would be Zane... hence the long-ass time between updates. I saw no reason to update, if I wasn't going to play him again, you know. At any rate, I've not given up entirely, but I have had my faith in White Wolf's online games shaken to the foundation. Thus, the fairly decently big update here. First, I edited the Side 7 bio so it's actually at least partially correct. Then, I added a new [well, okay, actually old but not usually seen] Description to his ever-growing list of DDs. Then, I re-did his char sheet so that is is also at least mostly accurate. I added Bane O' Humanity to Zane's list of important people. I updated his oppinions as well. Someday, I'll get around to updating his History and adding stuff to his gallery of pics... mhurr. Right now, I'm just semi-supprised Zane is still an active character. Seriously... you have no idea how close I came to either retiring or just killing him off... mweh. Ah well. It turned out okay I guess. Oh, I need to remind myself to update all of his various DDs... since he's changed a bit... grrr... ah well. One thing at a time... or at least not too many one things at a time, eh? me, I'm lonely!

2-7-2002 - I merely added tw new quotes, the revised opinions sheet, a new DD [the Wretched one] and... well... his character sheet is just cursed. As far as his char sheet, I've been snakebit from day one... I totally forgot the "Physical, Mental, Social" traits. So I added them. *sigh*

2-4-2002 - Not much... added a Link on the main site to the Spiral Dancer's website and chat room... and a few more quotes...

2-2-2002 - Well, it certainly has been a bit of a delay since my last update... I made up for it by making one HELL of an upate this time. Yes, I'm beginning to sound like someone who works overtime in the Department of Redundancy Department. SUE me, I'm TIRED. *sigh* Anyways... *DEEEEEP breath* I added about three new quotes, updated his character sheet so it's actually accurate, added a picture to the gallery by Zero 6ix, added a new description to the list, updated his Side 7 bio, deleted Christian from his Important People list, added Jarrod of Usher and Bastian Keith to that same list, deleted his Opinions section for renovation, and added a totally new section for Zane's very own comic strip called Bad moon. *pantpantpant* Okay... having said that... mweh. Sorry I haven't updated... for a while there I wasn't even certain that Zane would survive. Eh, characters do die, after all... Oh, and I think Freya updated her analysis. Yeah. Next time, I'll add a section devoted to the Spiral Dancer hive... we have our own HTML chat room! Wooooo!

1-2-2002 - Happy New Year, folks. I haven't updated in a while, as you can see... this is due to a fairly bad time in my life. Mweh. Anyways, I have some fun new stuff updated... I added a quote or two to the quotes list... Zane's char sheet is under renovation, again... and there are two more pics of Zane in the gallery! One is by Kassie, who was part of Side 7's Secret Santa Art Trade. It's a Christmasy pic of Zane! The other is by an ungodly talented artist named Adelle Crowe, or Psycrowe. I'm so happy!

12-10-2001 - Well, cxross you're fingers, folks... I've submitted Zane's site to the Dark Spiral, in the hopes that this little character reference site will become a sanctioned fansite of White Wolf. Mweh... I hope it gets approved...

12-8-2001 - Little update. Added a new Description plus two new quotes.

11-26-2001 - Just added a new Description... Christian, Zane's Domitor, used Vicissitude to Fleshcraft Zane into the appearance of a six-year-old child...

11-24-2001 - Added many banners to the Links section. Hopefully, peoples will put my banner up on their sites as well. Mweh...

11-22-2001 - Happy Thanksgiving, folks... and guess what! Zane's site has been listed on a Webring!!! Yay... I smile! Heh... I listed a NEW Link thing JUST for webrings under the Demon Cougar Approved Links... and while I'm at it, I'd like to thank Sidney and Sam for all their help. They run the Hell Awaits portal, which I myself use... it's the ONLY portal, as far as I am concerned. Sam not only helped me join his webring, but when I screwed up the HTML and so forth, he did it for me. I owe ya, man! Everybody? Go to his portal! It rocks!!! And check out his webring!!!

11-17-2001 - I added a DD to Zane's list, and updated each and every one of Zane's DDs, because he got three new tattoos. These tattoos aren't visible in all outfits, though... heh...

11-15-2001 - Well, that'll teach me to use 'Copy and Paste' and then not proofread things... oy... I updated Zane's Character Sheet, since it was inaccurate... and to further satisfy those number-crunching stat-whores, I'm gonna make an "experience point log" so that it can no longer be said that I give m'self points too often... my basic standard is, for every eight hours of RP I get a point of experience. People keep claiming I spend more than I have, which I don't, but since they are as of yet unconvinced, I'll have my point log up come Friday night, I hope... and so, as I have said before, to all you number-intensive freaks, there have fun and stop bothering me dammit!!! Go away and let me roleplay in peace!!!

11-11-2001 - Wow, two updates in one day... I moved the Zane Related Quotes from his Side 7 bio to the main site... mweh...

11-11-2001 - Updated the Links section... didn't really add anything except a banner link thing about this site... and... and... IT IS FINALLY COMPLETE!!! Freya, you'll be SO proud of me, I finally finished Zane's history!!! Wheeeeeee my hands hurt!! *giggles* Jippi yey yey, char history COMPLETE!!! Now all I gotta do is type out a quick run-down on Zane's thought processes... hmmm...

11-10-2001 - Added two pictures by me to the Zane gallery. I feel so anti-climatic today, updating so very little compared to yesterday's monster of an update...

11-9-2001 - Well... I bet you noticed something different when you accessed my site, right? Yeah... I got sick of the shitty organization... or lack thereof, really. It was just... annoying me too much. I mean, sure, this site was originally just gonna be a place for Zane's DD and a few random facts, plus a character sheet, but... now... there's so much more!!! I mean... I added so much, and it was all just so damn random... no real organization whatsoever... so I sat down and did some serious finger-workout typing, and prettymuch re-did the layout of the whole damn page... plus I added way more stuff that I bet you expected... no, sorry Freya, I still haven't finished that last year of life history. I'm workin' on it, I am I am I am, really. I'll get it done before the weekend is out, I hope... if not, well, then I'll get it done soon, I swear. Anyways, this update, I added two big things: a character sheet and a page of opinions. The character sheet is for those psychos who keep pestering me for numbers. So, for all you number-intensive freaks, there have fun and stop bothering me dammit!!! Secondly is a bit of fun made for Freya, just 'cause I knew she'd like it. Heh... it's basically a list of Zane's oppinions on the other creatures of the WoD... I just love his oppinion about vampires... mweh... I also added a Disclaimer and a © info tidbit. In other words, WoD is © White Wolf, don't steal from them or they'll kill us all... Zane is © Demon Cougar, don't steal him 'cause he might bite ya and he's poisonous... and there's no known antivenom for poisinous homosexual blond ghouls with one eye... heh... fun fun fun. Okay... on another note, I added a picture to Zane's gallery... the much-awaited picture by... none other than... SPIKE JONES!!! Wheeeeeeeee!!! Spike is the player of Zane's Domitor, Christian, and I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say she's just about the most talented person I know of. *nodnods* Go see the pic! I loves it! Yay... I feels so damn special... *purr* ...I feel so loved... got an analysis from Freya and a piccie from Spike... life is gooooood...

11-7-2001 - Added another year of history. Whew!

11-6-2001 - Firstly, I added a picture by Demon Cougar to the Zane Gallery... secondly, I added two more years to Zane's history, and kindof re-planned the layout of his history. I'm typing out his 19th year, and it is so damn long! I'm not even halfway through it, and it's already longer than several other years put together... thus, I decided to add yet another section to his history, and thus I declare the first four pages of history, from birth to his 19th birthday, complete. Now, all I gotta do is finish his 19th year, then type out the beginning of his current year of life: his 20th. Oh, on a side note... Zane has changed yet again. Posessed by one of the Banes he once commanded, Zane is now Fomor. I'll someday get around to updating all pertinent WoD info... be sure to check the Side 7 Character Biography for updates. Plus, be on the lookout... in the next week or so I'll have an actual banner! Isn't that FUN?!? No? Well, I think it is. Oh, and while you're at it, keep you're eye on Freya's analysis! She keeps updating it!!! Freya, on behalf of my fictional character Zane, I salute you!!! Oh, and sometime soon, I'll add Zane's character sheet... yes, there are *gag* numbers behind Zane... plus, I've got a list of Zane's opinions on other WoD creature types in the makings. Mweh...

11-1-2001 - Added a new image to Zane's archive, by Lindsay Ang; picture aquired via art trade. Go see!

10-31-2001 - Happy Halloween, everyone! Trick or treat, eh? Well, just this once, I'll give ya a treat... a BRAND NEW addition to this site, and for once, IT WASN'T ME WHO MADE IT!!! You have NO IDEA how happy I am. I just LOVE it when people give me Zane-related stuff... be it pictures, quotes, comments, or in this case, an analysis!!! Yep that's right, everyone's favorite Xenite, Freya Lorelei, has agreed to make an entire Zane-based analysis!!! I am VERY exited about this. You should go to her Cozy Poetry Nook and read her analysis of the film Labyrinth. And you thought it was just an adorable kid's film... hah! Shows how much YOU know! *snickers* Okay, I'm kinda hyper here, but can ya blame me? Besides, I haven't even finished typing out Zane's history yet... don't worry, Freya, I'll finish it ASAP so you can do more stuff with that analysis!!!

10-29-2001 - Well, Zane occasionally does wear other things... so I added a few more "descriptions" to his main DD page.

10-28-2001 - Added three new images to the Pictures of Zane gallery... nothing else, though...

10-21-2001 - Whoa, s'been a while, eh? Yeah, well, I moved... so I've not had time to update... I added a year to his history... his sixteenth year of life, to be exact... plus, I had to completely re-do the images page. Several images just aren't there any more... that's 'cause I'm having to re-upload each and every image, one at a time, and it's taking me a LONG time. However, I added a few new ones... ones that I have drawn, plus a few that people have drawn for me... okay, that's it for now... I'm gonna try and get the rest of the images back up, plus another year of history... *crosses fingers* ...I'm getting to it, Freya, I am I am I am... honest...

9-25-2001 - Sketch of Zane and Damien Tynalie added to images.

9-21-2001 - Added a sketch by Demon Cougar [aka ME] to the gallery of Zane... and that's it. Sorry...

9-14-2001 - New graphic, a harpooned unicorn. I also got the "door" fixed...

9-12-2001 - Not much of an update... added a links page... and... uh... that's it.

9-9-2001 - Updated Zane's main image on the main page, plus added some art by myself [Demon Cougar] to Zane's picture gallery.

9-4-2001 - Nothing much... just a little re-arranging of the graphics of the main page, plus another five years of Zane's history. Only five more years to go... I swear it, I'll get it done soon! I'm moving to Chicago in a few weeks, so I'll try to get those five years finished before I move. If I get really ambitious, I might just get it done by the end of the week... mweh... maybe.

8-29-2001 - Well, folks, I've got good news, and bad news. The good news is that we have a new picture of Zane in the Gallery, by the artist Kotaishi Tribal! Go see it! The bad news is I had to put up an OOC warning. Let's face it, folks, this website is mainly OOC [out of character] information, and should be treated as such. I find it very distressing that I had to put up such a warning, 'cause it says that there are still roleplayers out there who can't tell the difference between what they know and what their character knows. Oh, and I also finally got off my darn lazy arse and added two more years onto the History of Zane. *whew* Big update, eh?

8-28-2001 - Heh... just added a link to a NEW gallery of Zane pictures... of him NUDE! *snickers* Yes, I am evil, why do you ask? I also added a few tidbits to the First Ten Years of Zane's life...

8-25-2001 - Well, I sifted through the whole site changing "Freiden" to "Tynalie" since his last name has been changed... and added a "deceaced" section to the People Important to Zane list...

8-24-2001 - Updated Zane's written description, adding his new piercing and his ring.

8-22-2001 - I have no life, so I'm updating again. I added a link to this, the Recent Additions and Updates page, which I forgot to do before... and we have new art; a picture of Zane by artist Kay Dougan has been added to the Zane Gallery.

8-21-2001 - Wow, an upate two days in a row! Character gallery added; pictures by Laguna Loire, Torakhan, and Demon Cougar added.

8-20-2001 - Added a list of people important to Zane, the first ten years of the character's history, and set up a page for art pertaining to Zane. Lots of new stuff, eh?

8-16-2001 - Well, it took me a while [around 6 months; yes, I am a procrastinator, why do you ask?] but I finally got this site up and running, so to speak.

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