Zane Marcus Tynalie Character Website

This website is a small slice of hell dedicated to my White Wolf roleplaying character, Zane Marcus Tynalie. It is essentially a source of information on the little one-eyed freak; contained herein you will find everything from Zane's life history to the clothes he wears, plus so much more. Have I scared you yet? Wether you're answer is yes or no, it's time to get started.

First thing's first...

Well, for starters, I may as well tell you who I am. My name is Kat, aka Demon Cougar, and I am webmistress of this site; I'm also the sadistic bitch who pulls Zane's strings. You can find out more about me in my artist biography at my Side 7 Artist Archive. Well, enough about me... this is a site dedicated to Zane, not Demon Cougar. So, the next obvious question is...

Who is Zane Marcus Tynalie?

Simple answer: He's my bizzare little character whom I roleplay as on the HTML chats at the Official White Wolf Homepage. Complex answer? Well, you'll have to sift through the rest of the site for that, now, won't you. I don't feel that I'm bragging when I say that he's one of the most complex and detailed characters that the HTML chats at White Wolf has ever seen.

Kills-Hope's Lair

Yes that's right, the Spiral Dancers of Necropolis now have their own [as of yet] little website and their own chat room and settings! WHEEE!

Black Spiral Dancers


...enough of the candy coated outside. Time to get to the good stuff in the middle. But first... you should check to see what was added the last time I got off my lazy ass and updated this page.

Recent Additions

[be warned]

I never thought it would come to this, but please be aware that the contents of this website is mostly OOC [out of character] information only. If, for example, you read his life's history, then you've read his life history. That doesn't mean you're character knows jack shit about Zane... please use some common sense. Thank you.

Character Sheet

Well, they always say to begin at the beginning. Like most characters, Zane began as a simple idea, a basic concept. And then, came the character sheet. Zane's character sheet is kinda iffy... he's a combination of two flavors of critter: he's ghouled Spiral Dancer kinfolk.

Zane Tynalie Character Sheet

[be warned]

I issue this as an offhand disclaimer: this character sheet is unapproved for any of the actual games on White Wolf. Zane is merely an "unofficial" character... he isn't approved for the Darqness game or anything, he merely is. Which is good enough for me.

Side 7 Biography

Just a quick-and-dirty run-down on Zane.

Side 7 Character Biography

Zane Tynalie Character History

To forget the past is to become doomed to repeat it. Those very words, although meant as advice for a country, work just as well for a roleplaying character. Where a character is from, the life they led... their past experiences should help guide their future actions. Characters without a past are boring indeed... please be aware that this character history is meant for audiences that are 18 years of age or older. Reader discretion is advised.

The Life of a Pet I; birth to 6th birthday
The Life of a Pet II; 6th birthday to 11th birthday
The Life of a Pet III; 11th birthday to 16th birthday
The Life of a Pet IV; 16th birthday to 19th birthday
The Life of a Pet V; 19th birthday to 20th birthday
The Life of a Pet VI; 20th year of life, part I
The Life of a Pet VII; 20th year of life, part II

[under construiction; not yet complete]

Zane Tynalie Descriptions/Appearances

Although you should never judge a book by it's cover, it's always a good idea to take a good look anyways. These are merely the many ways which Zane might look; basically, these are written descriptions of Zane. What Zane wears is often an indication of how he feels and the way he wants to be treated.

"Pack Alpha;" dominace and Zane rarely fit in the same sentence, but when they do, watch out...
"Chaos' Brat;" every once in a while, Zane does strive to look somewhat normal...
"Christian's Child;" Fleshcrafted to look like a six-year-old, Zane looks like a small child...
"Omega Fucktoy;" 'submissive' is the name of the game, and this is the uniform that goes with it...
"Christian's Ghoul;" the clothes he wears [or lack thereof] to impress Christian...
"Goth Boi;" a good way to shock people into leaving him alone...
"Slick Bastard;" [new] an outfit that reminds him of the time he spent with Danny...
"Neutral Bitch;" [Standard Description]
"Starving Kid;" Fleshcrafted to look like a six-year-old, Zane's health is slipping due to starvation...
"Love-Starved Whore;" misery loves company... and attention... and affection...
"Pathetic Wretch;" everything about him screams of pain and suffering...

Zane Tynalie Images

Written descriptions are all fine and dandy, but to actually see what Zane looks like...? These are galleries devoted to Zane; some pictures are by myself, Demon Cougar, while several are from other artists. They were aquired via commission, request, gift, or exchange.

Zane Tynalie Gallery

Zane Tynalie Character Analysis

As the title says, this is an analysis about the fictional roleplaying character Zane Marcus Tynalie; it has been written by my good friend Freya, to whom I am eternally grateful!

Freya's Analysis of Zane
[not complete; under construction]

Incidentally, you should definitely check out Freya's Cozy Poetry Nook... tons of fun! And you should definitely check out her analysis of the movie Labyrinth while you're at it... and you thought it was just a children's film, you stupid person you!

Bad Moon

Well, it had to happen... Zane stars in his own comic strip, titled Bad Moon. Mostly humorous, some of them are semi-serious and offer a rather unusual glimpse of Zane's way of thinking, not to mention his bizare speech patterns, It is updated as often as I make them... in other words, it's an ongoing project.

Bad Moon

People Important to Zane

Zane once commented that he doesn't live for the sake of living, but instead he lives for the people he considers to be family. This is merely a listing of people whom Zane cares about more than anyone else...

Damien Tynalie Zane's husband
Syna [aka Wolf] Zane's friend and companion
Bane O' Humanity Zane's Domitor
Troy Dante Zane's friend and former lover
Jarrod of Usher Zane's friend and "Master"


I feel the need to explain something here. This list isn't a casual list of people Zane is friends with, this is a record of the people Zane would forfeit his own life to defend and protect. Put bluntly, these are folks who Zane would willingly, nay, gladly take a bullet for. If you're character isn't listed here, don't flip out and send me lengthy hostile emails... Zane may love you're character like a brother or sister, but he probably isn't willing to die for them, thus I saw no need to put them here. If I were to list all of Zane's friends... it would be a HUGE list. Actually, I might have to do that sometime anyways, for the sake of Freya's analysis, but... well... this isn't just a run-of-the-mill list, these are people Zane believes in the depths of his soul to be worth the ultimate self-sacrifice for. Given that Zane fears death very much, it says a lot about how he feels for these people, since he would be more than willing to die for them.

Zane Tynalie Opinions
Zane has a lot of contact with all manner of strange and bizzare beasties in the World of Darkness, and he's willing to share a little of what he's learned...

The Words of a Pet
[be warned]

I once again feel the need to explain something... just because Zane says something about such-and-such certainly doesn't mean it's true. Don't send me lengthy hostile emails telling me that I know jack shit about vampires because, say, for example, you read Zane's opinions and Zane says that Tzimisce are kind and gentle. Yeah, you and I know that Tzimisce tend to be vicious baby-eating body-altering monsters, but that certainly doesn't mean that Zane knows that. These are his opinions, and they are thus VERY subjective.

Zane Tynalie Quotes
Just a list of quotes by and about Zane... some are from Zane himself, but most are quotes from other characters. It gives a glimpse into how other characters see Zane...

Spoken Words about a Pet

Links to Relates Sites
Pretty self-explanatory, if you asked me. Not that anyone did, mind you...

Demon Cougar Approved Links

Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

Webring Links
List of Webrings that Zane's site is listed on; obviously, they're likely to be WoD related.

Disclaimer and Copyright Information
Yep, you knew I had to have a disclaimer... and for security reasons, I also added some copyright info.

Inevitable Disclaimer and Copyright Stuff

If for any reason you feel the need to contact me, Webmistress Demon Cougar, please feel free to use the email link below. Please bear with me, I am a busy person, I can't answer all email the second it arrives... it might take me a while to get around to it. Just be patient... I will reply eventually.
