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Update : 06/11/2003, 21:23 pm

"Bye, Bye, Tomius"

Unfortunately Tomius has left adventures. Hopefully he might still let us host his games but he is no longer staff. Good luck Tomius!

Updated by : Elliot Gerred


Update : 02/11/2003, 21:23 pm

"New Look!" has gone with a new look! This page was designed for screen resolution "1024x768" and may not work properly for "800x600". If you like our new look please post what you think on Coments On Website in our forum.

Updated by : Elliot Gerred


Update: 27/10/2003, 18:04 pm

"Website Colors"

"Now you can choose the color you want for Adventures Games! Just type the color you want before adventuresgames. E.g. or We will inform you if there are anymore.

Updated by : Elliot Gerred


Update: 18/10/2003, 14:19 pm

"Quest For The Mystic Stone, Release Date"

After some thought Quest for the Mystic Stone will be released at the end of February.

Updated by : Elliot Gerred


Update: 21/08/2003, 09:44 am

"Website Update"

The website can now be reached at as well as With the there will be no adds. Please update your favourites.

Updated By: Elliot Gerred


Update: 18/08/2003, 21:37pm

"Project Turtle Release Date"

I have worked out a schedule and after careful consideration I have decided the release Date for Project Turtle. This release date, however is the exact date the game will be released only if the game creation process runs smoothly and I don't encounter any problems.

Project Turtle will be released on the 1st of December 2003.

Updated by : Tomius J Barnard


UPDATE: 14/08/2003, 04.10 am.

" Launch!"

Today, we launched the adventures website. Here's a round-up of the websites current features:

Games: Here we will put our completed games.

In Progress: Here we will put our current projects that we are working on.

Extras: Here we will put extra stuff for your enjoyment.

Forum: Host your comments and ideas in the Forum.

Staff: Find out about the staff at Adventures.

Updated by: Tomius J Barnard, Alexis Gerred and Elliot Gerred