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                    < < < < < APPENDICES > > > > >

A. > > > > Complete Kit Descriptions

Fighter Kits:


This is a warrior who is in tune with his animalistic side and, during
combat, can achieve an ecstatic state of mind that will enable him to fight
longer, harder and more savagely than any human has a right to. Berserkers
tend to be barbarian-like in nature, but not always. Sometimes it is a
conscious choice that a warrior in training makes. Regardless, opponents on
the battlefield will be unsettled with they see the savage and inhuman
elements of the berserker's personality. This class is common amongst
dwarves, know to them as "battleragers."

- May use Enrage ability once per day per 4 levels. While enraged: +2 to
hit, +2 damage, -2 AC. The berserker at this time is immune to charm,
hold, fear, maze, imprisonment, stun and sleep. He also gains 15 hit
points while enraged. These hit points are temporary, and are taken away
at the end of his berserk spree, possibly killing the berserker.

- Becomes winded after berserking. While he's winded, he receives -2 to
hit, -2 to damage and a +2 penalty to AC.
- Cannot specialize in ranged weapons.


This warrior has been specially trained by his sect to excel in hunting and
attacking spellcasters of all kinds.

- For each successful hit on an opponent, 10% cumulative spell failure
penalty is applied.
- 4% magic resistance per level.

- May not use any magic items except for weapons and armor.


This class is also known as the Sword Saint, and consists of a warrior who
has been specially trained to be one with his sword. They are deadly and
fast and trained to fight without encumbrance.

- +1 to hit and +1 damage for every three levels.
- -2 bonus to AC.
- -1 bonus to speed factor for every 4 levels.
- May use Kai ability one time per day for every 4 levels (starts at 1st
level with one use). This ability lasts 10 seconds and makes all the
attacks do maximum damage.

- May not use missile weapons.
- May not wear armor.
- May not wear gauntlets or bracers.

Thief Kits:


This is a killer trained in discrete and efficient murder, relying on
anonymity and surprise to perform his task. Assassins must be of Evil or
Chaotic Neutral alignment.

- May coat his weapon in poison once per day per 4 levels. The next hit
with that weapon will inject the poison into the target, dealing out 1
damage per second for 24 seconds (3 damage for the first 6 seconds).
A saving throw vs. poison limits damage to 12 total.
- Bonus +1 to hit and +1 damage.

- Only 15 points per level to distribute on abilities.


This rogue is part acrobat, part swordsman, and part wit: the epitome of
charm and grace.

- Bonus +1 to AC.
- Another +1 to AC for every 5 levels.
- +1 to hit and damage every 5 levels.
- May specialize in any weapon that a thief can use
- May place three stars in two-weapon fighting style proficiency

- No backstab multiplier.


This is a hunter of men, skilled in tracking quarry and bringing them back
alive--whether for lawful authorities or underworld masters. Bounty Hunters
are specially trained at their task and make fearsome opponents. They have
honed their trap-making abilities well beyond that of the average thief.

- +15% to trap setting.
- He can lay special traps (other than the ones that all thieves receive).
The traps are more powerful than the typical thief trap, and the effect
varies according to the level. The effects are listed below:
- 1st: The trap deals out damage and slows the target (if save is
- 11th: The trap holds the target if a save is failed.
- 16th: The trap erects an Otiluke's Resilient Sphere around the target
(if a save is failed).
- 21st: The trap Mazes the target.

- Gets only 20 to distribute between thief abilities each level.

Ranger Kits:


The archer is the epitome of skill with the bow. He is the ultimate marksman,
able to make almost any shot, no matter how difficult. To become so skilled
with the bow, the archer has had to sacrifice some of his proficiency with
melee weapons and armor.

- +1 to hit and +1 to damage with any missile weapon for every 3 levels of
experience. TOB: at 18th level, bonuses slow to every 5 levels.
- Every 4 levels he gains the ability to make a called shot once per day.
When he activates this ability, any shot made within the next 10 seconds
is augmented in the following manner (according to the level of the
- 4th level: -1 to THACO of target
- 8th level: -1 to save vs magic of target
- 12th: -1 to strength of target
- 16th: +2 bonus to damage

- An archer can only become proficient in melee weapons; he may never
- An archer cannot wear any metal armor.


This ranger is a wanderer, and is not comfortable in civilized lands. He
maintains a natural affinity for animals; they are his friends and
comrades-in-arms, and the Beast Master has a limited form of telepathic
communication with them.

- +15% to stealth ability
- Enhanced spell ability with regard to the following spells:
- May cast the 4th level druid spell Animal Summoning I at 8th level.
- May cast Animal Summoning II at 10th level.
- May cast Animal Summoning III at 12th level.
- May cast Find Familiar (special abilities menu)

- Cannot use metal weapons (such as swords, halberds, hammers or morning


Stalkers serve as covert intelligence gatherers, comfortable in both
wilderness and urban settings. They are the spies, informants, and
interrogators, and their mastery of stealth makes them deadly opponents.

- +20% to stealth ability
- May backstab for a lesser amount than the thief class (level 1-8: x1,
level 9-16: x2, level 17+: x3)
- Has access to three mage spells at 12th level. They are Haste, Protection
from Normal Missiles and Minor Spell Deflection.

- May not wear armor greater than studded leather.

Cleric Kits:

TOB: All clerics at 25th level get a special ring from their god:
+1 STR
+5% Magic Resistance
extra 6th and 7th level spells.


Talos is the evil god of storms, destruction and rebellion. Clerics of the
Stormlord warn that Talos must be appeased or he will rain destruction upon
the land.

- May cast Lightning Bolt once per day per 5 levels of the caster (starts
at 1st level with one use).
- May cast Storm Shield once per day per 10 levels of the caster (starts at
1st level with one use). This spell lasts 6 seconds per level of the
caster. It protects the caster from lightning, fire, cold and normal

- None


Lathander is the good god of renewal, creativity and youth, and is celebrated
nearly everywhere. His followers are very popular throughout the Realms, and
there are numerous wealthy temples devoted to him.

- May cast Hold Undead once per day for every 5 levels of the caster
(starts at 1st level with one use).
- May cast Boon of Lathander once per day per 10 levels of the caster
(starts at 1st level with one use). This spell lasts for 6 seconds per
level of the caster. It gives the caster +1 to hit, +1 to damage, +1 to
all saving throws and gives the caster 1 extra attack per round. It also
protects the recipient from level drain.

- None.


Followers of the neutral God of Watchers and Protectors are warriors in their
own right and are often seen as defenders of the innocent.

- May cast True Sight once per day per 5 levels (starts at 1st level with
one use).
- May cast Seeking Sword once per day per 10 levels (starts at 1st level
with on use). This spell creates a sword in the player's hand (that
cannot be dropped or unequipped). The sword is +4 for purposes of
determining what it can hit (but this bonus does not apply to damage),
and it deals out 2-8 damage to any target it hits. The weapon sets the
number of attacks of the cleric to 3. It lasts for 1 round per level of
the caster. When equipped, the wielder cannot cast further spells.

- None.

Bard Kits:


The blade is an expert fighter and adventurer, whose bardic acting abilities
make him appear more intimidating and fearsome. His fighting style is flashy
and entertaining, but is also quite deadly.

- May use Offensive Spin and Defensive Spin abilities once per day per 4
levels. Offensive Spin lasts 24 seconds, granting the blade +2 to hit, +2
to damage, and an extra attack. As well, all of his attacks do maximum
damage for the duration. Defensive Spin lasts 24 seconds, roots him to
the spot, but gives -1 AC per level of experience. This armor class bonus
does not go over -10.
- May place three slots into two-weapon fighting style.

- Only has one-half normal Lore value.
- Only has one-half Pick Pockets percentage.
- Bard Song does not become better with levels.


This bard is well versed in the arts of ridicule and hilarity, and uses his
abilities to distract and confuse his enemies, cavorting madly during combat.

- Jester's song does not help allies. Instead, it affects every opponent
within 30 feet, and they must save vs. magic at +4 once per round or be

- None


This Nordic bard is also a warrior of great strength, skill and virtue. His
songs are inspiring sagas of battle and valor, and the skald devotes his life
to those pursuits.

- +1 to hit and +1 damage with all weapons.
- The skald's song is different from the typical bard and varies with
- 1st: Gives allies +2 to hit, +2 to damage and -2 to AC.
- 15th: Gives allies +4 to hit, +4 to damage, -4 to AC, and immunity to
- 20th: Gives allies +4 to hit, +4 to damage, -4 to AC, and immunity to
fear, stun and confusion.

- Pick Pockets ability one-quarter normal.

Mage Kits:

Mage specialists gain +1 spell per level, but can't cast spells in their
opposition school.

Races Stat Required

Abjurer Human 15 Wisdom
Conjurer Human, Half-Elf 15 Constitution
Diviner Any 16 Wisdom
Enchanter Human, Half-Elf, Elf 16 Charisma
Illusionist Human, Gnome 16 Dexterity
Invoker Human 16 Constitution
Necromancer Human 16 Wisdom
Transmuter Human, Half-Elf 15 Dexterity

Specialist School Opposition School(s)
Abjurer Abjuration Alteration
Conjurer Conjuration/Summoning Divination
Diviner Divination Conjuration/Summoning
Enchanter Enchantment/Charm Evocation
Illusionist Illusion Necromancy
Invoker Invocation/Evocation Enchantment/Charm, Conjuration
Necromancer Necromancy Illusion
Transmuter Alteration Abjuration, Necromancy

Wild Mage (TOB), no prohibited school, but chance of a Wild Surge.

Paladin Kits:


This class represents the most common picture of the knight: the gentleman
warrior who epitomizes honor, courage, and loyalty. He is specialized in
battling 'classical' evil monsters such as demons and dragons.

- Bonus +3 to hit and +3 damage against all demonic and draconic creatures.
- May cast Remove Fear 1 time per day per level.
- Immune to fear and morale failure.
- Immune to poison.
- 20% resistance to fire.
- 20% resistance to acid.

- May not use missile weapons. (they CAN use throwing Axes, however)


The inquisitor has dedicated his life to finding and eliminating
practitioners of evil magic and defeating the forces of darkness, and his god
has provided him with special abilities towards that end.

- May use Dispel Magic ability once per day per 4 levels (starts at 1st
level with one use). The ability is used at a speed factor of 1 and acts
at twice his actual level.
- May cast True Sight once per day per 4 levels (starts at 1st level with
one use).
- Immune to Hold and Charm spells.

- May not use Lay on Hands ability.
- May not cast priest spells.
- May not turn undead.
- May not use Cure Disease ability.


This holy avenger has honed his abilities towards the destruction of the
undead and other unnatural creatures, and is immune to many of their more
devastating abilities.

- +3 to hit and +3 damage vs. undead.
- Immune to hold.
- Immune to level drain.

- May not use Lay on Hands ability.

Druid Kits:

TOB: All Druids at 15th level are immune to poison.
At 18th and 24th levels, Druids gain 10% resistance to elements.


This druid is not called shapeshifter because he has access to a great
variety of forms, rather because of his complete dedication to a single
alternate form. This druid has willingly allowed himself to become infected
with lycanthropy, but due to intense study and training he has the ability to
control his affliction. The creature he becomes is that of the werewolf, the
most famous of the lycanthrope shape changers.

- May shapeshift into the form of a werewolf once per day for every 2
levels (starts at 1st level with one use).
- At 13th level, gains the ability to change into a greater werewolf once
per day.

- No other shapeshifting abilities due to the effort required maintaining
balance in his primary forms.
- Cannot wear any armor.


This druid closely identifies with a particular animal, an animal that he
feels represents his spirit. This grants him a special connection to the
animal kingdom, and he is able to call upon their spirits to aid him.

- May summon a special 'spirit' animal once per day per 5 levels of
experience. Spirit animal is randomly selected from 'Spirit Bear',
'Spirit Wolf', 'Spirit Lion' and 'Spirit Snake'.

- Cannot shapeshift.


A member of a special sect within the Druidic order, a druid of this type is
dedicated to fighting those who would defile nature. Avengers have powers the
average druid does not; additional abilities that have been earned through
extensive rituals, a process that is very physically draining.

- May shapechange into normal forms, as well as those of sword spider, baby
wyvern and fire salamander.
- 6 mage spells are added to his repertoire, all the way up to 6th level.
These are listed below:
- 1st: Chromatic Orb
- 2nd: Web
- 3rd: Lightning Bolt
- 4th: Improved Invisibility
- 5th: Chaos
- 6th: Chain Lightning

- May not wear better than leather armor.
- On character creation, he receives a -2 to strength and constitution.


Monks are warriors who pursue perfection through contemplation as well as
action. They are versatile fighters, especially skilled in combat without
weapons or armor. Though monks cannot cast spells, they have a unique magic
of their own. They channel a subtle energy, called ki, which allows them to
perform amazing feats. The monk's best known feat is their ability to stun an
opponent with an unarmed blow.

- The monk can make one unarmed attack per round; he gains one-half
additional attack every 3 levels.
- As the monk increases in levels, the damage his fists inflict does as
- Level 1-2: 1-6
- Level 3-5: 1-8
- Level 6-8: 1-10
- Level 9-14: 1-12
- Level 15+: 1-20
- A monk's natural armor class gets better as he goes up in levels. His
armor class starts off at 9, and then decreases by 1 for every 2 levels.
- Stunning blow, once per day for every 4 levels. All attacks in the next 6
seconds force the victim to save or be stunned. Note: This special
ability automatically modifies a monk's normal attack, no targeting needs
to be done.
- Monks have the Deflect Missiles ability. This gives them a -1 to their AC
vs missiles for every 3 levels.
- The monk gains a +2 to save vs. spells.
- A monk starts off moving at +2 move, then +1 move every 5 levels.
- 5th level: Immunity to all diseases, and cannot be Slowed or Hasted.
- 7th level: Lay on Hands to heal 2 hit points per level.
- 8th level: -1 to speed factor.
- 9th level: +1 to all saves. Immune to charm. The monk's fist is
considered a +1 weapon (+2 at 12th, +3 at 15th).
- 11th level: Immune to poison.
- 12th level: Another -1 to speed factor.
- 13th level: Quivering Palm spell once per day. This spell gives them one
hand attack. If they hit an opponent, the opponent must save or die.
- 14th level: The monk gains 3% magic resistance per level (ie. 42% at 14th
level, caps out at 78%).
- 20th level: Immune to non-magical weapons.
- TOB: 21st level: AC bonuses slow to every 3 levels
- TOB: 25th level: Fists become +4 weapons
- TOB: 30th level: AC bonuses slow to every 5 levels

- The monk cannot wear armor.
- A monk can only uses weapons available to the thief class (except 2


Sorcerers are practitioners of magic who were born with the innate ability to
cast spells. It is thought that the blood of some powerful creature flows
through their veins; perhaps they are the spawn of the gods themselves, or
even dragons walking in humanoid form. Regardless, the sorcerer's magic is
intuitive rather than logical. They know fewer spells than wizards, and
acquire spells more slowly, by they can cast spells more often and have no
need to select and prepare spells ahead of time. Sorcerers cannot specialize
in magic the way wizards to. other than these differences, a sorcerer is very
similar to the wizard. Note: A sorcerer does not learn spells from scrolls.
He chooses new spells with each level. A sorcerer's prime requisite is
intelligence and they use the mage avatar.


A barbarian can be an excellent warrior. While not as disciplined or as
skilled as a normal fighter, the barbarian can willingly throw himself into a
berserker rage, becoming a tougher and stronger opponent. The barbarian uses
the fighter avatar.

- They move at 2 points faster than the usual character.
- Barbarians are immune to backstab.
- Can Rage once per day for every 4 levels (starts at 1st level with one
use). Rage gives them +4 to constitution and strength for 5 rounds. Gives
a -2 armor class penalty and +2 to saves vs. magic (for 5 rounds). Rage
also gives immunity to all charm, hold, fear, maze, confusion and
level-drain spells.
- At 11th level, the barbarian gains 10% resistance to slashing, piercing,
crushing and missile damage. He gains +5% to this every 4 levels
- The barbarian rolls d12 for hit points instead of a fighter's d10.

- A barbarian cannot wear full plate or plate mail.
- A barbarian cannot specialize past normal specialization.

B. > > > > Charts & Analysis

> > > > Thieving Money Charts

Here are some extended Thieves Guild money charts, for use with the Thief
Stronghold. It works by probabilities. Since at "Low" risk you have a 10%
chance of your thief getting caught, I simply show that 9 times you gain the
money and the 10th you must pay to get that thief out of jail. Then I add
that up and divide by 10 to get the average.

Hanz Money Chart

Risk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Totals / Avg.
--------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Low 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 -100 = 1700 or 170 avg.
Med. 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 -100 -100 = 3000 or 300 avg.
High 600 600 600 600 600 600 250 -100 -100 -100 = 3550 or 355 avg.
V. High 900 900 900 900 900 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 = 4000 or 400 avg.

Goshan Money Chart

Risk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Totals / Avg.
--------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Low 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 -200 = 1600 or 160 avg.
Med. 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 -200 -200 = 2000 or 200 avg.
High 500 500 500 500 500 500 150 -200 -200 -200 = 2550 or 255 avg.
V. High 750 750 750 750 750 -200 -200 -200 -200 -200 = 2750 or 275 avg.

Kretor Money Chart

Risk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Totals / Avg.
--------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Low 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 -50 = 2200 or 220 avg.
Med. 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 -50 -50 = 3900 or 390 avg.
High 750 750 750 750 750 750 350 -50 -50 -50 = 4700 or 470 avg.
V. High 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 = 4750 or 475 avg.

Morsa Money Chart

Risk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Totals / Avg.
--------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Low 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -250 = 650 or 65 avg.
Med. 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 -250 -250 = 1500 or 150 avg.
High 500 500 500 500 500 500 125 -250 -250 -250 = 2375 or 237.5 a.
V. High 750 750 750 750 750 -250 -250 -250 -250 -250 = 2500 or 250 avg.

Varia Money Chart

Risk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Totals / Avg.
--------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Low 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 -300 = 1050 or 105 avg.
Med. 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 -300 -300 = 1800 or 180 avg.
High 500 500 500 500 500 500 100 -300 -300 -300 = 2200 or 220 avg.
V. High 800 800 800 800 800 -300 -300 -300 -300 -300 = 2500 or 250 avg.

SloppyDogg came up with a quick way to find the averages for a Thief:

(Gold gained * % Success) - (Bail * % Failure) = average. So Hanz's average
at "high" risk would be: ((600 * 0.65) - (100 * 0.35) == 390 - 35) = 355.

> > > > Dual Wielding Analysis

Is Dual-wielding really worth it?

Depends. Let's start at the beginning. No matter what, you can never
ever have more than 5 attacks per round. That is set in stone. The
second attack from your "shield" hand can only ever count as 1 attack
per round. Doesn't matter about proficiencies (although proficiencies
do help determine your THAC0). (Actually you can get above 5 attacks per
round using the Improved Haste Spell, which doubles the number of

So, let's say that you are Dual-wielding the Celestial Fury (+3) Katana
and Dak'kon's Zerth Blade (+2) Katana. Also, let's say you normally have
3 attacks per round. Assuming you somehow did max dmg. every time, yet
no critical hits, your Celestial Fury in a round (6 sec.) would be:

(1d10 + 3) * 3 = 39 dmg.

Yet you would also get one extra attack with your offhand weapon (at a
penalty to THAC0), if you hit with it and did full dmg you would get an
extra 12 dmg, which is about 30% more damage. This is just one example.

Your offhand weapon will never have as good a THAC0 (to hit) as your
normal weapon. With no points devoted to Two Weapon style your offhand
gets a -8 penalty to THAC0 and even your main hand is penalized by -4.
So, if your normal THAC0 is 18, your new THAC0 will be 22 and your
offhand will jump up to 26. (Remember lower THAC0's are better) One
point in Two Weapon reduces this to -6 offhand and -2 normal. Two points
to -4 offhand. Only fighters can spend 3 points on Two Weapon style (and
Swashbucklers and Blades as well), which has the smallest penalty at -2.

Note: If you are not proficient with your offhand weapon, you incur
the normal penalty to hit (-1) and dmg. (-1) I would recommend
becoming proficient in only ONE type of weapon, then using that
in both hands.

Back to the hypothetical situations. You have a Ranger (rangers
automatically get two points in Two Weapon style) using a Long Sword
right now. He is currently getting 10 THAC0 (with STR and all other
bonuses figured in already). He puts another Long Sword in his shield
hand. His main hand stays at 10 THAC0, but his offhand only hits at 14
THAC0. At this point, he has 55% to hit a creature at AC 0 with his main
hand, but only 30% to hit with his offhand. (This assumes that you have
identical weapons in each hand, else your THAC0's would look different)

Let's see what might happen in a few rounds: (again assuming that you
always do max damage, no critical hits, and remember that the offhand
only attacks ONCE per round)

main hand (1d8, 2.5 attacks) offhand (1d8, 1 attack) tot:
round 1: hit, 8 dmg. miss 0 8
miss, 0 dmg. -- 0
hit, 4 dmg (the "half") -- 4

round 2: hit, 8 dmg. miss 0 8
miss, 0 -- 0
miss, 0 -- 0

round 3: hit, 8 dmg. hit, 8 dmg. 16
hit, 8 dmg. -- 8
miss, 0 -- 0

R1(12) + R2(8) + R3(24) = 44 dmg. in 3 rounds

In three rounds, the offhand managed 8 damage. It only hit the AC 0
target 1 out of 3 times (technically that's above average for it!).

So, is Dual-wielding worth it? Yes, but really only if you get 3 stars
in the Two Weapon style. It also becomes much better as your THAC0
improves. And never, ever dual wield unless you have at LEAST 2 stars,
else your main hand THAC0 is hurt.

Jason Cha offers further analysis:

Undoubtedly the most important question in whether to dual wield or not has
nothing to do with just the extra damage associated with having a second
weapon. It has to do with factors such as the tradeoffs between AC and
damage, or the extra abilities the second weapon or shield may offer (such
as my favorite, dual-wielding Crom Faeyr with Belm +2).


Take Bill the human thief.
He's not too strong, only 9 strength, so no strength bonus on his attacks.
He's got the Blade of Roses (longsword +3) and a plain old longsword +1.

He's level 10, and has one proficiency slot in longsword and one in two
weapon use. He also has one proficiency slot in one handed weapon use.

His base THAC0 is 16.

Let's assume he's fighting a NPC with AC0. I'll leave the math for below,
but just using the Blade of Roses his expected damage per round is 3.75
damage per round.

If he's dual wielding the Blade of Roses and the Longsword +1, his expected
damage per round is 3.175.

So Bill, under these circumstances, is best off just using the Blade of

But suppose Bill gets the Gauntlets of Ogre Strength. The expected damage
for just using the Blade of Roses alone is 8.775. On the other hand, dual
wielding the Blade and the longsword +1 results in expected damage of 9.05.

So here he is better off dual wielding.

I haven't sat down to figure out exactly when the advantage turns to dual
wielding, whether or not it hinges on just + to hit or + to damage, or some
relationship between both. I welcome others to calculate the exact point.

Also, this analysis does not include the AC bonus Bill would get with the
single weapon use. It's decisions like that, that makes D&D such a rich game
and not just numeric power gaming. Also when backstabbing, Bill is clearly
better just using a single weapon. And let's not forget the additional
powers of weapons (my personal favorite, with a fighter Crom Faeyr for 25
str and the Scimitar of Belm for +1 attack).


Here's the Math as promised
Enemy = AC 0

Bill - 9 Str and just the Blade of Roses
THAC0 = 13 (16 base - 3 sword)
Blade of Roses Average Damage = 7.5 (1d8 + 3)

Attack Roll - Damage
20 - 15
19 - 15
18 - 7.5
17 - 7.5
16 - 7.5
15 - 7.5
14 - 7.5
13 - 7.5
12 - MISS

Expected Damage = 3.75 (75 (total of possibilities) /20 (any one


Bill - 9 Str and dualwielding Blade of Roses and Longsword +1

THAC0 = 15 (16 base - 3 sword + 2 penalty)
Blade of Roses Average Damage = 7.5 (1d8 + 3)

Attack Roll - Damage
20 - 15
19 - 7.5
18 - 7.5
17 - 7.5
16 - 7.5
15 - 7.5
14 - MISS

Expected Damage Main Hand = 2.625

THAC0 = 21 (16 base - 1 sword + 6 penalty)
Longsword +1 Average Damage = 5.5 (1d8 +1)

Attack Roll - Damage
20 - 11
19 - MISS

Expected Damage Off Hand = .55

Total Expected Damage = 3.175


With Gauntlets of Ogre Strength

Bill - 18/00 Str and just the Blade of Roses
THAC0 = 10 (16 base - 3 sword - 3 str)
Blade of Roses Average Damage = 13.5 (1d8 + 3 sword + 6 str)

Attack Roll - Damage
20 - 27
19 - 27
18 - 13.5
17 - 13.5
16 - 13.5
15 - 13.5
14 - 13.5
13 - 13.5
12 - 13.5
11 - 13.5
10 - 13.5
9 - MISS

Expected Damage = 8.775


With Gauntlets of Ogre Strength and Dual Wielding

Bill - 18/00 Str and dualwielding Blade of Roses and Longsword +1

THAC0 = 12 (16 base - 3 sword - 3 str + 2 penalty)
Blade of Roses Average Damage = 13.5 (1d8 + 3 + 6)

Attack Roll - Damage
20 - 27
19 - 13.5
18 - 13.5
17 - 13.5
16 - 13.5
15 - 13.5
14 - 13.5
13 - 13.5
12 - 13.5
11 - MISS

Expected Damage Main Hand = 6.75

THAC0 = 18 (16 base - 1 sword - 3 str + 6 penalty)
Longsword +1 Average Damage = 11.5 (1d8 + 1 + 6)

Attack Roll - Damage
20 - 23
19 - 11.5
18 - 11.5
17 - MISS

Expected Damage Off Hand = 2.3

Total Expected Damage = 9.05

A statistic analysis using stochastic variables (by /Eathlon)

(Useful notations:
pc = chance for critical hit
ph = chance for "normal hit"
pm = chance for miss

These can be trivially calculated as:

pc = 0.05 if single wielding with proficiency in single weapon, 0.1 otherwise

ph = (19 - THACO + to hit bonuses + enemyAC)/20 if single wielding with
proficiency in single weapon
ph = (20 - THACO + to hit bonuses + enemyAC)/20 otherwise
(this is only valid when the number in the nominator is between 0 and 18, 0
and 17 when single wielding with proficiency, if not ph equals either 0, 0.90
or 0.85 respectively)

pm = 1 - ph - pc
we will see that in the end we do not need to calculate pm

The damage (as a stochastic variable), D, dealt with one attack will be:

D = H * X

Where H is a stochastic variable I've chosen to call the Hit Multiplier
it simply is 2 with probability pc, 1 with probability ph and 0 with
probability pm.
X is a stochastic variable describing the damage from a "normal hit".

X can be divided into one stochastic part and one constant part. The
constant part is simply all bonuses to the damage including the weapon's
own bonuses and the character's bonuses.
The stochastic part of X is simply a stochastic distribution depending on
what die (dice) that are rolled to determine the damage dealt.
In the future I will call the constant part d and the stochastic part Y.

Thus, we can rewrite D as:

D = (d + Y)*H

The expectation value of D (denoted by E(D)) becomes:

E(D) = d*E(H) + E(H)*E(Y)

as H and Y are independent stochastic variables. Both E(H) and E(Y) can be
calculated trivially. As E(Y) depends on the weapon used I will not give an
expression for this but E(H) becomes:

E(H) = pc*2 + ph*1 + pm*0 = 2*pc + ph


E(D) = (2*pc + ph)*(d + E(Y))

To achieve the expected damage that a character deals in one round we have to
calculate E(D) for the weapons that the character wields and then multiply
those by the number of attacks the character does with the respective weapons
each round.

All this is interesting but we are missing the big picture. It actually
doesn't matter if your expected damage dealt is extremely high if your
opponent's is ever higher. To make a full analysis we need to divide your
expected damage with your opponent's expected damage, if this number is
larger than your opponent's hit points divided by your hit points - you will
stand a fairly good chance of beating him.

This is not the whole truth though. What we also have to take into account is
how much D varies, a measurement of this is the standard deviation (denoted
by s(D)). These calculations quickly becomes messy and I will satisfy with
giving the result in one of the earlier steps:

s(D) = sqrt( (4*pc + ph)*E(X^2) - (4*pc^2 + 4*pc*ph + ph)*(E(X))^2 )

(sqrt(x) denotes the square root of x, x^2 denotes x squared)

If the standard deviation is large, the damage dealt will vary wildly and who
wins the fight will become more random than if the standard deviation is low.
If the standard deviation would be zero - you would always win if the damage
you're expected to deal divided by the damage your opponent is expected to
deal is greater than your opponent's hit points divided by your own.

To continue Jason Cha's analysis of Bill:

When single wielding, Bill achieves the following constants (not assuming the
9 STR of Bill but assuming the final THAC0 to be t. Taking enemy AC to be
denoted by e and Bill's hit bonuses to be h):

pc = 0.1
ph = (19 - t + h + e)/ 20 = 0.95 + 0.05*(h + e - t)

Assume Bill has n number of attacks per round with single weapon style, we
get the following (when supposing Bill is using a longsword (a weapon
rolling 1d8 in the damage roll), the weapon's + to damage will be included in

E(D) = (0.2 + 0.95 + 0.05*(h + e - t))*(d + 4.5) = 1.15*d + 5.175 +
(0.05*d + 0.225)*(h + e - t)

Expected damage per round = n*(1.15*d + 5.175 + (0.05*d + 0.225)*(h + e - t))

When dual wielding, the constants become:

pc = 0.05
ph = 1 + 0.05*(h + e - t)

We will suppose the second weapon is also a weapon rolling 1d8.
With t' denoting the THAC0 of the second weapon and d' difference in damage
bonus between the weapons and assuming the primary weapon is the same as the
single wielded weapon, we get:

Expected damage per round with primary weapon =
n*(1.05*d + 4.725 + (0.05*d + 0.225)*(h + e - t))
Expected damage per round with secondary weapon =
1.05*d + 4.725 + (0.05*(d+d') + 0.225)*(h + e - t')

Observe that the term (h + e - t) changes for the primary weapon when
changing to dual wield. This results in severe complexity (although it
really is trivial) in calculating what values of Bill's hit and damage
bonuses that will make dual wielding deal more damage than single wielding
per round on average. In the end it comes down to practically all factors
such as Bill's proficiencies, his modifications from attributes, what weapons
he's using and so on... almost everything counts, just as it should be.

As we all can see from the amount of calculations involved (I've not nearly
done a full analysis) that making a full analysis would be quite large and
that the calculations probably would have to be redone for each fight. So I
guess we should just play the game and "get a feeling" for when dual wield
pays off. Hey! It's more fun too... =)

NOTE: I have not checked all the calculations. If you find something to
be incorrect feel free to correct it. Also note that I've got more
experience in mathematical statistics than I do in AD&D rules. =)

/End Jason Cha's Dual Wield Analysis

C. > > > > Cheats

Any of the following cheats may crash your computer, ruin your game, or just
make the game less challenging (which is either good or bad).

Item Copying:
This isn't really a cheat, just taking advantage of a quirk with the system.

You don't actually have to be playing multiplayer for this to work, it just
really helps. You also don't have to be actually playing with anyone else to
be playing as multiplayer. One thing to do when you find any item of value
would be to:

1. Save the game.
2. Export the Character with the item(s) that you wish to copy. (only works
with characters that you have created yourself, such as the main
3. Give all of that character's items away, and then click the bottom
button (Multiplayer Options), then click the Modify Characters button
(only works if there are no enemies around, and you aren't in the middle
of casting a spell), and then click on the Character Name to delete the
4. Now immediately Import the character back, and you now have 2 of
everything that person had.

Similarly if you are doing this in a single player, you:

1. Export the Character.
2. Start a new game.
3. At the Character Creation Screen press "Import" and the select your
4. To keep all your items, quickly pause when the game starts, then drop
all the items on the floor. Pick these up later when you regain

It is really helpful that when you Export your Character to name him/her
something specific, not just "Character1" or something.

This is really useful for the ultra-rare items like the Full Plate +1. This
also works well if you want to start over, simply export your character,
start a new game, and import them there!

Setting Up the In-Game Cheats:

The cheat features are largely unchanged since the original Baldur's Gate.
There are some minor differences, but that is to be expected.

To get the cheats activated do these steps:

Step One:) Open the game's directory C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA

Step Two:) Open the Baldur.ini file in notepad.

Step Three:) Find the line [Program Options]. Under it are a variety of
settings for your game. Add this line:

Debug Mode=1

And it must be Debug Mode=1, not debug mode=1 or anything else.
Save and close notepad.

Step Four:) Now when you are in the game, press CTRL-SPACE to bring up the
Console. This is where you will enter all the cheats.

Anyone familiar with the original Baldur's Gate cheats will find that the
cheats are mostly the same from this point. At any point in the game, press
CTRL-SPACE to bring up the console. There you enter in your cheat and press
ENTER to execute the cheat.

Changing Experience Cheat:

In the console window enter this cheat:


Where 'number' is replaced by whatever number of experience points that you
wish for the selected party member(s) to have. It can normally go up to
2.95 million. (The Exp Cap can be removed, see the next section "Trainers &
Editors for more information) If you had 2000 exp and you set it to 1000 you
will actually lose experience, although this has no bearing on your level.



Create an Item:

In the console window enter this cheat:


There MUST be quotation marks around the itemcode. Sample item codes are
"boot01" (boots of speed). Once entered, that character will have that item.
The number part of the cheat is NOT NEEDED. And for most cheats you won't
want it. But if you want to create 5 potions, simply enter in 5 after the
item code to get 5 potions created. (The maximum is around 65,000, if I
remember correctly) This also works well for arrows and scrolls. To get
the maximum the easy way, use -1. Example:


...would create thousands of potions of Storm Giant strength.

If you want some Item Codes check out my Item List (complete with
Descriptions) which is located at:

Create a Monster:

This works almost exactly like the CreateItem cheat, except you can't create
multiple monsters:


Again a list of monsters can be found at GameSages. At least until I come
up with my own list.

Cheat Hot Keys:

To activate the Cheat Hot Keys, enter this into the Console:


And here are the Hot Keys:

CTRL+1 -- change the armor of the paper doll (the armor class doesn't
CTRL+2 -- fades screen to black
CTRL+3 -- fades screen to normal
CTRL+4 -- highlight the background-interactive objects
CTRL+5 -- ???
CTRL+6 -- shapeshift your character into the previous paper doll in list
CTRL+7 -- shapeshift your character into the next paper doll in list
CTRL+8 -- highlights the text boxes
CTRL+9 -- highlight the sprites
CTRL+0 -- ???
CTRL+A -- do a sprite animation (see CTRL+S)
CTRL+B -- view last FMV sequence
CTRL+C -- jump to next chapter
CTRL+D -- display some strange numbers
CTRL+F -- turn the character
CTRL+I -- random party conversation
CTRL+J -- transport onto the position pointed by the cursor
CTRL+L -- information on position (same as X)
CTRL+Q -- Makes the creature at the mouse cursor join the party, works on
pretty much anything (from GOOD-ASH, Brian Phillips)
CTRL+R -- heals the party member whose portrait your mouse is currently
over (doesn't have to be selected)
CTRL+S -- select a sprite animation
CTRL+T -- Advances the game time by one hour. This has the effect of
removing spell effects and such.
CTRL+X -- information on position (more)
CTRL+Y -- hurts/kills person mouse cursor is over

Throne of Bhaal adds a new one:

CTRL+H -- Fixes a wild mage to a specific surge, such that every time he
casts a spell he gets that surge. Setting the Surge Number to 0
undoes the surge fixing and goes back to normal functioning (or
malfunctioning as the case may be). One could be really cheesy
if they wanted and keep a wild mage fixed at the "spell cast at
normal, all spells refreshed as if rested" and keep the entire
spellbook "memorized" off of one Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (since
it would always work). All of the advantages of Sorcerers and
Wizards rolled into one. Really cheesy, as I said. (from Vash)

Note: This affects all magic everywhere, even for enemies, so
use at your own risk.
CTRL+I -- Invokes a random party conversation. Quite useful if you play
"fast" and wouldn't otherwise hear all the funny dialogues.
Especially Imoen's and Jan's...) This can be used to speed up
Sarevok's "conversion" to Chaotic Good, too. (Corvus Albus)

Other Codes:


The area code MUST appear in quotes. Just replace the XXXX with whatever
the area number is where you want to be. For example, to teleport to the
Government District in Athkatla you would do:


And you would be teleported there. This allows you to go back to any
otherwise inaccessible area, but beware of ill side effects!

CLUAConsole:SetWeather(#) -- Use one of the following 3 settings:
0 - No Weather
1 - Rain
2 - Snow

Item Codes:

The "short" item list has been removed to reduce the size of the FAQ. You
can find it at the beginning of my item list, which is at

D. > > > > Trainers and Editors

I would recommend that you play through the game at least once without
cheating. Most of the fun in games comes from the challenge, and if you
make a SUPER party, then there isn't much challenge.

As always most everything here can be found at:

Right now there are two major Rules Fixes and a Beta Character Editor. The
two rules fixes are an EXPERIENCE CAP REMOVER -- for when that 2.95 million
just seems too low -- and a fix for the Grand Mastery proficiency level,
which adds an extra attack at that level.

Another program -- the save game editor, Shadowkeeper -- is available here:

This allows you to directly edit most everything directly from the Save
Game, which is a little more versatile than a mere character editor.

E. > > > > Manual Corrections & Addendums

While looking through the manual, impressive as it is, I found quite a number
of errors.

Page 101, Specialization:

Looking at the Specialization chart on page 101, one might get the idea
that the proficiency system was completely nerfed from BG. Well it was
only partly nerfed. Here is the accurate chart:

points spent to hit bonus damage bonus attacks
1 (Proficient) 0 0 1
2 (Specialized) +1 +2 3/2
3 (Master) +2 +2 3/2
4 (High Master)* +2 +3 3/2
5 (Grand Master) +2 +4 3/2

* Improves weapon speed.

This gives you an extra +1 damage at High Master. Although if you
installed TeamBG's weapon specialization "fix" it will restore this chart
to what it was in BG:

points spent to hit bonus damage bonus attacks
1 (Proficient) 0 0 1
2 (Specialized) +1 +2 3/2
3 (Master) +3 +3 3/2
4 (High Master) +3 +4 3/2
5 (Grand Master) +3 +5 2

This can be downloaded from

Sorcerer Spell Charts: (from Mark Darrah, Bioware)

Number of Spell Levels that can be CAST per day:
Spell Level
Char Lvl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 6 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 6 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 6 6 5 3 0 0 0 0 0
9 6 6 6 4 0 0 0 0 0
10 6 6 6 5 3 0 0 0 0
11 6 6 6 6 4 0 0 0 0
12 6 6 6 6 5 3 0 0 0
13 6 6 6 6 6 4 0 0 0
14 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 0 0
15 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 0 0
16 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 0
17 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 0
18 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3
19 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
20 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Number of Spells per Level that can be KNOWN:
Spell Level
Char Lvl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 5 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 5 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
9 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0
10 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0
11 5 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0
12 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0
13 5 5 4 4 3 2 0 0 0
14 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 0 0
15 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 0 0
16 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 1 0
17 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 0
18 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 1
19 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2
20 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3

(thanks to Kevin Logan for sending this in)

Page 232, 234, Thieving Skill Base Scores, Bard Abilities

Not really a mistake, but "Climb Walls", "Detect Noise" and "Read
Languages" are not implemented in Baldur's Gate II, so they needn't be
mentioned in the manual.

The "Base Scores" for thieving skills should be as follows:

Pick Pockets 15
Open Locks 10
Find Traps 5
Move Silently 10
Hide in Shadows 5
Detect Illusion 0
Set Traps 0

Also, the Thieving Skill Racial Adjustments should include "Detect
Illusion" and "Set Traps". Here is the completed table:

Skill Dwarf Elf Gnome Half-Elf Halfling
Pick Pockets -- +5 -- +10 +5
Open Locks +10 -5 +5 -- +5
Find/Remove Traps +15 -- +10 -- +5
Move Silently -- +5 +5 -- +10
Hide in Shadows -- +10 +5 +5 +15
Detect Illusion +5 -- +10 -- --
Set Traps +10 -- +5 -- --
Total ==> +40 +15 +40 +15 +40

On the next page comes the Thieving Skill Dexterity Bonuses, which should
be extended to DEX of 25:

Pick Open Find Move Hide in Set
DEX Pockets Locks Traps Silently Shadows Traps
9 -15 -10 -10 -20 -10 -10
10 -10 -5 -10 -15 -5 -10
11 -5 0 -5 -10 0 -5
12 0 0 0 -5 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 5 0 0 0 0
17 5 10 0 5 5 0
18 10 15 5 10 10 5
19 15 20 10 15 15 10
20 20 25 15 18 18 15
21 25 30 20 20 20 20
22 30 35 25 23 23 25
23 35 40 30 25 25 30
24 40 45 35 30 30 35
25 45 50 40 35 35 40

Page 238, Upgrading Reputation in a Temple

The costs for upgrading your reputation is incorrect at 13 and 14. Right
now it reads "200" and "500" respectively, when it should read "1200" and

Here is the revised chart:

Cost Reputation Level
1500 | 1
1200 | 2
1000 | 3
1000 | 4
500 | 5
400 | 6
200 | 7
300 | 8
400 | 9
500 | 10
700 | 11
900 | 12
1200 | 13
1500 | 14
2000 | 15
2500 | 16
5000 | 17
-- | 18
-- | 19
-- | 20

Page 89, Thief

The thief gets 25 points per level to spend on Thieving abilities, not 20
as the manual states.

Page 99, Find Traps

In my BG2 manual I found that on page 99 that Volo says "You should always
be on the watch for traps in dundeons" It is right after Find Traps under
Special Abilities. Should be "dungeons." (from ?????)

Page 93, Fighter/Mage/Thief

In the manual's description for the Fighter/Mage/Thief multiclass it says
that: "They cannot use their thieving skills while wearing studded leather"
which is untrue. They cannot use their thieving skills while wearing
anything MORE than studded leather.

F. > > > > Bugs

A pretty comprehensive buglist/bugfixlist can be found here:

I've experience a lot of crashes, usually when I QuickSave. [not so much now
with the patch installed]

For some reason when I try to rest in an Inn it will first say "cannot rest",
even though the "Peasant" room is already selected. Then if I click on
"Peasant" again it will then let me rest.

Sometimes when my computer is restarted, BGII will "forget" that it exists
and make me uninstall and reinstall it. This happens when the hard drive
is defragmented and the computer is restarted. Very annoying.
[Fixed with the patch.]

Ever notice how strange the Sensate Amulet is? I had one character using that
and the Ioun Stone that adds HP. Which means that that person should gain
about +10% HP. However, when I equip the amulet first and then the Ioun
Stone, I only got 5%, but if I de-equipped the amulet and re-equipped it, not
only did I get the 10% but it healed the difference. Which means that I
could use it to heal a character.

Throne of Bhaal adds a new bug: While fighting the City Gates Lich, I
decided to pull him out into the inn where I could lay traps for him to get
killed by. This is all well and good (having killed the lich), but when I
entered his crypt to gather his treasures, there he was, back and ready for
more. In fact, as long as I kept leaving the crypt with him following me out
he would continue to respawn inside the crypt. In other words, I could fight
an unlimited battle with the lich! I believe that this bug works with any
battle where you have the enemy follow you to a new area, but haven't tested

Jae Jung had some bugs:

1. Aerie dies (!) on random rests, loads or movement between areas. I don't
know if this is a bug or intended. I'd load up, hear a death sound and the
information bar would state "Aerie - Death". This has happened twice, once
on load and once when moving OUT of Irenicus' dungeon. The second time, I
hadn't even begun the Circus quest (obviously). Ideas?

2. I don't have a manual on me so this may not be a bug at all. My
characters sometimes (quite often actually, hence I don't think it's a bug)
have their strength reduced to a meagre 2. I cannot restore that value
either through temples or rest. There's no level drain icon either. It
usually happens after equipping certain weapons with bonuses, but reading
the weapon information gives no data about such reductions in your
strength. It has happened once in Irenicus' dungeon (with Imoen) and is
happening a lot (my specialist Thief especially and specialist Conjurer)
while I'm looking for quests outside. Ideas again?

Curtis Withers had more problems with Aerie:

While I was resting in that area of the sewers with all the Mind
Flayers, Aerie and Anomen started up a conversation, which resulted in
Anomen turning Chaotic Neutral and attacking Aerie. I interfered and
killed Anomen before he could finish Aerie off, but after that point
Arie would not walk to a location without constant prodding, and would
not pick up items anymore. It became really annoying, as you would be in
the heat of battle and Aerie would be half a screen behind. I eventaully
had to boot her out of the party in favour of Jan Janssen. I have had no
similar problems with any other NPC.

Editor's Note: This conversation thread happens ONLY after Anomen has
FAILED his knight's test. If he passes the test, it won't

Geoff Ulreich found a weapon inconsistency:

The Sun Sword (supposedly +2/+4 vs. evil creatures) will not hit
the demilich as far as I can tell, yet the +4 dagger will. In AD&D (second
edition), the +4 change should apply to what it can hit as well as THACO.

Geoff also found a Magic Resistance bug:

Magic resistance items don't 'stack' correctly. Only one of
multiple MR items placed on your character will affect them. I tried
placing the Ring of Gaxx (10% MR) on my Holy Avenger(50% MR)-wielding
paladin and at first his MR showed as 60% on the character record screen.
Soon after (I think after either saving or moving to a new area) his magic
resistance dropped to 50% again, until the ring was removed and put back
on. What a pain.

P.K. came up with this script bug:

By the way I noticed a small bug in BG2. I gave the "Trap detecting" script
to the thief (Is it called Thief Adventurer Script ?), and when I dualled
to mage, I forgot to change the script, but guess what... the Mage/Thief
kept detecting traps even though the Thief class was inactive!

Editor's Note: Technically this script works for ANYONE, even those who
have no "find traps" ability. If the trap is a 0 level
trap, they can even detect it. (Not too likely, but still)

Alexander Ferguson found a few:

I wanted to report a possible Bug I have found with the some
of the various Books that upgrade abilities. (Tome of Clear Thought, etc.)
On my system, only some of the books are actually usable. The others
can not be placed into the QuickSlots for use. They fail with the message
"Wrong Item Type". In addition, when you pick them up to move them into
the QuickSlot, the QuickSlot does not highlight, as it does with the usable

I have noted below the status that I have found with them.


Works Properly - BOOK03 - Manual of Bodily Health +1 Con
Works Properly - BOOK04 - Manual of Gainful Exercise +1 Str
Works Properly - BOOK05 - Manual of Quickness of Action +1 Dex
NOTE: When Picked up, it changes to a scroll icon, and then back to a book
Works Properly - BOOK06 - Tome of Clear Thought +1 Int

FAILS - BOOK07 - Tome of Leadership and Influence +1 Chr
FAILS - BOOK08 - Tome of Understanding +1 Wis

Braden found the way around this:

To use Tomes of Wisdom, or Charisma, or other ones that may
not work, simply place one crappy healing potion, and the
appropriate IDed tome, into the less-than insightful, weak, dumb
clumsy, far from amiable, or frail character. If in MP mode,
pause the game, if in SP mode, not an issue. Open the inventory,
from a personal items slot, drink a potion by right clicking on
it and click Quaff/Drink (ensure that the same kind of potion
DOES NOT exist in your quick items also), switch the Tome with
the potion (pick up the book, put it down on top of potion,
put potion elsewhere). Return to game, unpause if needed. Wait.
Viola, you now bite less. This method can probably be adapted
to activate any item that has an effect targeted on the caster.


Only ONE Bag of Holding, Gems, Scrolls Bug:

I also found another bug <?> about the various bags in a most strange

There is only ONE container of each type. Thus if you have (2) bags of
holding; any item placed into the 1st, appears in the 2nd, and vice versa.
I found this one out when my 1st bag was full of stuff, and I started to
dump stuff into the 2nd bag. It filled up in no time, and when I checked
into the bag, a bunch of the "lower level" stuff from the 1st bag was gone,
and the inventories of both bags were identical.

Editor's Note: If you think this sounds like a method for duplicating
items, think again. An item taken out of one bag is also
removed from the other.

Even if they are in separate people in the party... it works across people;
just like the shopkeeper interface.

Other Mistakes:

In the Paladin Quest you are told that an artifact lies in the hands of
"geat evil". Heh.

When Jon Irenicus is being held by the cowled wizards he tells Imoen to be
quiet to let the "fool make his judgement", however it should be spelled
as "judgment." A lot of people have emailed me about this one, saying that
judgement is just as valid as judgment. This is probably one of those cases
where a misspelling was so common that it became a valid spelling.

David Lyons refutes that argument:

Judgement (Middle English, from Old French 'Jugement') is the correct
primary spelling. Judgment, however, is also valid, but if a persistent
misspelling occurred, it was in the omission of the first 'e'. Unless
you're American, of course, in which case it may well be the other way
around (this was my first thought, but then, you spell theatre as, well,
'theatre' and not 'theater' throughout the FAQ). This is supported by the
large amount of anglo-centric slang in the dialogue (mainly in the
insults), e.g. 'Arse' and not 'Ass', which sneaks me to the suspicion it
may have been compiled by a stray Brit at Bioware.

When Baron Ployer is about to curse Jaheira, he disdains the Hero by saying
that "Khalid was a better compliment," when he should have used "complement."
Compliment is a Praise (ie "you look pretty") while Complement means that
one thing completes another or goes well with.

In one of Viconia's Romances, she mentions that her sisters are "more of a
danger and a rival then the next," when it should be "than the next."

In another of Viconia's romances, she says: "My mother wished me to recant,
to prostate myself before the Spider Queen and beg forgiveness." This should
have been "prostrate", the missing "r" gives it a whole new meaning. (from
Cyrille Artho)

If you attempt to leave the Underdark without doing the Silver Dragon quests,
while still disguised as a Drow, the guards will stop you and tell you to
go back, to which you can say "we will offer a significan increase..."
They left off the 't' in "significant."

In a conversation between Keldorn and Aerie, Keldorn tells Aerie: "Wrong?
No, to some you be the ideal." Should be "you are the ideal."

Spelling mistake: While you're searching for the artifacts in Suldanessellar,
if you attempt to pick the lock of the Castle door, it will say this:
"....Them temple of Rillifane may hold the key" instead of THE temple.
(from Cornelius Chesterfield)

Spelling mistake: When the Guardian Telwyn (Temple of Helm) gives you the Sir
Sarles quest, the character writes in his journal that he needs 200 pounds of
"illuthium" instead of illithium. (from Snark)

Grammar mistake: In Brynnlaw when you pay Calahan for Ginia and Ason's
passage he says, "There passage is assured" when it should be "Their passage
is assured." (from John Jung)

In the bard stronghold, if you speak to the players the first time you are
able to, one of them will say "out rehearsal" instead of "our rehearsal".

During your first moment of weakness, after Irenicus took your soul, if Jan
is the one you talk to, he says "upsidedown" instead of "upside down".

G. > > > > Strange Things

Near the Circus is a cage with a Moose... and a Squirrel. Rocky and
Bullwinkle, anyone? (many, many people sent this in)

Create an Elf and name him Drizzt. Then by Chapter 6 have a reputation less
than 12. When you bump into Drizzt... he is annoyed that you swiped his
name! Sure, he fights you for his name's honor, but it sure is funny.

Also if you imported from Baldur's Gate and had any of Drizzt's Items on you,
then Drizzt will be very upset when he meets up with you. He won't
necessarily fight you, but it could lead to that (anyone who is GOOD in your
party won't assist you, though).

In the back of the Adventurer's Mart are two paintings. Look at them closely
and also click on them. Recognize them? They are taken from the old
Dungeons and Dragons cartoon!

There's also a picture of Elvis on the second floor of the Five Flagons.
(again many people sent this one in)

Fearghus (Waukeen's Promenade) is the name of the Black Isle division

There is a commoner named "Neeber" in Trademeet who constantly pesters you
with inane questions and comments. Just like a certain "Noober" used to do
in the first game.

Biff the Understudy (in the really awful theatre play) is the character that
would appear in Baldur's Gate when the regular character could not appear.
(i.e. if that character was dead, but still had something to say)

Ask the barkeeper in Imnesvale about the Umar Witch and he'll give you a
book titled "The Umar Witch Project."

The Knights of Solamnia in the Planar Sphere are from Dragonlance.

There's another, bit more obscure AD&D reference in the Planar Sphere...the
halflings. Took me a bit to place them, but the cracked dry earth and the
village built from bones...those are feral halflings from the old Dark Sun
setting. (Bill Ray)

One of Edwin's plots goes awry leaving him in the form of a woman. Jaheira
mocks, Anomen pretends to want to champion "Edwina", and so forth. Then take
"Edwina" to see Silvanus at the Copper Coronet (the Elf by the counter), who
will be quite attracted to Edwin. And Edwin is ALMOST attracted to Silvanus
as well! Not only that, but Bioware did up an entire FEMALE voice set for
"Edwina" as well! Hilarious!

Cyrando the Gnome romantic (at the Temple District at night) provides the
words for Garrick to woo a woman with. Just like Cyrano the Big Nosed
Romantic of literary fame. There are actually 4 little mini-events attached
to this one that take place over time. Eventually Cyrando and the Lady
get married and Garrick runs away with one of the bridesmaids.

One of the Sentient Sword's battle cries is: "Murder! Death! Kill!!", which
is the term for a homicide from the movie, Demolition Man. Also a reference
to the game MDK... MurderDeathKill. Get it?

In the Bridge section where the Five Flagon is located, there are a pair
of thugs that fight each other for the love of a girl named Bubbles. Their
names are Shank and Carbos. If their name is familiar, it's because they
were in Baldur's Gate. They were the thugs that tried to kill you in
Candlekeep. They hid inside houses. I'm pretty sure it's them since they
have a lot of trouble hitting each other. I've spent a minute or 2 watching
them trying to kill each other without any success. It doesn't seem to
affect the game in anyway, but it's funny to see. (from Death Crow)

In the Asylum, one of the mages gives you a worthless scroll (memo) that says
that that the scroll is worthless, that it is indecipherable and that it is
most likely the ravings of a madman. Anyways, the scroll is decipherable
although not within the game though. The text of the scroll says:

"Qc terxepssrw evi jypp sj aiewipw. Mrjsvg xli Uyiir, ws xlex wli qmklx
wlss xliq eaec. Livi ai ks ' vsyrh xli qypfivvc fywl. Ks qsioic KS!"

This translates into:

"My pantaloons are full of weasels. Inform the queen, so that she might
shoo them away. Here we go 'round the mulberry bush. Go monkey GO!"
(from Hector E. Meza)

In Chapter 4, in Spellhold, Aphril (sp?) talks of seeing a walking corpse
talking to a pillar of skulls. References to Planescape: Torment, the hero,
the Nameless One, who'll just wake up within minutes of dying. (from Matri)

Contributing to your list of Easter Eggs, on the top floor of the Five
Flagons there are what appear to be Elvis pictures on the far wall, and
guitars on other walls on the same floor. (from Per Jorner)

Here's one: William Reirrac's last name is "carrier" backwards. While
it's likely intentional, it's not necessarily a reference or a pun (people
make up fantasy names in the strangest ways). (Per Jorner)

The vampire named Durst is possibly a German pun - Durst is the German word
for "thirst", and definitely a good name for a vampire to have. Then again,
I accidentally named a character "Darsteller" (actor in German) without
thinking about it, so perhaps it's not intentional. (Brian Camley)

Rob DeCaire sent in this one:

Here's a "strange thing" that I didn't notice in the FAQ, but I thought was
a pretty good joke. In the Vulgar Monkey tavern in Brynnlaw, there's a
pirate named "Pirate Newf". If you talk to him, he sings a little shanty
that goes:

"I'se th' b'y that builds the boat
And I'se th' b'y who sails 'er
And I'se th' b'y that catches th' fish
And brings 'em home to Liza"

This is a joke for all the Canadians in the audience, since it's a fairly
well-known song from Newfoundland, sung by a character named Newf.

Voreth has some "Strange Things":

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Boo") creates Boo (and we all know who Boo is).
CTRL+Q him to add him to your party. He's very powerful, and even has his
own paper doll. To keep him effective, don't equip any weapons in any
slots, and DO NOT LEVEL HIM UP! (requires the EnableCheatKeys() cheat to
be active)

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Gorion") is fun, though it does require you to
exit your game once it works. If you create Gorion, talk to him and choose
a few of the dialogue choices (it's keyed to a different dialogue, so
you'll see some pretty weird, including NPC, dialogues). He'll bring you
through the BG sequence with him (bringing you over, casting Cure Light
Wounds, etc.) and bring you to a forest (area number is the same as circle
of stones in BG). There, you get stuck on a tree. Too bad. I wonder if
Sarevok would have appeared and all. Oh, and the BG loading screen appears
in front of the BG2 one, though off center and much smaller.

(Note: I've only tried this in the Docks, so if you try it somewhere else
and get different results, don't be alarmed...)

You can also create Kivan, from what I've seen, though he doesn't say
anything, his dialogues are bad, and he says what he should say on the
bottom of the screen. Still, it's pretty fun. You can do this with Drizzt
too, and get him to say some of Korgan's (voice acted) lines. So you have a
Drizzt with a Scottish accent who says "Cure Disease" at the end of his
dialogue. Answer his first question with the description of Summon Monster
I for the rest of Korgan's dialogue.

Xander77 found something interesting:

If you use CLUAConsole to teleport to AR2700 (Only works in SoA) you will
find the remains of an unfinished test - an area with giant heads (not
the one you find Illasera in) which force you to do battle with a slayer to
get a terrifying sword.

You can get the sword with CLUAConsole:CreateItem("Killsw01") -
It's sort of like PST's Eviscerator

NPC's from Baldur's Gate found in BG2 (but who don't join):


Ajantis (killed at Windspear Hills by you, identified by Keldorn)
Coran (can be killed by Safana in chapter 6, or becomes a drunk)
Faldorn (seizes control of the Druid Grove, killed by you to free it)
Garrick (attempts to woo a woman, but fails)
Khalid (found dead in Irenicus' Dungeon)
Montaron (killed by the Harper's for breaking into their compound)
Quayle (currently alive and well and running a circus)
Safana (killed by Lanfear in chapter 6 after she attempts to kill you)
Tiax (locked away in Spellhold, helps the main character beat Irenicus,
dies in the attempt)
Xzar (killed by a Harper assassin at the docks)




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