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This FAQ was written entirely using the GWD Text Editor: (shareware)

Spiffy Links:

Planet Baldur's Gate --
TeamBG --
GameFAQs --
Baldurdash --
Fantasy Name Generator --

Portrait Sites:

Kirith --
Havak's --

Special Thanks: (Credits)
/Eathlon for the mathematical way of looking at dual wielding
Accord for the "keep Yoshimo" trick
Adar for several strategies
Alan Cherry for a bit on romances and the Temple Ruins
Aleph for an interesting twist to my "Fake Talk" strategy (stealing)
Alessio Ronchi for a really neat Cromwell trick
Alexander Ferguson for some bugs
Alexcool for an update on the Hendak quest
Alex Malano for the mage scroll trick
Andrea Nicoli for the limited Wish trick
Andrew Scarvell for an interesting alternative for the Selfish Tear
ANDY for a list of different abilities at the end of the game
Ard for his improved method on getting the Selfish Tear
Bioware for making such a great game!
Blackhawk for details on Edwin's quest
Boogie for the additional rewards for the Sir Sarles Quest
Brad Beacham for picking a chicken's pocket for a second Beljuril
Braden for an interesting Dragon strategy and a Tome idea
Brian Brus for the trick on creating a character with all 18 stats
Brian Camley for various helps and tips
Carl Pettersson
Chris Emery for a better way to uncurse Jaheira
Chris Norman for the alternative way to keep the Drow items
CJayC for posting this FAQ
Clayton for his Shopthrifting strategy
Cornelius Chesterfield for a trick and some stuff
Corvus Albus for a new CTRL cheat key
Craig Gibbens for a better way to find the Skinner of the Bridge District
CY Lee for his infinite Fire Giant trick
Cyrille Artho for his different way to deal with Aboleth, the fish
Daniel Pang for an evil alternative to the Drow Eggs quest
Dave Loveland for various Throne of Bhaal additions
David Haire for some additions
David Lyons for a lot of small tips, and another pro-judgement article
David Weldon for a Stealing Strategy
Death Crow for the new special ability charts
Dominic for his Evil Method of Druid Removal
Doug Scheurich for correcting a ToB mistake
Dranyth for discovering that Mordenkainen's Sword has a Greenstone Amulet
Edward Adams for a reputation note on the Tanner Murders & more on Wellyn
Gabriel for a spiffy trick to keeping Drow items in daylight
Gareth Embrey
Geoff Ulreich for a whole lot of things (party making strategies, battles)
Grack for the multiplayer as single player trick
Greymane for a Golem fighting trick
Gunslinger <> for some pickpocketing info
Harry Smith for the Familiar Frequently Asked Question
Hector E. Meza for a strange thing in the Asylum
Henning Roes for several notable tricks (Planar Sphere and the Burial Mask)
Jafar Sadeq for many tricks and tips
James Prieels for several contributions
James Victor for a Mind Flayer strategy
Jason Cha for the Dual Wield analysis
Jayhc for a party creating strategy
Jeremy Hanson for killing the Chromatic Demon
Jeremy Treanor for a couple of battle strategies
John Howard for a note on the Soul Gem, and the Bonus Merchants
John Knudson for the Wilfred the Red quest
John Winkleman for information on removing spell protections
Jonathan Zimmerman for another Mind Flayer strategy
JP for his Cowled Wizards fighting thing
Juky & 649 of 711 for the better Snares strategy
Ken Adams for a couple of cheats and a tip
Ken Baker (Founder of TeamBG) for making some of the best BG & IWD Utilities
Kevin Chung for confirming that the Store recharge thing works
Kevin Logan for the Sorcerer Spell Charts
Khadgar for getting out of the Underdark
Konstantin for a battle strategy in the Watcher's Keep
Lani Weaver
Lucas had a better way to deal with the Unseeing Eye
Marc Oliver for a Frequently Asked Question
Matri for the Nameless One Strange Thing
Max Chen for more information on Jaheira's Curse (and how to upgrade the
Silver Horn)
Michael Schneider
Miguel for some romance information
Mike O for his Fire healing trick
Mishael for the Mind Flayer strategy
Moby for getting evil-doers to join a rep above 18 party
Nick McIsaac for the Evil Note on the Firkraag quest
Paul Dickinson for bunches of stuff
P.K. for a party making strategy and a bug
Per Jorner for a million little tips and corrections
Pieter Spronck for sending in the method of adding the Bonus Merchants
Phobia for the Invisible Door Blocker Strategy
Rabbit for the 8 Stronghold Cheat
Rakhiir for a Mind Flayer lair tip
RCL for a great many strategies
Redd Barren for the alternative way to do the Spellhold test
Rick Harder had a better way to kill Neb (by NOT killing the spirits)
ROB for the Monks wearing Keldorn's Armor trick
Robert Pay for confirming that the 2 stronghold trick works
Rolander for a lot of strategies all over
Ryan Brady who discovered that a trick to allow anyone to have a familiar
Sarina noted that the Statue in the Unseeing area had a scroll
Sergio Le Roux for the FINAL Glaicas solution
ShirouKyoji for a way to the Kobold Shaman's Staff (Sentient Sword), etc.
SloppyDogg for fixing my Thieves Guild numbers
Snark for the Gloves of Pickpocketing
Souma for an Evil Abilities strategy
SpookyScarecrow for a trick on NOT fighting the De'Arnise golems
Steotia for the Ribald's Ring of Regeneration thing
Taganath for the locations of most of the item pieces
Tetrazome for an addition to the Samia quest
The Maxx
Tim Lou for a different way to free Hendak
Tim Marshal for the defensive spin trick
Travis Archer for noting that you get 2000 exp if you repay Jan's jailer
Vash for the two strongholds trick
Vladislav Brkic for the Mazzy/Gorf quest
Wai Chu Yu for the better way to solve the Spellhold trials
Willis Su for a better Set Traps strategy
Xander77 for a great many tips and strategies
Xar for his many tips and tricks

Anyone who emails me with nice things to say, you are appreciated!

Shameless Self Promotion:
I am Dan Simpson ( and have also written FAQs for:

NES: Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
Final Fantasy -- Magic FAQ
The Legend of Zelda
SNES: Aerobiz
Aerobiz Supersonic
Utopia: Creation of a Nation
Genesis: StarFlight
PSX: Thousand Arms -- Walkthrough
-- Forging/Dating FAQ
PS2: Madden NFL 2001
XBOX: Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords -- FAQ/Walkthrough
-- Influence Guide
PC: AD&D Rules FAQ, 2nd and 3rd Editions
Baldur's Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast -- FAQ/Walkthrough
NPC List
Creature List
Baldur's Gate II & Throne of Bhaal -- FAQ/Walkthrough
-- Items List
-- Class FAQ
-- Creature List
Civilization III (incomplete)
Colonization -- the Single Colony Strategy Guide
-- the Cheat Guide
Drakan: Order of the Flame
Dungeon Hack
Icewind Dale & Heart of Winter -- FAQ/Walkthrough
Items List
Kresselack's Tomb Map (JPG)
Burial Isle Map (JPG)
Shattered Hand Map (JPG)
Icewind Dale II -- Items List
Master of Magic (revision)
Pharaoh (currently being edited by Red Phoenix)
Planescape: Torment -- FAQ/Walkthrough
Items Listing
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
The Sims
Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
Ultima 7: The Black Gate
Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle
Ultima Underworld -- Keyboard Commands
Ultima Underworld II -- Keyboard Commands
-- Spell List
All of my FAQs can be found at:
Version History:
Version 0.1 September 30, 2000 78k

Versions 0.2 to 5.5 were removed to save space...

Version 6.0 June 28, 2001 830k

Finished the Throne of Bhaal walkthrough. Fixed the Upgraded Familiars to
be more accurate. I had somehow missed something (Imix and the Ravager +4)
so those were added.

My comprehensive Item List is now updated to include all the Throne of
Bhaal items, you can find it at

Also, there is now a BETA patch for ToB. If you're having trouble, I
would suggest installing it (see the Notes above).

Version 6.1 June 29, 2001 830k

Added the location of the Darkfire Bow (thanks to Dave Loveland).

Version 6.2 July 2, 2001 832k

Added a way to kill Fire Giants forever (in the Saradush section, thanks
to CY Lee).

Version 6.3 July 3, 2001 833k

Added the new cheat command that deals with Wild Mages and their wild
surges (from Vash).

Version 6.4 July 6, 2001 836k

Various small updates all over.

Version 6.45 July 8, 2001 839k

Changed the phrasing of some things, and corrected some minor errors.

Version 6.5 July 11, 2001 837k

Added a new "Demogorgon Guardians" battle strategy from Konstantin. Lots
and lots of edits.

Version 6.55 July 18, 2001 839k

Jeremy Hanson had a way to kill the Chromatic Demon pretty easily.
Baldurdash has some interesting files for Throne of Bhaal, these are now
added (

Version 7.0 December 10, 2001 848k

After a very long break, finally updated this FAQ once more. Went through
my emails and added most everything I was sent. Also updated some of the
information in the Notes section above to include a link to the Darkest
Day (unofficial mod) and Ascension (another unofficial mod).

Version 7.1 January 18, 2002 848k

Included a link to Suburban Mod's The Darkest Day walkthrough, which can
be found in the above Notes section.

Version 8.0 September 10, 2002 876k

Added proficiencies to the Companions section. Added information on some
of the summoned monsters (see the end of the Ranger Stronghold). Created
some new Spell strategies for Larloch's Minor Drain and Draw Upon Holy
Might (In the Gameplay Strategies section). Added some neat tricks from
Xander77 (in Gameplay Strategies and Monster Fighting Strategies). Added
a new Infinite Exp Bug from wvfoos (Tiris and Raissa in the Trademeet
section). Added a link to the Kelsey romance (in Notes above).

Version 8.1 February 5, 2003 884k

Sorted out the Monster Fighting Strategies into multiple sections. Many,
many edits and corrections all over the place. Added Alessio Ronchi's
neat Cromwell trick. Added some new tips and tricks from Xar. Added
Andrew Scarvell's neat trick for the Selfish Tear. Fixed the Baldurdash
link (it is now at

Version 8.2 February 10, 2003 892k

Added more strategies and secrets from Xander77.

Version 8.3 February 19, 2003 896k

Added the ForgottenWars unofficial add-ons to the Notes section. Added
two notes from John Howard, one on an easy way to get the "bonus" merchants
(in the Introduction) the other on the Underdark Soul Gem. Added a topic
in general strategies on magic weapons.

Version 8.4 December 22, 2004 902k

Edited the Mod information and gave it a new section to call home.
Reorganized somewhat, edited somewhat and added some stuff here and there.
Added TOB information to the kits section.

Version 8.5 January 17, 2005 902k

Changed my email address.

Viconia: Minsc, that tattoo on your face. Does it have tribal significance
or did some nursery's fingerpainting class assault you with the
blue pastels?

Minsc: I do not like the tone of your voice, Dark Elf. The face I have is
the face the ladies love! Boo loves Minsc's face, too! Don't you,

This Document is Copyright 2000-2005 by Dan Simpson
Baldur's Gate II is Copyright 2000 by Bioware/Black Isle/Interplay
Throne of Bhaal is Copyright 2001 by Bioware/Black Isle/Interplay

I am not affiliated with Bioware, Black Isle, Interplay or anyone who had
anything to do with the creation of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any
site so long as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are
posting it. You may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ.


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