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Black Rainbow: CBS Pics

Welcome to the CBS (Custom Battle System) Pics Page. On this page, you can find pics of my CBS, a work in progress, and an explaination of them, and how the CBS works.
CBS Description:
In this CBS, each character has a unique ability, that they gain according to level. This eliminates the need for MP, and can change some people's strategy as to how they attack. This cuts down on the effectiveness of Heal, Attack, Heal, Attack. I hope to incorporate Timed Hits, which will make each battle more exciting. Also, instead of a preselected background like in the pics below, it has changed. The battles will now be seemlessly integrated into the game, inwhich battles appear to take place in real-time. I will continue to update, as progress continues. Expect an Intro soon which includes a fight with the CBS, although don't expect the Timed Hits until later.

This is a picture of Neo attacking the enemy. You might be wondering why the battle animation is visible over the enemy, that is because I used the enemy in a chipset, and made it out of events.

This is a picture of Neo's Axe Menu. Each Hero has a specialty that only they can use. This eliminates MP, and replaces it with unique abilities individual to a character, unlike most games with magic, inwhich everybody can heal, and use fire and water etc.

This is a pic of the meters that each Hero has that controls when they attack.
*Note, this is under consideration as to if I should continue work, or work on the Timed Hits.

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