New High Resolution Screens: ..and I must say, they keep looking better and better. The first shows the detail and complexity of the shelter. Nina is also seen casting a beautiful fire spell, Ryu is performs a magnificent move and the new character and partner of Ryu known as Bosh(?) is shown. New Batch 'o Screens: Five new screenshots from Breath of Fire V, for your viewing pleasure. The particular highlights is the magnificent lighting spell done by Nina, and the confrontation between Ryu and a very large monster, perhaps even one of the legendary dragons. Note: Screen two and four are higher quality of previous low resolution screens. New Screens!: Capcom has released new screens for Breath of Fire V. Two more characters are introduced, but their identities still remain a mystery. The new screens have also revealed a few enemies and it seems that the "Goo" enemies will also make a return. Lo Res Screenshots: Here are a few small and low resolution screenshots. The battle screens are quite impressive, especially the spell and the giant sword swipe. First Screens!: Here are the first screenshots of Capcom's newest installment of the Breath of Fire series, Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter. From these screenshots, we can make the assumption that so far there are four characters in the game. First off, there is Ryu and Nina, and as you can see in the upper parts of the screens there are two more character portraits of what seem to be a woman and a man. |