
Arabella Declan



Ante: History ||  Cuique Suum: Family/Friends 
Meum Lex:  Organizations & Reg #'s || Jus Gladii: Weapons, Enhancers

~*~Her Vitals~*~
Tall and curvaceous, she stands at an above average height of 5'7".  Onyx hair provides a stunning backdrop for her fair skin and haunting kohl lined oceanic eyes. Her full lips are cold, and her choice of clothing is most usually red or black in color.  Dark red tattoos cover her arms from elbow down, as well as wears the tattoo of the First Generation of Diaboli on her lower back, an upside down brown cross ringed with dripping scarlet roses of blood that reads underneath "Obitus Primus". She is introspective and quiet, choosing to observe and think through her words before they leave her mouth.  She is well-learned, and speaks several languages.  Though seemingly mild in mannerism, albeit a bit cold, she is a fierce fighter, even to the extent of being cruel and enjoying inflicting pain on others--though  this is a side that she hides quite well.  Underneath the veneer of a proper, quiet woman lies the spirit of a beast, and many secrets.

Daemonic Attributes:
Her tongue has a small barb on it always, though when she takes on her daemonic form, the barb becomes quite deadly and dangerous, sharp as a blade. Her teeth also slightly elongate and sharpen, like spikes within her lovely mouth.  She is cold to the touch always. Her nails are usually well trimmed, but when her demonic attributes take full force, they also elongate and sharpen. Her blood lust grows when in daemonic form, though normally it is very slight. She does not require blood to survive, she merely enjoys it.  There are large, curved horns that extend from each side of her head, though she can choose to cloak them by illusion where they are not seen or felt. 

Her Daemon Reg Information: #DE*003 (Umbra Victus):

 - »¥» Screen  Name: Diaboli Vobiscum
- »¥»  Celestial Race: Daemon
- »¥» Celestial Order: Ministering (Neg)

Ministering- They either try and strengthen ones faith or weaken it.

- »¥»  Signature: Her tongue has a small barb on the end that is sharp as a blade, it varies in size, but is always there. She also bears a tattoo on her lower back of an upside down cross in brown ringed with a wreath of dripping roses that says beneath it "Obitus Primus" (death is the beginning). She is also cold to the touch..always..no matter what form she takes. As well, her ivory arms from wrist to almost her elbow is covered in intricate tribal tattoos in a dark red ink.
- »¥»  Temptations/Weakness: She loathes animals, and those who are part animal. (even though she was gifted with the ability to turn into a raven...fine joke that was). She seeks domination of everyone and anyone in her path, which gets her in trouble sometimes as she may not have feelings, but feelings are developed for her because of her seductive ways to get what she wants. She is as adored as she is hated for it.
- »¥»  Virtue: Temperance

Temperance- This is the means in which one will go to accomplish a task.

- »¥»  Forces: Tempt, Disease, Hells Fire

Now the celestial has the ability to find the deepest weaknesses in his adversaries, namely their temptations. Knowledge of these temptations gives the angel of purification a great edge over those he seeks to persecute. Or for those of the demonic nature it gives them the knowledge to temp
t the holy. The Mun MUST tell the other mun their chars weakest temptation and as such must RP it out of them "giving in "to it.

This is a more potent strain of the force sickness.  The scope of the disease is greater, and much more severe. 

With this force, a child of fire is able to infect  with a debilitating though not life threatening disease. This might be something akin to the common cold or flu.)

Hells Fire
This is a more potent type of Holy Flames/Hells Flames. This will burn the entire flesh of a creature.

(Holy Flame/Hells Flame
This is a flame that strikes like lightening from the air unto the victim causing a part of the victims flesh to literally burn off.)

- »¥»  Reg #: DE¤003

Black Fae Attributes:
When enchanted by the Black Fae (this is something that happened to her only, not to the Diaboli race), she was gifted with raven black wings that for now she is not willing to share with the world. Only in dire circumstances does her wings show forth.  She also has the ability to transform into a raven.

Age: She no longer ages.

Race: Once half human, she is now a daughter of the Raven Fae, as well as a Diaboli daemoness of the First Generation.

Occupation: Unholy Diviner, Dark Diaboli Mage, Clan Elder of  Diaboli de Novo.

Likes: She adores babies, though most who know her wouldn't allow her to be near their children. ::Snickers.:: She also has a penchant for languages, her favorite being Latin, which she uses ad nauseum.  She has a fascination, going into obsession with dragons. Even so far as them being a weakness for her. She's just obsessed. Their scent draws her closer and it's hard to get her away once she's locked onto her target.

Dislikes: She doesn't like animals of any kind, except dragons.  And forest animals that take on humanoid form she likes even less. ::Shivers.:: Isn't it ironic that the Raven Fae would gift her with the ability to shift into that of a raven, a beast of the forest? 

Alignment: Chaotic Evil - She tends to be cruel at times, even sadistic, enjoying pain and giving pain. It goes so far as that she derives intense pleasure from the physical, emotional or spiritual pain of others.  But, she hides her chaotic evil side very well under a facade of a more chaotic good nature, which serves her purposes well. 

Weakness: Dragons are a weakness for her. Holy water. She has a severe allergy to copper, and will sneeze and carry on in it's immediate presence. Weak as copper is, if she were to be bound in copper, whether that be cuffs around the wrists or a collar around the neck, she would be as weak as a human (she would go to 2d, but a successful CA must be obtained first). Each day she is bound in copper, she loses more strength. (5 sides decrease in her dice). If she is bound in copper for more than 10 days, the damage is permanent. Though when released she would again have the strength of an immortal (would be 4d again), she would be a weak immortal. (She'd have to start at d20 again.)

Sired 4/6:  Diaboli Cerebrum, Diaboli Insanity, Diaboli Fallen, Diaboli Rage

~*~Guilds and Organizations~*~
DdN - Diaboli de Novo -UV - Lady Primus (GC) 
#P020 | #DE*003 | #MC08 | #UV*QM02 | #A022 | #C027

~*~Mun Issues~*~
::Puts on her "I Have Issues" T-Shirt and pops a Xanax.::

Mun is over the age of 21 and expects everyone that rps with her and her character to play maturely. I merely mean that you use your brain, and think before you type something idiotic. If I deem you an idiot, and immature, I'll click you, and have no qualms about doing it. This is a game, and I play it as such. OOC does not go IC, nor the other way around.

Scarlett's not a nice girl, quite evil sometimes in fact, but that is no reflection on me as the mun, though it can be if you piss me off. So don't get angry at me the mun if Scarlett pisses you off. That goes back to my statement on maturity. If you don't know the difference between a game and reality, you don't need to be roleplaying, plainly put.  If I roleplay with you, that automatically means I'm giving consent, though it also means you are giving consent to me. But again, I refer to the stupidity and immaturity rule.

And though it's fairly redundant these days, if you don't have a rping profile or at least a web site, then don't expect me to rp with you. I took the time to make one, you should at least have the time to do likewise. I'm quite particular, meaning if I don't deem that you know what the hell you are doing with your role play or if it's childish or the storylines so played out and ridiculous, I will ignore you.  I sometimes post long, sometimes I post short. It's not the length but the quality.  Sometimes it's just very boring to read post after post after post in this long, drawn out entrance or something from someone. And this cryptic roleplaying that many do is just plain annoying. If I gotta go to the dictionary every other word to try and figure out that all that was said was "He walked in and looked around with blue eyes," I'll just ignore that too. I got out of school a long time ago, I don't need little kiddos with their dictionaries and thesauruses open trying to screw with my brain. Don't like my rules? No one said you had to like them or even roleplay with me. If I have to take Xanax to roleplay with you, then go away.

One last thing--don't try to be my friend or get to know me or anything of that nature. I'm here to roleplay, not make friends. If I want to make friends I'll go somewhere around town. In other words, let's try to stay IC as much as possible.  If you must call me something mun-wise, then call me PJ. 

If you know me on other SN's, please respect that I have this SN to get away from other responsibilities and have some fun. I'd rather you NOT come and talk to me about things pertaining to my other character's responsibilities while I am here. If I'm taking a break from UV responsibilities, you won't get very far by asking me things on this SN. You'll get "Send me an email on (SN)." If there is an emergency, you can let me know but things that aren't dire, please don't bug me. You can always send an email to the other SN and when I am on THAT SN, I will deal with things that pertain to THAT SN.






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Graphics by Nox Eternus and Drew Posada