Cuique Suum
To Each his Own...

Mother: Unnamed Sorceress
Father:  Diaboli Daemon in the guise of a Guard

Adopted Father:  Duke Alejandro Declan
Adopted Mother:  Duchess Bethoc Declan

Paternal Brother: Alakhai (Co-Founder of DdN) (diabolitrebax)

Blood Brothers and Sisters - The Diaboli Daemons.

Heart Brethren: The members of DdN.

Children: Twins Garnet Jolan (no mun)  and Ruby Amaya (diaboliimber), and Jude (diabolidrake). Mordecai (no mun)

Morrigu, the Raven Fae, birthed her new life.

Malochy is her Mentor & Savior

She has them now.

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