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Ashen Empires

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Mind Spells

Name Runes Level Effect
Runesight 1 0 Reveals the magery skills of target
Lacerate 1 0 Damage to a single target
Cerebral Thought 1 0 Increases target's intelligence
Calm 1 0 Lowers aggression of target
Brain Freeze 2 10 Damage to a single target
stronger than Lacerate
Claw of the Wolf 2 10 Decreases target's attack speed.
requires a wolf claw
Claw of the Bear 3 20 Decreases target's attack speed
(stronger than Claw of the Wolf)
requires a bear claw
Hammer of Malax 3 20 Damage to a single target
(stronger than Brain Freeze)
Mind Blast 3 20 Damage to a single target
Pacify 3 20 Lowers aggresson of target
(stronger than Calm)
Ice Shock 4 30 Damage to a single target
(Stronger than Mind Blast)
Brilliance 4 30 Increases target's intelligence
(stronger than Cerebral Thought)
Enchant Brimidian 4 30 Enchants Brimidian Ingots
Claw of the Warg 5 40 Decreases target's attack speed
(stronger than Claw of the Bear)
requires a warg claw
Insight 5 40 Increases target's intelligence
(stronger than Brilliance)
Recharge 5 40 Repairs grimoires, wereskins, and some mage weapons
Insanity 5 40 Decreases target's intelligence
requires a sylvan fissure
Paralyze 6 50 Freezes target
requires deadwillow branch
Psychic Scream 6 50 Damage to a single target
(stronger than Ice Shock)
Mind Field 6 50 Damages targets in area cast
Transmute 6 50 Converts a single item into gold
Soothe 7 60 Lowers target's aggression
(stronger than Pacify)
Claw of the Werewolf 7 60 Decreases target's attack speed
(stronger than Claw of the Warg)
requires a werewolf claw
Mind Flay 7 60 Damage to a single target
(stronger than Psychic Scream

Body Spells

Name Runes Level Effect
Replenish 1 0 Heals the caster
Strike 1 0 Damage to a single target
Minor Heal 1 0 Heals a single target
Protect 1 0 Increases target's armor
Nourish 2 10 Restores hunger to target
Holy Word 2 10 Damage to a single target
(stronger than Strike)
Charisma of Ulthian 2 10 Lowers the aggression of target
Remedy 2 10 Healing over time to a single target
Repair Iron 2 10 Repairs magic iron items
Fortify 3 20 Increases target's armor
(stronger than Protect)
Starve 3 20 Decreases the target's hunger
Might 3 20 Increases target's strength
Healing 3 20 Heals a single target
(stronger than Minor Heal)
Mage Storm 4 30 Damages targets in area cast
Major Heal 4 30 Heals a single target
(stronger than Healing)
Recoup Health 4 30 Healing over time to a single target
(stronger than Remedy)
Valor 4 30 Increases target's armor
(stronger than Fortify)
Enchant Thrallenite 4 30 Enchants Thrallenite ingots
Smite 5 40 Damage to a single target
(stronger than Holy Word)
Resuscitate 5 40 Revives a dead player when cast on corpse
Superior Heal 5 40 Heals a single target
(stronger than Major Heal)
Stalwart Might 5 40 Increases target's strength
(stronger than Might)
Touch of Ulthien 6 50 Healing over time to a single target
(stronger than Recoup Health)
Blessing of Arna 6 50 Unsure of effectrequires Idol of Arna
Mass Healing 7 60 Heals party in area cast
Resurrect 7 60 Revives a dead player when cast on corpse
(Heals more HP than Resuscitate)
Hunger was removed from game meaning this spell basically does nothing but give xp

Soul Spells

Name Runes Level Effect
Faith 1 0 Gives extra dexterity and armor to target
Light 1 0 Creates a temporary light source at the point cast
Bite of the Mosquito 1 0 Does damage over time to target
Soulburn 1 0 Does a small amount of damage to target
Refresh 2 10 Restores stamina of target
Vitality 2 10 Gives extra constitution to target
Soul Drain 2 10 Does damage over time to target
Cannibalize 2 10 Heals caster by casting on a dead monster body
Enchant Leather 3 20 Used to enchant quality, superior, and flawless leather
Repair Leather 3 20 Repairs all kinds of magical leather and cloth items
Leech 3 20 Does damage over time to target while healing caster for half of the duration (Poison based damage)
Gloom 3 20 Creates a temporary darkened area where cast
Fortitude 4 30 Gives double constitution bonus of vitality
Exposure 4 30 Lowers targets armor points
Enchant Talenite 4 30 Used to enchant talenite ingots
Transfusion 4 30 Heals target while taking health from caster
Soothe the Soul 4 30 Makes monsters in area cast less aggressive towards caster
Weakness 4 30 Decreases targets damage mitigation
Misery 5 40 Decreases targets stamina
Kiss of the Vampire 5 40 Does damage over time to target while healing caster for half of the duration
Degrade 5 40 Decreases targets armor
Blood of the Viper 5 40 Heals target over time while draining health from caster over time.
Raise the Dead 6 50 Revives player when cast on their corpse bringing them back to that spot.
Blessing of Malax 6 50 Increases targets constitution and dexterity while decreasing their intelligence
Wrath of Malax 7 60 Damage over time
Soul Melt 7 60 Does a large amount of damage to target

Nature Spells

Name Runes Level Effect
Bless Fields 1 0 Decreases growing time of crops
Ignite 1 0 Creates a temporary light source at the point cast
Plague 1 0 Damage over time to target (Disease based damage)
Enchant Flora 1 0 Enchants bloodroot for alchemy
Flamestrike 1 0 Damage to a single target
Photosynthesis 2 10 Healing over time to caster
Lightfoot 3 20 Increases target's walking speed
Alacrity 3 20 Increases target's dexterity
Grow 3 20 Decreases growing time of crop cast upon
(stronger than Bless Fields)
Enchant Wood 3 20 Enchants planks, finewood planks, heartwood planks, and greater heartwood planks
Repair Wood 3 20 Repairs wooden magic items
Ice Bolt 3 20 Damage to a single target
(stronger than Flamestrike)
Flurry 4 30 Damages targets in area cast
Chloroblast 4 30 Healing over time to target
(stronger than Photosynthesis)
Cure 5 40 Cures target of poison
Speed of the Deer 5 40 Increases target's walking speed
(stronger than Lightfoot)
Cleanse 5 40 Cures the target of poison and disease
Ensnare 5 40 Decreases walking speed of target
Flourish 5 40 Decreases growing time of crop cast upon
(stronger than Grow)
Venom 5 40 Damage over time to target (Poison based damage)
(stronger than Plague)
Thunder Strike 6 50 Damage to a single target
(stronger than Ice Bolt)
Hungry Vines 6 50 Decreases walking speed of target
(stronger than Ensnare)
Twisting Roots 6 50 Roots target to the ground
requires oozing sap
Haste 6 50 Increases the target's attack speed
Chloroplast 6 50 Healing over time to target
(stronger than Chloroblast)
Celerity 6 50 Increases target's dexterity
(stronger than Alacrity)
Speed of the Herd 7 60 Increases walking speed of all party members area cast
Ice Storm 7 60 Damages targets in area cast
(stronger than Flurry)