Arikian's Dragonlance website



Mages are spell-casters, or magic-users. There are three kinds. The mages of the White-Robes of Good, who worship Luntiari, the silver moon, and the god of good magic, the mages of the Red-Robes, who worship Solinari, god of neutral magic, and the red moon, and Black-Robed mages, who worship Nutiari, the unseen black moon, and the god of evil magic. Some mages go from white, to red, to black, while most reds go to black. In order to become a mage, you must take the tests in the Tower of High Sorcery, where the penalty for failure is death. Mages also have to be smart, and are weakened slightly or a lot after every spell, depending on how powerful the spell and the mage is. Also, after every spell, a mage must re-learn that spell.

Raistlin, a mage, and the master of past and present


Theives basically steal. The best types and best known types of theives are kender. But anyone can be a theif. Theives usually carry around lock-picking kits, and pouches for valuables.

Tas, a theif-kender


Fighters are warriors. They normally carry around several weapons, and occasionally look like a living arsenal with all the weapons they carry around, which include a sword, daggers, spears, bows and arrows, and sometimes a mace. They are strong and aren't very smart.

Caramon, a fighter


Clerics, or healers, can be good, neutral, or evil, like mages. They basically...heal. Although they can also kill.

Goldmoon, a healer

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Marshal Medan
Palin Majere

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