Arikian's Dragonlance website

Races on Krynn

Elves are an interesting race. They have a human form, except they have almond-shaped eyes, an elongated chin, and very pointy, tall ears. They have a great sense of hearing and sight, but can't grow any facial hair. There are three tribes of elves. The Qualinesti, the Silvanesti, and the Kaganesti. The Kagenesti are more intrested in the old ways of hunting, without weapons. While the Silvanesti and the Qualinesti, although similar, never seem to get along.

Gilthanas, an elf

Half-Elves also have the ears (although a little smaller), the eyes and eyesight, and the hearing. They can also grow facial hair, which is good when they want to hide as human. The down side to being half-elf is that humans consider them unwanted, as well as elves, who consider them half-human.

Tanis, a half-elf

Humans are a very popular race on Krynn. They are said to be made by the Neutral God Gilean, because they can sway in either direction, good or evil, whichever suits them. Mainly greedy and stupid, humans are usually a very noisy and load-mouthed race. However, they do make excellent mages, warriors, clerics, and theives.

Strum, a human

Dwarves are an interesting species. They look like short humans with long beards. Even the women. No, I'm just kidding. They are also great at carving and building. There are two types of dwarves. Hill dwarves, and Mountain dwarves. There are also gully dwarves, who are so stupid, they can't even count. To them 1 is the same as 3, 100000 is the same as 3, and a million is the same as 3. Like most species on Krynn, the types of dwarves don't get along. It was believed that it was dwarves who created the dragonlance that helped Huma long ago.

Flint, a dwarf

Kender are a very... well... hated race. They steal anything and everything, unless it is nailed to the ground. If something stays in a house for more than a week in kender villages, it is considered a family heirloom. And, kenders don't even know they steal. Telling a kender he's a theif is insulting to them. They think that things fall into or jump into their pouches. They also have a motto 'Why insult a door's purpose by locking it?'

Tasslehoff Burrfoot, a kender

Goblins are a stupid and ugly race. Their skin is normally either yellowish- green, or gray. They are stinky, and don't brush. The leader of the goblins was Fewemaster Teode, but he is now Highlord Teode. (Dragon Highlords mentioned on homepage)They're also not wanted in most places because of...everything about them.

A goblin

Hobgoblins are basically the same as goblins, except a little stronger, and a little smarter.

Draconions were created when the evil dragons stole the good dragons eggs during the war of the lance. Out came draconians. There are 5 types of draconians. Auraks, Sivaks, Bozaks, Kapaks, and Baazs. Auraks don't have wings, and have a golden color to their scales. They also turn to poisonous gas when they die or are killed. They can also withstand strong heat. Sivaks have silver scales. They do have their wings, and, if they kill you, they take your form to figure out your friends plans. When one dies, it takes the shape of its killer. They are also the only type of draconians that can actually fly. Bozaks have a bronze color to them, and can cast complicated skills. When they die, they explode, killing everyone within range. Kapaks are copper, and can spit out acidic saliva. And, when they die, they turn into acid. Baaz have a kind of brass-like color. They are the most popular, and when they die, they turn into stone, then dust.

Gakhan, a draconian

Dragons are similar to draconians, only much bigger, and with a mor lizard-like form. There are two groups of dragons, good and evil. Here's a list.







Some dragons breathe fire, some lightning, ice, acid, gas, and golds can breath more than one!

A red fighting a gold

Unicorns basically look like horses with a 1 to 1 1/2 foot long horn on their head. Although they are usually white, they come in many colors.

A unicorn

A pegasus is a horse (usually white), only with wings.

A Pegasus

A gnome is a tiny curious creature, who talks really fast. They also create lots of inventions, never finish a sentence, and have to do a life quest, which usually gets destroyed, sending them to the Abyss (hell).

A gnome (They don't really look like this, but it is the best photo I could get)

Gryphons, or griffins, or griffens, whatever, are 1/2 eagle, and half lion. They are loyal, smart, and are the pets of the Silvanesti Elves.

A gryphon
A minotaur is 1/2 man 1/2 bull. They aren't very smart, they're strong, and mean. A good deal are evil, but they're breath is bad.

A minotaur

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