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Demon Slayers 
Demon Slayers
Game Makers
Game Maker 5
Game Maker 5
My games



Paul is my main character also my name. he has the highest defense, Attack and Health but he has the average mind or will and speed and the very low Magic. He fight with his swords. He has the fire powers, the strongest element. Paul's goal is to have a great adventure all over the world to see the things that he didn't see before, but a demon has to cursed him to see how strong Paul is.


Shadow is the best friend of Paul. He fight with his boomerangs, but his special weapon is a staff. He had the all element powers. his goal is to have a great adventures like Paul. He left the team in Fask Kingdom and let his friends to kill the unexpected boss in the underground of the castle.    


Acher is also a friend of Paul. He fights with his knives. he joined the team when Paul and Shadow visit in his hometown (Graver Town). He has the explosives powers. his goal is to be the greatest thief  all over the world!


Alicia is a Fighter Healer but she like to be a healer. she fights with her staffs. She met Paul and his party in the airship when Paul is going to the Fask Kingdom. She has the healing powers. Her goal is to help have a quest to meet some people who need her healing powers.

Demon King

The very demonic and the strongest demon in the world of Demon Slayers. He always uses fire, explosive and Dark attack! He's hard to defeat co'z no one can defeat him...


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