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Demon Slayers 
Demon Slayers
Game Makers
Game Maker 5
Game Maker 5
My games


Demon Slayers:
The great adventures of Paul

Demon Slayer is a group of warriors that has a brave spirit in killing the demons. The hero named Paul, has cursed by the allies of demons (devil Monsters). He had forced to kill that demon to have the freedom, but he was about to return to see the little fairy, the demon king came!

The Demon Slayers Informations:
Get the Game (not available)
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My Characters


Demon Slayers 2:
The time travel of

Demon slayers 2 is the part to of the last game (demon slayer) this game is all about the same hero as the part 1 but different story. the hero had to defeat the demon king in part 1 but a dark power came from the his parents and he had a great new strength to fight, but he decided to use his new powers. he uses the time travel power and he across the time to past.  

The demon Slayers 2 Informations:
Get the Game (not available)
Walkthroughs (not available)
My Characters (not available)


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