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Flameflower, Village of

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Location: Approx. 100 miles NE of Highfolk Town

Click here to download the Village of Flameflower map.

Population: 500
Major Races: High Elves (95%), Humans (5%)
Military: None, militia of 100-150 can be organized within three days
Exports: Unknown
Imports: Unknown
Appeared In:

The Marklands supplement

Freedom At Flameflower (independent)

Little Known Fact: Because of the strong presence of Elven priests in the village, no one can approach within six miles of the village without the elves knowing it.

Click on the map above to download.


Mainly populated by the Elven clan Shandareth, the village of Flameflower lies approximately 150 miles northeast of the town of Highfolk. Hidden within the Vesve forest, the town derives its name from the bright flameflower bushes that blossom into a vibrant crimson color at the beginning of each New Year. Legends say that as Corellon Larethian recovered from his battle with Gruumsh, he rested within the Vesve, and where he laid the bushes sprang from each drop of blood he spilt upon the land.

The high elves here are simple folk, yet they are true in their faith and devotion to Corellon and a few other Elven deities. So strong is their power that no one may approach within six miles of the village without them being alerted.

Most of the population of Flameflower lives in an intricate network of treehouses connected by walkways and ladders. The central area of town holds structures developed for use by others visiting and residing within the village.

The town itself has now become a meeting place for many of the residents of the Vesve. The town council is made up of four individuals, detailed later, who make all decisions for the village. The villagers have nothing but the utmost faith in their leaders, and are unswerving in their determination to keep their homeland free for generations to come.


Specific Locations

1. Treehouse Homes

These are the homes of the general population of Flameflower. The homes are simple yet comfortable dwellings, and those considered a friend and invited within are usually surprised by the spaciousness of the houses.

All of the treehouses are connected by a series of suspended walkways that allow passage between the homes. These walkways, as well as most of the houses themselves, are hidden within the branches and leaves of the highest trees of the Vesve.

5-10 foot wooden planking as well as a railing surrounds each home. This is mainly for the benefit of those not used to such accommodations, and many a visitor has been thankful for their addition!


2. Council Hall

This large structure is one of the only buildings in Flameflower not to be made entirely of wood. The lower level of the building is comprised primarily of stone and mortar, with the upper levels and the roof constructed from wood.

This building is the oldest structure in the village, predating some of the residents by 100 years. When the village was settled, it was the ruins of a stone mansion. It was restored with wood and has since served as the town meeting and Council Hall.

The council meets here each Godsday to discuss matters of importance to the village. It is also here that the council holds audience with the residents regarding their own issues. If the entire village must be addressed, the council can go upstairs and out onto a balcony to speak to a crowd.


3. The Stinking Rose Inn

The only inn within many miles, The Stinking Rose was built out of necessity, more than out of a financial effort. Many travelers have passed through this region throughout the years, and without the hospitality of an inn for them to rest, the elves found themselves with encampments on the outskirts of their homes, burning wood from the forest for warmth, and killing the animals for food. Because of this, the council decided to fund an inn, and appoint a caretaker. Subsequently, the inn is actually owned by the residents of Flameflower, and its caretaker is given a salary for running the establishment.

Belacandra Hanstanel and his family reside in the inn, and he enjoys the role of innkeeper. His wife and sister-in-law do all of the cooking for the inn, and his daughter and two sons help with serving and cleaning. Belacandra (Bela, to his friends) does not wish to deprive his children of the opportunity to enjoy the world around them, so their work at the inn is usually sparse.

The Stinking Rose gets its name from the outrageous use of garlic in most of the recipes offered at the establishment. It is a long running joke that although no one can approach with miles of the village without being spotted, one approaching the village can smell the Rose long before that time.

As with most Elven food, the cuisine is strictly vegetarian, but many of the dishes are so spicy and flavorful that one almost doesn’t notice. In addition, the selection of beverages is also limited, but quite good and at a reasonable cost.

The inn itself is rustic in appearance, with deep rich wooden walls, tables and floors and a beautiful cathedral-type ceiling in the main room supported by beams of polished mahogany. The shutters on the windows give the place an air of intimacy, and many of the young residents of the village choose this establishment to dine with their romantic interests.


4. Brewery/Winery

These two relatively normal appearing structures house one of Flameflower’s greatest secrets – its brewery and winery.

The pure mineral water of the pond, combined with the large amount of feyberries that grow in the forest to the east have been used to make one of the purest strains of Feywine throughout the Flanaess. However, the elves of the village have never sold the product to merchants or attempted to market the product. Instead, it has traditionally been used at festivals, as gifts of appreciation to friends of the village, and of course it can be sampled at The Stinking Rose. The brewery is used to make delightfully light mead, also kept exclusively in the village.

A group of fifteen elven workers run the winery and brewery, and they do not keep regular hours. Feywine is bottled (the bottles are recycled and used again) and the mead is kegged and both are stored in the village stockhouse (Area 10). When supplies begin to run low, or if a festival or other event is approaching, the workers re-open the operation to replenish the stock.


5. Cottage

This is the home of Syriell Ahlenden, the priestess of Sehanine (see Who’s Who for more info). It is a modest cottage set slightly off the road. Above the front door is a wood carved crescent moon.


6. Village Elder

This is the home of Airenyl Arstyneth, the village elder. Her home is surrounded by a multitude of flowered bushes and plants of an amazing collection of colors.


7. Bowyer/Fletcher

This shop belongs to Lahnbranah Treflanel, the village bowyer. His craftsmanship is very fine, with intricate carvings and detailing unique to each bow. He also sells arrows and repairs both long and short bows.


8. Artisan’s Guildhall

Many highly skilled artisans now reside in the village of Flameflower. Some are refugees from the northernmost regions of the Vale that were displaced when the humanoid of Iuz pushed into the Vesve. Others are former citizens of the city of Highfolk who have chosen the more rural setting of Flameflower.

Anyone with a viable skill can join the Artisan’s Guild. Guild dues are 2 sp. per month. The hall serves as both a meeting hall and a work area. Various tools and raw materials are available for woodworking, crafting musical instruments and the like. There is almost always 1d4 various craftsmen within the Guildhall.

The guildmaster is Llywelyn Glynnwylin, an elf refugee from the Grandwood Forest in the western lands of the Great Kingdom. He fled his homeland, arriving in Celene some time later. Finding the politics of the region indigestible, he moved on to Highfolk before the borders of Celene were closed.


9. Normal Homes

As the population of Flameflower increased over a number of years, some of the elves decided to construct their homes on the grounds of the village. Most of these individuals work within one of the various structures of the village.


10. Stockhouse

This large building is used to store most of the supplies needed to support the village. These supplies are mostly non-perishable goods such as dried fruits, ale and wine, and the like. The Stinking Rose and other establishments have their own storage and do not use this structure.

The residents of Flameflower are aware of the times in which they live. They realize that they may need to have these items available to them in the future if things do not change.


11. Flowers and Flame General Store

The F&F Store (as it is known within the village) is the place to go for general merchandise. The shop owner, Owain Allynwyn, is one of the only frequent travelers within the village of Flameflower. Travelling with his two sons, he frequently visits the city of Highfolk, and always seems to have word of happenings to the south.

One can purchase most normal items here, as well as common supplies such as sugar and flour.


12. Stone Tower

Kashafen Tamerel’s residence is the only other structure in Flameflower that contains stoneworking in its construction. It is a stout, two-story tower where Kashafen lives alone.

Although guests within his residence are not uncommon, stories abound within the village of a network of passages and rooms below the tower, and quite often, Kashafen can be seen at the top of the tower during twilight, staring off to the north as if in a gaze.


13. Two Story Residence

This structure is the home of Seisyll Dyfnwal, the priest of Labelas Enoreth within Flameflower. It is a two-story structure serving as residence for Seisyll, his wife and three daughters.


14. Two Story Residence

The high priest of Corellon Larethian, Cynllaith Glyndwr, lives in this stately, yet tasteful two-story home. Its rear garden is well maintained, and even contains a small fountain. Cynllaith can often be found in meditation in the garden and he often chooses to meet with guests beneath the shady trees behind his home.


15. Human Woodsmen’s Homes

This collection of wooden lodges is home to a group of human woodsmen from Ironstead. There are currently ten human families living here, and their children are readily accepted within the elven society of Flameflower.

The woodsmen are also a good source of rumor from the northernmost sections of the Vesve. In times of need, they would be quick to pick up arms and assist in aiding their elven brethren in defending the village.


16. Hornwood Road East

Heading east out of Flameflower, this well traveled road bends to the south and continues approximately seventy miles to Ironstead.


17. Hornwood Road West

The main thoroughfare through Flameflower winds through the forest to the west, eventually emerging from the Vesve some forty miles from Verbeeg Hill.


18. Olven Pass

This less traveled route becomes nothing more than a hunting trail within five miles of Flameflower. The elves of the region are familiar with its twists and turns, and if properly navigated, it exits the Vesve fifty miles from Highfolk.


19. Ranger’s Passage

The human woodsmen follow this route to the north. A short distance from the village, the trees of the Vesve close off this opening, preventing wagon travel north. Although there is no actual road, the woodsmen know these woods, and with a little skill, one can follow the passage north to the Grey Elven region of the Timeless Tree.


20. Herbalist Shop

Llathen Llansteffan is the proprietor of this herbalist shop. His residence is the upper story. Llathen is always interested in rare herbs and spices, and most common spell components can be acquired here at reasonable prices.


21. Freshwater Pond

This large body of freshwater is fed from below by a pure underground mineral spring. It is the main water supply of the village, and the wines and potions made from its waters are always of the highest quality.

The elves consider this water source a blessing from Corellon and the other elven deities, and the trees surrounding the shores are a popular place for young elven lovers to walk, write poetry, sing, or simply relax.


22. Lowland Marshes

The pure mineral waters of the pond overflow to the south, continuing on out of the village to the lower areas of land. Here they pool into a small area of marshland, where all manners of amphibians and the like thrive in the swampy, cattail-strewn soil.


Who’s Who In Flameflower

Airenyl Arstyneth- village elder 13th level mage (Str 4, Dex 10, Con 9, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 9), AC 7 (+3 ring of protection), HP 27, THACO 18, AL NG. Airenyl is the oldest living resident of the village of Flameflower at 621 years, but one would never know it. She still has a glimmer in her eye, and a lightning wit to go with it.

Airenyl is a close friend and confidant of Kashafen Tamarel, and he can frequently be found discussing matters with her over herbal tea at her home.

Airenyl’s apparent frail stature belies her actual abilities. She is a powerful mage, and a devoted follower of Corellon. Her allies throughout the region are many, and the residents of the village revere no one more than her. Her familiar is an elven cat named Nuku.

She chooses not to serve on the village tribunal, instead enjoys watching the developments of the decisions they make.

Airenyl appears as aged elven female, 3’11" tall with grayish-blond hair and striking deep green eyes. She speaks in a slow but light toned voice. Some may think her flighty thought patterns betray her, but Airenyl is well aware of what transpires around her.


Belacandra Hanstanel – elven merchant 4th level fighter (Str 13, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 12), AC 3 (+2 full wood armor and shield), HP 20, THACO 17, AL NG. Belacandra (or Bela, to his friends) is the caretaker of the Stinking Rose Inn in Flameflower. Elected to his position by the residents of the village, Bela prides himself on his establishment, and the quality of the food and drink he proffers.

Bela grew up in the village of Flameflower, and his parents still reside in the village. He began his life as an adventurer, but spent two years defending the Vesve border against the humanoids of Iuz along with many other elves of the Vale. During one of the battles against a battalion of orcs and orogs, Bela lost his brother. He now bears an intense hatred for those races, and talk of his brother or the war is usually enough to change the usually glib innkeeper into a boiling pot of hate.

His wife and sister-in-law do all of the cooking for the inn, and his daughter and two sons help with serving and cleaning. He is usually a good source of rumor in the village, as the Rose is the only such establishment for many miles.

Bela is 5’1" tall and weighs nearly 130lbs. He has jet black hair nearly to his shoulders, and brown eyes. He is 135 years old.


Cedric Durrant – human woodsman 9th level ranger (Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12) AC 4 (+1 ringmail, +1 shield), HP 60, THACO 8, AL CG. Cedric is a rugged human woodsman who currently resides in Flameflower with his wife and newborn daughter. He lives in the collection of human homes in the northwestern section of the village.

Cedric and his family, as well as the other human woodsmen are welcomed in the village. On many occasions, they have assisted in protecting the village, and Cedric is considered the spokesperson for the humans.

Cedric is 6’2", 220lbs with dark brown hair and a thick mustache. He is protective of his family, as well as the village, but is an intelligent and well-spoken man.


Cynllaith Glyndwr – High Priest of Corellon Larethian 14th level priest (Str 11, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 16), AC –5 (+4 scale mail, +4 shield, cloak of displacement +2), HP 53, THACO 12, AL CG. Cynllaith would be considered the spiritual shepherd of the village of Flameflower. A soft spoken, yet determined elf, Cynllaith’s heart burns with the desire to become everything Corellon wished his children to become.

Cynllaith was born and raised in the Kingdom of Celene. He served under the High Priests in the city, but found that their desire to serve Corellon seemed to be replaced by their desire to please their queen.

Then as he walked in the forests one evening, he was visited by a ghostly image. The spirit told him of the elves of the Highfolk valley, and of how a coming conflict would require his assistance in the area. Without question, Cynllaith packed and left for Highfolk the next day. Three months later war broke across the Flanaess.

Cynllaith eventually made his way to Ironstead, assisting the military there for several months. Eventually, when the occupation lines seemed to stabilize, Cynllaith made his way back to a little village he had passed through several times – the village of Flameflower. He has been here since.

Cynllaith is a very soft spoken elf, full of thoughts that at times seem to place him in a trance, He has a beautiful garden behind his home with wonderful ponds and fountains, and he enjoys meditating and praying there. He considers himself an instrument of Corellon, and serves him unswervingly. Cynllaith is also a member of the village tribunal.

He is 5’3" tall, with a long mane of silver-blond hair reaching nearly midway down his back. Cynllaith ties this into a ponytail. His eyes are a steely-blue in color. In combat, he wields an impressive +3 silver warhammer. He is 276 years old.


Kashafen Tamarel – Lord of the High Elves 12th level fighter/13th level mage (Str 17, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 11, Cha 17) AC –7 (elven chain +5, shield +5) HP 49, THACO 9, AL CG. At 312 years of age, Kashafen is a cautious leader of his people. As leader of the tribunal, he is learning how to strengthen his people best, and how to steel their will for the struggle to come.

Kashafen lives in a stone tower near the center of town. He has an assortment of magical items at his disposal, but always chooses to fight with his +3 longsword.

He is a strong and respected leader, both in the village and in the entire Vale. He is on cordial terms with Loftin Greystand in Highfolk, as well as Helmend Fannen at Ironstead. In fact, it was Helmend who first introduced Kashafen to his close friend, Cynllaith Glyndwr.

Kashafen’s blue eyes are steely and his hair is golden blond. Its color and texture are unusual for that of a high elf. He is strong, unusually determined, and serious in thought.

NOTE: Refer to The Marklands, page 56 for more information on Kashafen.


Lahnbranah Treflanel – bowyer weaponmaster 7th level Ranger (Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 11), AC 3 (+3 improved mail), HP 43, THACO 14, AL CG. Lahnbranah is a master bowman and owner of a bowyer/fletcher shop in Flameflower. His craftsmanship is unmatched, and he takes great pride in personally detailing each bow he crafts, carving intricate details of each owner into its hilt. He also sells arrows and repairs both long and short bows.

Lahnbranah inherited his skills from his father, and his father before him. Legends say that Lahnbranah’s grandfather crafted the arrows used as tokens by the mage Quall. Lahnbranah will not confirm or deny this.

Lahnbranah is an unassuming fellow, his mousy brown hair usually hanging in front of his face as he works. His eyes are an unsettling beige color. He is 172 years old. His weapon of choice is an elven bow carved by his grandfather.

Although business in the village is good, Lahnbranah is not a conversationalist. His short and aloof answers can sometimes set some visitors back, but the quality of his handiwork brings them back again and again.


Llathen Llansteffan – herbalist 6th level mage (diviner), (Str 11, Dex 9, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 10), AC 8 (+2 ring of protection), HP17, THACO 19, AL NG. Llathen is the proprietor of the herbalist shop in Flameflower. Completely passionate with his work, Llathen can be seen up at all hours of the night working on some concoction. Many a sleeping elf has been awakened from a deep slumber by the dull thud of an explosion drifting out of Llathen’s shop.

Llathen wanted nothing more than to become a master mage. He studied for years at many schools and under many masters, but his speech impediment, a stutter when he becomes excited, always seemed to get in the way. Now, at 273, he is content to run the day to day operations of his shop.

Llathen also has a problem with direct confrontations. He rarely looks into the eyes of those he talks to, usually looking down at his feet instead. But if you want or need and herb, Llathen is the elf to see.

Llathen’s hair is a shaggy black mess, and his eyes are reported to be a light brown, although no one can substantiate this.


Llywelyn Glynnwylin – artisan guildmaster 10th level thief (Str 13, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 6, Cha 15), AC 4 (+2 spiked leather), HP 37, THACO 16, AL CG. Although his thieving skills are quite impressive, Llywelyn chooses instead to devote the majority of his time to his other great passion – music and the arts. A master musician with the harp, lute and lyre, his is often seen beneath one of the trees near the pond, singing and gently playing his instruments.

Llywelyn is somewhat of a question mark in the village. All who know him are impressed by his musicianship and his appreciation for fine works of art are also well known. It is obvious, from the speed and dexterity of his fingers, to the lithe and fluid movements of his dance, that Llywelyn must have honed these skills while adventuring.

As a matter of fact, Llywelyn has been to more cities and towns throughout the Flanaess than most other residents of the village. He acquired both his skills and appreciation of fine art while adventuring in the lands to the south, and parted ways with his old group some years back in the city of Verbobonc. Traveling as a minstrel, Llywelyn eventually came through Flameflower. After experiencing the beauty of the village and its natural wonders, he decided to stay. When the residents discussed creating an artisan’s guild, Llywelyn offered his services.

Llywelyn is 196 years old, stands just over 5 foot in height and weighs 107 pounds. He is thin and his features are sharp. His reddish-brown hair is usually pulled back from his face, and almost meets his shoulders. He is friendly and courteous, and is a great fancier of beauty – in both the arts, and in the female persuasion.

Among the items he acquired during his travels is a short sword of sharpness.


Owain Allynwyn – elven merchant 2nd level fighter (Str 12, Dex 9, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10), AC 6 (composite armor – back and breast), HP 12, THACO 19, AL NG. Owain is another story of an adventurer who lost his stomach for the business. Hailing from Flameflower, he returned here to start a business when the adventures became less exciting and more dangerous. He is happy in his life, and rarely looks back.

Owain owns and operates the Flowers and Flame General Store in Flameflower. He is well known and liked by the residents of the village, and many depend on him to provide him with items they cannot usually acquire in the surrounding area. Twice a month, Owain and his two sons take their wagon and head south to Highfolk and sometimes further, to trade and purchase items to bring back to Flameflower. Owain will even occasionally agree to bring back special requested items (if they can be found), and enjoys telling the stories of his travels.

Owain is an excellent source of information from the southern lands, or even the shortest routes between two points in those regions.

Owain is nearly 5 foot tall and weighs almost 130 lbs. He is somewhat stocky for an elf, but is a friendly and pleasant fellow.


Seisyll Dyfnwal – High Priest of Labelas Enoreth 12th level priest (Str 12, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 9), AC1 (armor of blending, +3 shield), HP 38, THACO 14, AL LG. Seisyll is an outspoken member of the village tribunal, as well as a well-respected priest in the community. He is passionate about almost everything, and often can irritate those he speaks with by taking complete control of the conversation at hand. He is married and has three young daughters.

Seisyll is young for his experience level, a fact he attributes to Labelas’ blessings throughout his life. His chosen weapon is a +2 footman’s mace, and it is not for show. A few years back, Seisyll and Cedric Durrant single-handedly held back a pack of dire wolves from attaching the village.

Seisyll is 196 years old and stands 5’3" tall. He has sandy brown hair and green eyes, and appears even younger than he actually is.


Syriell Ahlenden – priestess of Sehanine 11th level priestess (Str 10, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 17), AC 2 (+3 elven chain), HP 33, THACO14, AL NG. Syriell is also a member of the village tribunal. Her abilities are well admired by most of the village, and her beauty is admired by most that meet her.

Syriell is an orphan – her parents died years ago at the hands of a group of ghouls. She was taken in by priests and priestesses of Sehanine, and devoted herself to the deity. She burns inside with an intense hatred for all manner of undead, and still swears revenge for her parents.

Syriell is a dream to observe. Her movements are smooth and lithe, seeming to almost float on air. She wears a moon shaped pendant around her neck, a medallion of Sehanine, which was a gift to her from the priests who raised her. Her weapon, the Quarterstaff of Positive Planar Power, was a gift from Sehanine herself.

Syriell is a stunningly attractive elven female. She is 225 years old, stands just under 5 foot in height and weighs a dainty 82 pounds. She has shoulder length jet black hair and ice blue eyes.


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