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Lake Quag

Nyr Dyv

Whyestil Lake


"Still they came, forcing us to the boats. As I watched the mighty walls of Admonfort illuminated in the unholy fires of the northern hordes, my tears flowed like rain. The Nyr Dyv was deepened that day... and in our hearts we prayed for Holmer." 


As many will tell you, silent waters run deep. Many of the lakes throughout the realms are bordered by settlements, drawing from those waters to fatten their coffers. Taking from the depths that which belongs to the depths.

But those that would live near the lakes will tell you... the waters always collect what is theirs. Perhaps something as innocent as an early spring flood. But others will whisper about the strange mists that roll towards the shore, and the foul, unspeakable things that claw their way through the mud into the forests in the middle of the night.

Take my hand... step into the boat. And whatever you do, don't stare into the waters. Select a lake at left.


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