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Why Aeris is really dead. For good.

Yes, she's really gone. The reason I'm writing this page is because, a while back there was a lot of speculation on weather or not Aeris was really dead for good. The answer is that, unfortunately, she is. There you go. It is impossible to bring her back to life. The reason people thought you might be able to is because that, originally, you where supposed to be able to. To bring Aeris back to life, you had to do the following things (might I just repeat again that this does NOT work, I am just telling you so you know). First of all, you had to be nice to her and not to Tifa. This involved saying bad stuff to and about Tifa and the opposite for her. Then, you had to talk to the sick man in the pipe near Aeris' house before dropping in on Elmyra (Aeris' mother). After this, on disk 2 when you get the key into Midgar, take Yuffie and Vincent with you and talk to the man in the pipe again. He'll tell you that he is now (apart from Sephiroth) the last remaining ancient. He says that he feels he must join you, but asks you. Say no, and talk to him again, but say yes this time and he'll join you (you cannot fight with him, however, just as when Bugenhagen joined you). Take him to where Aeris died and he'll say that he feels a strong presence around him and ask if he can investigate. Say yes and your party will sleep for the night. Go back there in the morning and he has Aeris by his side. Ahhh. Why does this not happen, I hear you cry? Simple. The game designers where so pressed to release the game that they simply didn't have enough time!


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