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Damien Roberts



Damien N. Roberts


Status Student


Birthday June 1

Place of Birth

Gainesville, FL
Affiliations Nexxus Academy






197 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: Damien is a tall and lanky kid. His build is more that of a runner or surfer, lithe and wiry, with the same build of a healthy teenager who keeps himself in good condition though he is hardly a bodybuilder. Light brown hair frames a face that has seen the sun on many occasions. He sports a tan that never seems to go away, a tribute to his surfing days.






By drawing in latent energy from the surrounding area (heat, static electricity, wind particles, etc), Damien can shape and project them into illusions that, to the naked eye, are as "there" as the real thing. Most of the time, his illusions will take the form of something that fits into the environment, instead of taking the time to generate implausible situations, but he is capable (with an extreme effort) of generating 360 degree illusions. They are not limited by reality.. if he can imagine it, he can shape it.


Since he draws the energy for his illusions from an outside source, Damien can generate them nearly indefinitely, with the exception being the full illusions. Those he can generate for about 10 minutes before the necessary concentration becomes too much of a strain. The drawback is that although the illusions look real enough, they are insubstantial, and are incapable of creating noises or smells. All someone has to do is touch one to know it is not real.


He cannot draw directly from any power source, but has to rely on the "cast-off" energy to power his illusions. Because of the way his brain must work to think in three dimensions in order to create his illusions, whenever he begins to create something larger then the size of the average human, the latent psychic defenses all humans have drop, leaving him more vulnerable to psychic intrusions, something even he doesn't know.



Physical Skills

He ran JV level cross country, and is a top-rated surfer. His other hobby is medieval reenactment with the SCA, which resulted in basic training in swordsmanship, archery, horseback riding, sewing, armorsmithing, cooking, camping, and siege warfare. Out of these, he only actively pursued armored sword fighting and horseback riding, so he has an average skill in those two areas.



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