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Darian Forester



Darian A Forester


Status Student


Birthday April 23

Place of Birth

New York City, NY
Affiliations Nexxus Academy






135 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: Darian has dark-brown hair that he usually keeps short. His eyes are a deep blue, like the sky before a storm. His body is on the lanky side, with not a lot of muscle tone to it, but enough so that he's not flabby. He has no special preference in clothing, but tends towards what's comfortable (which doesn't always translate to what's popular or even what's ironed if he's in a hurry).






Maximum Stretch abilities - 5 times the length of whatever it is he's stretching (i.e.: an arm is roughly 3 feet long, he can stretch them 15 feet) Strength of Stretching - The longer he stretches, the weaker the limbs. So if he can normally lift 100 pounds, but he's stretched out to 5 times his normal length, he can only lift 20 pounds. (It's all about leverage) Darian primarily uses this power to get things from long distance and evade danger. In battle, he'd use it to launch long-range attacks with a stretched-out fist or foot, or wrap himself into a ball to bounce away or towards a situation. Other uses include stretching out of the way of a blow, or wrapping himself around a foe, or stretching his neck up/out to survey a situation before others go charging in.


He must be conscious to activate his power. If he's unconscious, he returns to his normal proportions. He cannot stretch his body/limbs beyond five times their length and his limbs grow weaker the farther he stretches them.


Mostly the same as normal humans, with a few considerations regarding heavy objects, under specific circumstances (i.e.: if something falls on him, and he goes elastic, there could potentially be less damage done).



Physical Skills

He has rudimentary knowledge of street-fighting tactics (i.e. knee-to-the-groin, poke-in-the-eye stuff), but little practical experience beyond one or two real fights. He's fairly good at using search engines and web surfing, but knows next to nothing about the internal workings of machines. He has some potential talent on the guitar, but he's never been formally trained. He only has a little experience from jamming in the garage on the weekends.



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