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James Locksley



James Locksley


Status Student


Birthday January 27

Place of Birth

Phoenix, AZ
Affiliations Nexxus Academy






150 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: Jamie has jet-black hair he keeps short and out of his eyes in a “minimal upkeep” style, his eyes are vibrant ruby red and he has a fit, well-toned physique of an acrobat though not overly muscular, he is rarely seen with a somber expression on his face. When not working out or practicing his skills, Jamie wears mostly plain T Shirt’s in dark colors, cotton pants, cargos and other unrestrictive clothing.






Jamie has the ability to create fire at will and use it for several effects; he can make three different sizes of fireballs, with subsequent heat intensity, a stream of flame like a flamethrower and surround his body in an aura of fire.


Jamie’s smallest fireballs are about the size of a bic lighter, with the same intensity, he can make a maximum of 24 of these, his medium fireballs are about the size of a softball, with the intensity of Molotov Cocktail (explosives), he can make a total 12 of these, his largest fireballs are about the size of a basketball, with the intensity of an incendiary grenade, he can make a total 6 of these. Jamie can make a stream of flame reach up to a maximum range of 12 feet, with the intensity of an aerosol can under flame, or shorter ranges with a higher intensity peaking at that of your standard blowtorch. His fiery aura can only be maintained for a maximum duration of 5 minutes, then he runs out of power and has to recharge, it takes 24 hours to recharge his powers.


Water and fire extinguishers can of course, put out Jamie’s flames, he also has the normal human weaknesses except for fire and heat, Jamie’s has a phobia of deep water from a childhood accident and so has never learned to swim. Jamie was home schooled and always found training more interesting than his lessons, he has approximately a year 10 education but lacks experience with some things that other teenagers would take for granted, for example he is very nearly computer illiterate, in short he has little experience outside life in the circus.



Physical Skills

Jamie begun his training in acrobatics at a very young age and is quite skilled at it, he also has a variety of other wise useless tricks like juggling and sleight of hand, Jamie’s physical fitness, dexterity and agility are higher than average due to his intense regular training.



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