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Karina James



Karina Ryan James


Status Student


Birthday August 15

Place of Birth

Dunston, NC
Affiliations Nexxus Academy






115 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: Karina has the build of a female gymnast.  She is short, with very little body fat.  She wears her blond hair at just slightly shorter than shoulder length, and it is usually cut in an easy-to-manage style.  Her pale green eyes are very expressive, and she tends to wear her emotions on her sleeve.  




Light Shaping


Karina can use ambient light and weave it into solid structures.  These structures can be as flimsy as tissue or as strong as adamantium, for as long as she concentrates on them.  She can also control the color and temperature of her constructs, but the two are inter-related.  The lighter the color towards pure white, the hotter the temperature.  The darker the color towards black, the colder the temperature.


The strength of her structures are totally dependant upon her focus.  Break her concentration, and her constructs disappear in a shower of sparkling "dustmotes".  Creation of anything demands line-of-sight.  She can't make anything if she can't see what she's making.  Once it's made, however, she can sustain it without needing to see it, as long as she devotes some attention to it.


She is a normal human, subject to normal human weaknesses.  Her powers are dependant upon the available light, weak against shadow and darkforce attacks, and can convievably be overpowered by strong, focused, light-based attacks.



Physical Skills

Karina has had the benefit of being taught martial arts since she was old enough to walk.  Her own personal fighting style is a blend of several styles, including Karate, Judo, and Tae Kwon Do.  She has been schooled in Tai Chi.  She's a very good shot with a hunting bow.



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