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Nelson McCreary



Nelson J McCreary


Status Student


Birthday May 1

Place of Birth

Juneau, AK
Affiliations Nexxus Academy






175 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: Nelson is a young man of striking steel blue eyes that offset his dirty blonde hair. Forever tousled beyond hope, Nelson cuts it short so that he doesn't have to worry about maintaining it too much. He only shaves every now and then, and often sports a shadow across his face. His clothes are as unkempt as his hair, and he prefers to wear layers when he can. Though he has been trying to quit (albeit halfheartedly), Nelson tends to smoke a cigarette when he has nothing better to do.




Super Speed


Nelson's mutation allows him to move at speeds of up to 600 mph at best. When hitting such high speeds, Nelson is immune to the negative effects of windsheer.


The higher the speed Nelson moves at - the quicker he tires - requiring extensive rest afterwards. Nelson can only maintain his top speed of 600 mph for an hour at best. Should he choose to move slower the duration of his gift is increased exponentially. In addition, the more weight Nelson carries with him the slower he is forced to go. For every pound he carries he rate of travel is diminished accordingly. (ie: carrying 100 lbs reduces his top speed to 500 mph).


Nelson shares the same weaknesses as normal humans, in addition - should he hit any dense object at great speeds - the result could be potentially fatal.



Physical Skills

Nelson never really bothered to learn any sort of physical skills. He was a quarterback for a year on his old high school football team before he was thrown out. He can, however, play a game of pool with the best of them.



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