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Matthew Frost



Matthew Frost


Status Student


Birthday January 15

Place of Birth

New York, NY
Affiliations Nexxus Academy




5 inches


11 ounces

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: Mat is a five-inch tall lean, mean fightin' machine and has a pair of three-inch wings emerging from his shoulder blades. These wings are transparent, membranous structures very similar to the wings of many insects, and when not in use, are simply folded up and rested against his back to prevent unnecessary or accidental damage to them.




Winged flight; Bio-electric stings


Mat has a single pair of non-retractable 3-inch insect wings that allow him to fly. He is capable of firing bio-electric stings from both hands.


Whilst Mat could probably just push speeds as high as 55-60 MPH in a pinch, he tends to stay below 25 - 30 MPH, above which flight begins to become very taxing. The same also applies if he drops below 5 MPH. Within this preferred range, he can stay airborne for no longer than an hour before requiring a full hour to recuperate. His bio-electric stings have four different strength-levels. The first of these is capable of inducing a simple static shock, while the second level can induce paralysis in a limb for 30 seconds, and the third can leave a normal human paralyzed for up to ten seconds. He may produce, in any combination of stings he chooses, up to 24 of the weakest stings, 12 of the moderate stings or up to 6 strong stings in short succession before requiring approximately two hours to recharge. At any time however, he can produce a level four sting, or final strike sting, which is capable of killing a normal human being at full strength, though it must be employed only when absolutely necessary. As a consequence of the massive energy output, the final strike sting will also disable him in the process by causing him to lapse straight into a coma.


He is particularly susceptible to bio-chemical insecticides, and sticky substances. Surprisingly however, he is no more susceptible to most forms of physical harm than a normal human male.



Physical Skills

He has the strength, endurance and stamina of someone his own size and weight who exercises intensively on a regular basis. He is already a more than capable flier.



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