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Ralph Dibney



Ralph J Dibney


Status Student


Birthday January 2

Place of Birth

Aurora, MO
Affiliations Nexxus Academy






120 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: A skinny kid who's obviously just hit a growth spurt. You can count his ribs at 20 paces, and he's got as much padding as a concrete bus bench. He always seems to be grinning, cheerful. His clothes don't quite fit right. If it fits his frame, it hangs loose. If it fits his size, it's too small. Usually in a baggy t-shirt, jeans, and black suspenders covered with buttons with cute, witty, or insightful sayings. His favorite shoes are a pair of steel toed boots, which look almost cartoonishly outsized on his skinny legs.




Far Sight


He can follow anything he sees, without moving. His vision is like normal vision, only remote from his head. He can also do reconnaissance by spotting something, going there, and looking around from that point, spotting something else, and going there. Usually large landmarks work best for this. Can also force his sight into tight spots, for example, to look under furniture or behind bookcases without moving them.


At around 5 miles from his body, he can't go any further. He can peer all he wants, but remains stationary, unless he moves his body closer in the direction he wants to go. While using his power, he's essentially blind at his body. So, he can see something going on over the hill, but is unaware of the car heading for him 20 feet away. There must also be a light source. Can't see in the dark, and night vision goggles do not assist the power, although he can use them normally.


Normal human weaknesses. More susceptible to mental attacks when using his powers. Power use can be detected by an unfocused gaze and failure to react to motion or light changes in his immediate area.



Physical Skills

He can juggle, three balls. Golf & tennis balls, baseballs, billiard balls, things of that rough size and weight range, with golf balls being the smallest and lightest he can juggle successfully. Sitting, standing, walking, talking, don't interfere with his juggling. He hasn't mastered juggling while running, though. Can ride a bicycle wheelie in a straight line for an entire block, or ride with no hands for miles. Has mastered the game of Tetris. Fairly able to find his way through the woods.



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