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Seth Reed



Seth D. Reed


Status Student


Birthday February 23

Place of Birth

Orange County, CA
Affiliations Nexxus Academy






155 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: Seth is of average height and weight for a boy his age. He has blue eyes and sandy blond hair that he usually has spiked. He has tan skin and is pretty good shape.




Personal Force Field


Instinctive shielding around self only, extending at a position 1 inch away from his clothing. It will activate (in the beginning) whenever something comes into contact with Seth that he did not initiate. This means, if someone so much as taps on Seth's shoulder, the shield activates, but if he reaches to tap someone else, it does not. Later, as control is learned, it won't be so "Trigger Happy" in places where he perceives he is "safe" (such as when at the dinner table, or in a classroom, or whatever). These personal shields will withstand forces up to 20 tons, and are completely flexible, moving when Seth moves. He has limited shaping of his shield. For example, he can morph the finger portion of his shield into sharp claws.


His powers only activate on their own when he is conscious. If he is rendered unconscious, or sleeping, those powers don't work. They will only manifest for a maximum of 2 hours in any given day, before he needs to sleep to "recharge".


When Seth is unshielded, asleep, or unconscious, he has all the weaknesses of a normal human. When he is shielded, he can be hurt by mental attacks, poisons, drowning, and suffocation.



Physical Skills

Seth can swim and surf, even though he doesn't really like to. Seth is an accomplished pilot and has plans to be an astronaut.



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