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Angela Minuet Thomas


Status Neutral


Birthday March 21

Place of Birth

Juneau, Alaska
Affiliation Sorceress Supreme






130 lbs

Hair Color

Dark Auburn

Eye Color

Very Dark Green

Description: Statuesque, regal, she is absolutely flawless in face and form, in every measurement and proportion. She is physical perfection.  Her mutant ability keeps her in peak physical condition, and guarantees that everything she is, is perfect.






She can assume any form. Her ability to mimic is absolute, down to the molecular chemistry involved, allowing her to shift everything from form to scent to taste and feel. She can become anyone, right down to their fingerprints, once she has their "Code", as she calls it. Once she has physically touched someone, she can become that person, even to mimicry of his or her ability, though the strength of the gift manifestation is never any greater than half that of the "original" version.


She has to physically touch someone to be able to mimic them completely. Otherwise, she can only assume their superficial characteristics. (i.e.: She could LOOK like Sabretooth, but in order to smell, sound, and genetically pass for him, she would need to touch him. Physical contact is also required for her to manifest their mutant ability)


Mind/Judgment altering drugs. However, there is no known way to destroy her (yet). Drugs are a temporary method of deterring her. They do not kill her, and she is incapable of becoming addicted.



Physical Skills

A normal human female who works out regularly.  She has a smattering of a variety of martial arts forms, and a similar smattering of familiarity with all the weapons types stocked in the school weapons room.  But she is a master at none of them

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