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Gabriel Damian Yorke



Status Hostile



Birthday August 1

Place of Birth

Salem Center, New York

Affiliation Hellfire Club







Hair Color


Eye Color


Description:  Tall, and thin, Gabriel has a sinewy muscular build, closer to that of a well-toned basketball player. His hair, a raven black, reaches down to the middle of this back, and is often kept tied in a ponytail. His eyes, the color of a vibrant ruby, often appear with a soft red aura to them. At the base of his spine, a 3.5-foot tail emerges, and serves mostly as an effective counterbalance to Gabriel’s movements. This allows him to move with a fluid grace even when his movements are erratic. His face, the only true semblance of his father’s looks, is handsome, with high cheekbones, a straight, solid jaw line, and a thin nose. Amongst these features, Gabe’s skin is the color of dark ash and both his fingers and toes end in sharp claws capable of penetrating sheet steel or stone. Despite these unique traits, there is a certain uniformity to his appearance, letting no one feature appear more prominent than the others.




Shadow (Dark Force Energy) Manipulation


Manifestation of DFE Manipulation is limited to self-transformation into shadow. This gives Gabriel the ability to convert his physical body into an ethereal body of shadow, that appears as the image of a 7ft, liquid black devil (complete with a significant muscle tone, red eyes, a tail, horns, and wings –Think Disney’s Fantasia Devil scene). In this form, Gabriel has limited sight, speech and hearing. Solid items, ex. bullets, bricks, fists, pass through this form. He can also seep through cracks, crevices, and tiny openings without damaging himself.


The period of time which Gabriel can remain in his ethereal state is limited to no more than three hours per day, total. Once this period of time is exhausted, Gabriel will return to his physical form unconscious. Also, Gabriel CAN NOT phase through solid objects, though is unaffected by such things as energy fields while in his shadow form. In shadow form, Gabriel can not inflict physical damage on material things.


Light based attacks. Whether it’s a laser blast, a mutant light manipulator, or a concentrated blast of sunlight, direct attacks with light do damage to the ethereal shadow form. Once the shadow form is badly damaged, Gabriel is forced back into his physical form until the shadow body can recover. (no more than one day’s rest without utilizing his mutant power)



Physical Skills

Enhanced reflexes—though not nearly close to mutants gifted in speed or reflexes, Gabriel’s unique body structure and build allow him to react very quickly, comparable to a human at peak reaction speeds. Equilibrium---Gabriel’s tail counteracts being off balance, making it difficult to force him off balance. Finger tip and toe claws---Gabriel has inch long claws at the end of this fingers and toes strong enough to penetrate sheet metal and stone. This allows him to cling and crawl along stone walls.



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