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Fox and Massacre

Name: Fox

Codename: Um... FOX!

Age: About THIIIS Much!

Place of Birth: Somewhere over that way


Height: 4 feet tall

Weight: 52 pounds

Hair Color: Silver (silly question)

Eye Color: Rusty Red

General Physical Description: Short, stacked, and exotically sexy, part human, part fox.  Most features are human, but for a set of tufted ears, and a bushy tail.  



X-Ability: Heightened senses, agility, dexterity, and speed.  She's hard to catch, and even harder to hold onto


Uses: Going places, doing stuff, tracking stuff, that kind of thing

Limitations: Yes, being short can be limiting

Weaknesses: No, not very strong.  And tends to break easy under pressure


Physical Skills: Knows a smattering of various different martial arts, but is a master at none of them. That's not to say you won't have a hard time fighting her, though.  She's fast, and agile, and hard to keep up with.


Name: Massacre

Codename: Grrrowr?!?

Age: mrrrowr

Place of Birth: Mojoverse


Height: 4 feet at the back

Weight: No one wants to make him get on a scale

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Blue

General Physical Description:  Well, he looks like a great big Sabretooth Tiger, because that is what he is, so draw your mental image from that.  He's a white Sabretooth tiger.  A Big one.



X-Ability: He's not a mutant.  He's a tiger.  He has tiger powers.  Sabretooth tiger powers, if you want to get picky


Uses: For doing what Saberetooth tigers do

Limitations: Do YOU want to tell him he's limited?

Weaknesses: Do YOU want to tell him he's weak?  Neither did we.


Physical Skills: None to remark on.  Just those abilities found in the species


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