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Far Cry


Harmony Valentina O'Malley


Far Cry
Status Neutral


Birthday March 19

Place of Birth

Dublin, Latverian-Ireland
Affiliations Latverian Guard






120 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: Slender, athletic, she is a pretty young lady, with an easy smile, sparkling eyes, and a musical laugh.  Her facial features are slightly angular, lending her a somewhat elfish appearance, which she occasionally claims "comes from me mother's side o' the family... she was one of the Fey Ones, ye know"




Sound Manipulation


The ability to channel sound into energy blasts.  Her powers make the surrounding area go silent, as she draws all the ambient noise into energy, which manifest in either explosive light blasts (like Jubilee), or in highly concentrated sound waves (like Banshee).  The Explosive blasts are capable of producing an incendiary force equal to that of a standard hand-grenade.  The sound waves are primarily concussive in nature, of a similar strength, but register on a frequency beyond that which humans can hear.  (They're silent, but deadly).  She can also use the sound waves for flight, and for minimal shielding (generally only strong enough to prevent damage from debris or hand-thrown weapons, but not strong enough to prevent damage from discharge weapons).


Dependant upon the level of ambient or artificial noise around her.  Her maximum duration for using her powers is 14 hours.


The same as any other human



Physical Skills

She is NOT a physical fighter.  Her main skill lay in silent infiltration and extraction, or using her powers as a distance fighter.  If she HAS to fight physically, she is a dirty cat-fighter/brawler type, going after all the most painful places, usually with a knife.  



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