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What is KNOWLEDGE? Is KNOWLEDGE the Ability To Have A Vast Amount Of Understanding About Yourself And The World In Which We Live? Lets Say I Have A Pound Of Steal And A Pound of Feathers. Which 1 Would U Say Weighed The Most? Well, Obviously, Neither 1 Weighs More Than The Other, They Both Are 1 Pound, Thus They Weigh The Same. But Is This Knowledge? Is KNOWLEDGE The Ability To Break Down A Problem And Come To A Logical, Analytical Conclusion? KNOWLEDGE Is A VIRTUE. But What Then Is A Virtue? A VIRTUE Is An Advantageous ATTRIBUTE To Posses, In The Sense That It Encompasses WISDOM,UNDERSTANDING, And EQUALITY, 3 VITAL ATTRIBUTES. No Matter How Much Contemplation And Hypothesizing, I Have Yet To Derive A Full Understanding Of What KNOWLEDGE REALY Is. But As A GOD Of 1906, I WILL 1 Day Do So. PEACE 2 THE GODS...A COWARD DIES A THOUSAND DEATHS, A SOLDIER DIES BUT 1.