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A FABLE: Once upon a time there were 2 Men. The 1st Man was a FaKE. He had a cROoKed mind and A Corrupt heart. He always TriEd 2 ImPREsS everyone anyway that He CouLd. Whether it MeAnT Speaking about things he KNEW NOTHING ABOUT, or trying 2 FLASH and Flount AbOut. The 2nd man was a JUSTMAn. ALWAYS SEEKING KNOWLEDGE, AND eQUALITY; BOTH OF seLF and others. 4 the SakE of the story, the 1st man is called Null, the 2nd man is called Gator. 1 day the 2 men were asked 2 participate in a race 2 CEE who could make it 2 THE FINiSH Line 1st. Null thought he Was SuRE 2 wiN. He THOUGHT he KNEW EVERYTHING about the course, LaTer in ThE stORY we'LL CEE Just hOw MuCH he KNOWS. Gator, on the other hand, Knew Nothing About the COursE. So on the Day OF thE RAce, They bOth were GIVEN Directions 2 Stay On the COurse and Don't TRY 2 Find it on There OWn. The Gun sOunDed, And they were OFF. Gator was a LOT Faster than NulL.. Because Of THat, he was behind in the race. "I THINK i Can Take A Short Cut Up Here", Null Said, And Quickly Got OFF the COURSE. In the MEAN Time Gator was getting closer 2 the finich line. He Glanced over his shoulder 2 look at NULL, BUT HE was NOwhere in SiGHT!! Moments LAter, GATOR Crossed The finished Line. "Where is Null", Some1 shouted. Every 1 of Nulls Friends stayed 2 see him cross the finish line, but he never crssed it. THE TRUTH is that NULL DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE COURSE, HE ONLY THOUGHT HE DID. As a ReSult, he Accidently StePPED Off The Side of A Cliff, and that so ended his LIFE. U CEE, Null couldn't face the FACT that He Was Outmanned, so he Tried 2 cheaT 2 get ahead. As a result, HE MEET HIS DEATH. A WISE man knows The Extent of his capabilities. WISDOM MUST bee achieved through personal trials and tribulalations. Wisdom WILL make your life more meanimgful and pRoSpErOuS, a LACK of WISDOM can put U CloSer 2 YOUR GraVe. THE MORAL: A MAN WHO THINKS HE KNOWS EVERYTHING, KNOWS NOTHING. Proper Equality Activates Controlled Emotions!