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UNDERSTANDING. It Is The Ability of Knowing That In Your Possession Are The Principles of What Is Clear & UnClear. It Is The Capability of Disection. It Is The Balance of What Is Right, Wrong & Neither. You Know That 1 plus 2 equals 3. But How Do You Really Know That? Well There Are Numerous Ways Why You Have Come To Understand That 1 + 2 = 3. One Way That You Have Come To Understand That UNIversal Calculation Is Through Education, of Course. Your Teacher Was Responsible In The Task of Teaching You Basic Arithmetic. Not Only Was He/She Responsible For Teaching You Arithmetic, But They Were Also Responsible For Educating You As Well. The Difference? Being Taught Something, Does Not Insure That You Understand It. As Children We Are "Taught" Many Lessons, But It Is Not Until After WISDOM Is Applied, That We Obtain Clear InSight To What Was Being Taught. That Is "True Education." Thus, UNDERSTANDING Is The KNOWLEDGE, Obtained Through TIME, That Has Been Applied To One's Own LIFE. Your LIFE Has An UNDERSTANDING of Its Own. It Is Your Responsibility To Seek KNOWLEDGE & To Apply WISDOM To Produce UNDERSTANDING. Just As The Teacher Was Responsible For Teaching You, You Are Responsibile For Educating YourSELF.