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Mental Warfare

SALAAM The Chameleon

My Name Has Been Derived From The Attributes That I Contain. SALAAM Is An Asiatic Term That Derives From Arabic Meaning PEACE. I Cee PEACE Having Two Aspects: (1) Positive Education Activates Constant Elevation (2) Without WAR There Can Be No PEACE. One Cannot Exist Without The Other. The Two Dwell Within My Cipher. My Cipher Can Be Described As The Yin-Yang. In MY Cipher, The Yin Is The KNOWLEDGE; The Yang Is The WISDOM. Together They Produce The UNDERSTANDING That Is Needed 2 Control My Cipher. The Key To Controlling Emotions Is To Have A Proper Balance Or Equality. The Chameleon Simply Means: Having The Ability Of Adaptation To ALL Environments, Either Physically or Mentally. Mastering This Ability Is Important For Survival. This Art Can Be Defined In Another Way: Instinct or THIRD EYE. Mastering The THIRD EYE Is Vital For Survival.


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