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Chapter 1

I turned away from the t.v. and looked at the album Taylor had sent me in the mail. He wrote a letter along with it. I was happy that he thought of me. While he was away. He always takes the time.God, I missed him so.

I turned back to the t.v. as letterman spoke the words...

"Well you know how I hate to get into your 'personal' lives, but every screaming girl fan wants to know about the girlfriend issue?" Letterman asked. I could tell on his face he didn't even want to start on it.


"I can tell them that I'm seeing someone. I just wont give your name out, some fans get violent." Taylor said looking into me.

"No, Tay. I think it's best if you say you didn't have a girlfriend or was even dating at the moment. Isaac and Zac are doing the same. It could hurt your career." I said looking at him.

"But I love Ginette. I want the world to know. Plus, Isaac and Zac aren't seeing any girls at the time anyway."

"Taylor, listen. This could be bad, possibly start trouble. I don't want you to lose fans or lose their interest in your music all because you have a 'certain' someone back home. In my heart we're together and I love you, always." I said. I felt as if I were to shower with tears. It tore me up. But music had been with him long before I had. I didn't want him to lose all of it.

"Only for you." Taylor said kissing my hand. "I'll say no, only for you."


"Well currently David, No I don't." Isaac said flatly.

"Girls...nope haven't found one." Zac said looking into the audience. "But I'm looking." He smiled as all the fans cheered.

Taylor conintued the answer.

"There's someone, but I know she's far away. So I guess no."

Letterman looked into the crowd. "Ok we got three SINGLE Hanson guys here. I'll flash their numbers across the screen and girls give them a call." He joked. "We'll be back after the break."

I turned the t.v. off and thought about what I had just seen. "They're going to be home in two days." I said aloud.

It was weird seeing somebody you know, love, or whatever on t.v. It felt false or distant. Kind of like it's not them on there. I had nothing to do, but anticipate on the Hanson's arrivial back to Tulsa. Which was soon.

Chapter 2
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