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Justin Pics

Wuz Up Peepz?!?! Heidi and Melissa here bringing you the first page of Justin pictures. There is a lot more ahead. So sit back and enjoy. Lets get this crunk!

Hello There!

WHOA BABY! Justin you are lookin hot as ever here boy! You definitly got the goods! Give us da hook up!


HAHA! Da booty cam was busy that day! Just dont split your pants Justin. Although we wouldnt complain would we girls?

Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just Him?

Sportin the shades! Oh my how stylish can ya get huh? This picture is definitly workin for you babe!

Awwww..this is too cute. I just wanna pinch his cute little cheeks..awww. Come here big boy...let us give you some suga! ::kissy kissy::

Look girls Justin is trying to tell yall that he is not dating Britney Spears. He looks like it is driving him nuts. Justin says..."We did date...but not any more"...Ok girls! Stop the rumors.

So what? Pot-of-gold's are found under Rainbows. But Justin Timberlake's are found under waterfalls! Which do you prefer?...If your smart you would go chasing waterfalls!

Nice shades J. Lookin good. Here Justin is strutting his stuff at MGM Studios. You got to, You got to, Giddy Giddy Up!"

"Whoa look at those arms. Yummy. Justin bows as the audience goes wild! Who wouldn't? We're so loving the wife beater. GRROOWWL."

Hip hop to the hippdy hop!!! Doesnt he just make the cutest kangaroo you have ever seen. I wonder what he carries in his pouch? Hmm.....Thats sumpin to think about huh?

Holy Cow! Good God! Damn Justin has never looked so hott! Hang on we gota wipe the screen off it is getting steamy in here. ::wipes screen::: Show of hands...WHO WANTS SOME OF DAT!?!?...OOO OO OO WE DO WE DO!!

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