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Gettin Jiggy Wit Justin!

HEY HEY HEY!! Melissa and Heidi here again! Thank you so much for sticking around. But if you love Justin as much as we do its no problem right? Tell your friends about our site. Thanx again yall! Enjoy Mr. Smooth!

Oriental Justin! Yummy! We would like to see his egg-ROLL! Cut us off a piece of dat! woo hoo!

All we gotta say is DAMN! Jeez boy how hott can you get? Do you have a liscence to drive us this crazy? U DRIVE US CRAZY. Y ARE YOU MESSIN WITH OUR MINDS!?!

UH OH! GHETTO! Ghetto Police got ahold of our Justin-Poo! But who else can pull that off. Look at him in dat hat. YUMMY! REHREH..GRR..MEEOWW...PURRR!! YEE HAW!

This picture was taken in the video of "I want you back". You must confess that.."He's all you ever wanted, he's all you ever need. So Justin tell us what to do now...When WE WANT YOU BACK!!"

"Couldn't you just eat him up with a spoon?!"

Here Justin is sporting his baby blue FUBU. Doesn't he just look adorable!?! WE just love his Tongue. =)"

Wouldn't you think Justin knows to take his clothes off before jumpin into the tub.. Oh Wow! What a mental picture!OOO AHHH.Lets not think naughty girls!LOL

Oh Boy! That is a big ole pic! MM MM GOOD! Look at that! Jeez! That magazine s a good one to get NSYnc stuff in it. We have bought that b4 and its great. Check it out sometime. I mean that is just ONE of the hott pics of Justin in it! we know what Justin bought in Berlin! That hat!That is a phat hat J! It looks good on you!

"Justin is doing an interview at Planet Hollywood. Hey Justin, Its us, Heidi and Melissa. ::Waves::. Smile for the camera Justin!"

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