Dominion/Initiate: Available for Dominion
Focus : The Lodestone is set upon a hill in a Realm relatively far from both Amber and Chaos. It is a single monolith of greyish/blue stone that no light reflects off. Access to the shadow is impossible for most without using the Source to follow the safe trail to it.
Initiation : As the initiate sits facing away from the Lodestone looking out over the countryside they slowly sink into a trance state as the pulling of the stone is felt across their skin. Deeper and deeper the pull is felt as their center point of being is reached. The initiate feels deeply connected and centered within the Lodestone. Then the awareness of the insistent pull of other forces is felt. The stress of these forces pulling increases and the distance to center increases within the initiate's mind. The initiates mental awareness pulls farther away from their body as it is pulled apart by the forces of nature. Each being has a reference to the others, each one affects the others, nothing is ever alone...
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Sins of the Father game materials © 1996 - 1999 Scott Acker and Chris Salzer
All other game and story materials ©1999 -2000 Scott M. Acker