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Realms and Sources of Power

Realms will be designed in the same manner that Shadows are in the ADRP book. Besides the standard questions to answer (who, what, when, were, why etc.) the characters will have to detail the Source of Power with in the Realm.

Sources of Power are the real heart to a Realm. They affect everything around them and everyone who uses them (ex. Pattern/Logrus). Persons initiated into them may use their Power to affect cross-Shadow environments, and creatures of higher reality. Some Realms for whatever reason (post Fall, war, disaster, accident, tapped out) have no Source of Power. These are really real chunks of reality but confer no Power with Dominion. Most Cildea are uncomfortable in these Realms. Some Sorcerer/Wizards utilize these areas as a defensive stronghold but this is rare.

Primal Sources may manifest as one of three things:

The sources are set up in a standard format (several examples are provided below for clarification and character use).


This determines the level of control and access the character has over the Source.


This is the physical representation of the Source. In some case it is like the Pattern, having a permanent physical construct; or it could be like the Logrus, having the Cave of the Logrus (a focal point, yet not limited to that representation).


These are the requirements and process through which a person gains or accesses this power. If the character does not obtain Dominion over the Source at initiation or the owner of the Source does not shield them, this will possibly damage/change their True Being. If this happens the characters perceptions of reality may change slightly to fit with the Source's focus or the owners will. At initiation the owner of the Source may attempt to Bond you and/or attempt to utilize the Source to affect your True Being during initiation in other ways.

Sources of Power

THE SOURCES (a few examples, other Sources may be designed at character creation)
Note: Those of you who have had the opportunity to look over the Sins of the Father homepage will have noticed that many of these Sources are very similar to the ones we used in that campaign. The reason for this is simple, I don't have enought time to come up with the 15 to 20 or Sources I need for this campaign right now. The Sources listed below, just like in the orignal campaign are intended as springboards for you creative processes. They may be used as is, modified, or chunked all together based on what the characters and the story requires.

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Sins of the Father game materials © 1996 - 1999 Scott Acker and Chris Salzer

All other game and story materials ©1999 -2000 Scott M. Acker