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Monday Night Rampage starts from Greensboro, North Carolina as pyros blew up along the ramp and over the ceilings of the arena. The fans are up and pumping. Cardboard signs are all over the arena. Monday Night Rampage's theme song blasts through the PA system.

Dan Manic : Hey all! Back again at another brutal night here in the Bloody Online Wrestling! Tonight, Komei Zen will face the new Bloody Champion, Josh Storm!

Chris Kerrang : An interesting night last Thursday was, huh? The tournaments were high paced, and finally at the end we crowned a new Bloody Champion.

DM : Yes, and word is, this Thursday there will be a Tag Team Gauntlet Match to determine the BOW Tag Champs!

CK : Wow! That's gotta be interesting!

DM : Speaking of Tag Teams, tonight's main event will be explosive as S&N with Christian York will face Cain Hunt and NoB! Wow! I'm sure Lars has some hidden plots for booking such a match.

CK : No doubt in that! Lars is a genius!

Suddenly "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve plays as Josh Storm walks out with Ms. Vixen following him behind. Storm raised his Bloody Belt to the fans, but are greeted with a chorus of boos. Storm snorted and walks down the ramp.

Komei Zen ran out without any warning whatsoever. He climbed the apron and knocked Josh down. Josh Storm grabbed Komei Zen's ankle and pulled it. Komei Zen is down! Storm proceeded to give Zen the Stormlock! Komei Zen is in pain!

DM : This is stupid. Komei Zen is no match for that Josh Storm.

CK : Storm is completely dominating Zen! This match will be over soon.

Suddenly. someone walks out from behind the curtain holding a mike in one hand and a piece of paper in the other.

DM : Who the hell?

CK : That's the Purple Hornet! What in the name of Versace is he doing here?!

Purple Hornet : Stop the match!

Josh Storm releases his Stormlock from Zen and stood up. Ms. Vixen gave Storm a microphone so he can talk.

Josh Storm : What's going on? What the hell do you want?

Purple Hornet : I am the official referee of the hardcore division, but sadly, with the Hardcore title in vacancy, I never had another good time here in the BOW. So I ordered a special request to Commissioner Lars Douglas. And here is the letter stating that he approved my request, along with his signature.

Josh Storm : And what would this special request be?

Purple Hornet : I want this match to have a title on the line!

Josh Storm : No! I have said before that I would not put my Bloody Title on the line against this piece of Hardcore crap. I am a dignified technical wrestler! I will not--

Purple Hornet : Relax, munchkins, I never said anything about your precious Bloody title. The belt t stake will be none other than the KFC Hardcore Title!

Josh Storm : The what? So you mean I have to--

Suddenly Komei Zen nailed Josh Storm with a steel chair from behind. Zen repeatedly bash Storm's head with the steel chair!

CK : My God, what Storm said was true! This is not wrestling! This is pure hatred chaos with foreign objects!

DM : It's sick, Chris. It's sick... I love it!

Komei Zen dropped the chair and pinned Storm. Purple Hornet starts the three count. 1....2..... Kickout! Josh Storm kicks out! Komei Zen cannot believe his eyes! Storm grabbed Zen's arm and did a back suplex. Zen got up, but was met by a devastating DDT. Storm waste no time and quickly locks Zen in a Boston Crab. Because it was near the ropes, Zen can grab the ropes. Storm refuses to use the steel chair right under him. Storm whips Zen, Zen bounces on the opposite ropes, Storm with a back body slam! Storm pins..... 1....2....3!

CK : I never thought this would happen! Josh Storm, KFC Hardcore Champion! This is unbelievable!

DM : Look, the Hornet fag has something to say......

Purple Hornet : Congratulations, Josh! Now the 24-7 rule takes place. All of you who has interest in the KFC Hardcore Title, feel free to try and beat this dude!

Josh Storm : Wait, I don't want the stupid title!

Suddenly Dirtbag Dogg comes out with a baseball bat. Dogg enters the ring, but Josh Storm escaped from another side. Josh Storm grabbed Ms. Vixen's arms and his Bloody Belt. They flee to the back and ran away.

----------- Commercial Break -----------

April 22nd, Live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Pay Per View

----------- Commercial Break -----------

CK : Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. As we see here, during the commercial break Josh Storm and Ms. Vixen escaped with a limo with Komei Zen right behind them with a steel pipe.

DM : That was crazy! Josh Storm is now a Bloody-Hardcore Champion! It's just too overwhelming!

CK : Yes, and now we have Dirtbag Dogg already in the ring. Officials are now lowering the steel cage. Keep in mind that Dirtbag Dogg is a type of guy who keeps popping up with some weird and gruesome matches. I remember he made one type of match but was rejected by Lars for it's absurdity.

DM : Yeah, I remember! The Download Match. That was sick and stupid.

CK : And now he wants a Cage Match. I believe the Dogg has never challenged anyone in a standard match, does he? Every match he wants have always consists of stipulations.

"Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit filled the arena as thousands of fans cheer fittingly. A female fan waved a sign saying "I want a date with Timmy". The Tank walks out pushing Timmy's wheelchair.

Tank : So Timmy, what do you say about this cage match?

Tank positions the mike in front of Timmy's mouth. The crowd yells along as Timmy speaks.

Timmy : Timmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

Tank : You're damn right. Now stay here while I face this Dirtbag Dogg fella.

The Tank went in the cage. Officials locked the door and the chains. The bell has rung. Dirtbag Dogg charged after Tank like a madman. A kick to the midsection! Tank is bending over. Dirtbagg Dogg set Tank up for a move.

Dirtbag Dogg : Woof Woof!

Pump handle slam! Tank is down. Dirtbag jumps and delivers an elbow drop. Tank rolls out of the way. Dirtbag Dogg holds his elbow in agony. The Tank got up and whipped Dogg to a side of the cage. Hard. Dirtbag Dogg yelled in pain as he drops to the mat. Tank pulled him up. Tank delivers the Tank Handle Slam! Tank climbed the cage. The Tank is on top of the cage! Now all he gotta do is climb down on the other side! But Ditbag Dogg starts to climb up, too! They battle on the top! Dogg managed to knock Tank off the railing. The Tank drops down to the mat. Dirtbag Dogg stand up and gets ready to jump.

DM : What is that idiot doing? He can just climb down and get this match over with!

Dogg jumps with an elbow drop! He missed Tank and drops on the mat. Dogg yelled in pain while covering his elbow. The Tank slowly got up. He kicks Dogg on the stomach. The Tank then climbed again. This time he managed to finish the climb without any interference. Officials rang the bell.

DM : Finally! What an idiot that Dogg was. He had the match won!

CK : Some people never learn how to win a match. All they want is to beat up their foes.

The scene cuts to the back, where S&N has arrived! Shotgun, Number 8, and Sasha climbed out and enters the arena!

Meanwhile, the lights went out and smoke came out. "Back In Black" by AC/DC plays as the fans all stands in a huge ovation. Cain Hunt walks out with his BOW Title. He walks slowly down the aisle and climbed the apron. He took of his hat and placed in on the mat. Then he gets a mike from Nita Spankee and starts to talk.

Cain Hunt : Tonight, I will face the horde of Lars' bitches a.k.a Shotgun and Number friggin 8. Along with that money drunk piece of asskisser Christian York. You three are the people who disgust me the most in this federation. I hate that Brimstone's guts, but at least he's not a take and give corporate bitch like you three. And Number 8, I don't have to lay my hands on you for you to feel Satan's wrath. Oh no.... You have your brothers to worry about. Number 1 and Number 0. The NoB. You were a member once. You were their leader. I admired your brotherhood, your team spirit. But you gave it all away for money and power. You think that's evil? That is not evil. That is disgusting and filthy. You want to see pure evil? Come get some, crybaby. For my heart is full of it, and I'm willing to share it tonight.

Suddenly "Fuel" by Metallica starts as S&N walks out. The fans stands in a mix of cheers and boos. Cardboard signs of S&N filled the arena. One said "We love S&...... Nah only S".

Number 8 : Cain, Cain, Cain...... Just because you've been a champion for.... what? 8 days? Now you wanna act all powerful and stuff? You don't have the balls to be evil, boy! You don't have shit! You're easier to roll than a cheap linoleum. Tonight, I'll prove that. But for now, be wise and shut your damn Satanic face and get ready. Tell my brothers to be ready too, cause tonight..... All three of you have NO..... PLACE..... TO....HIDE!

A few of the fans yell along with 8's catchphrase.

Shotgun : Now Cain, you might be the new champion, but not for long you ain't. And it's been a long time since I held that belt. So I'm asking for one thing. If my team wins tonight, I want a title shot next Monday! Bring your evil balls and prove me that you're worth it, Cain. Prove the fans that you deserve that gold more than I do.

The fans cheer loudly as Cain nodded. Shotgun raised a thumb to salute Cain, then flipped it over to a thumbs down.

Number 8 : Yo wait a minute. Hold it..... That title is mine, Carlos. What do you mean you want it? I thought we agreed on this.

Shotgun : Come on, 8. It doesn't make a difference does it? You had your time, let me try to grab it again. We don't have to feud over this. Besides, it' not important whether you or me held the title, what important is that we succeed to pry that gold from Cain's cold dead fingers!

Number 8 : Fine. I won't argue over this.

Cain Hunt : Don't worry, you don't have to argue over it, because there is no way you will win tonight. Cain Hunt, Back In Black..... remember the name and fear it, boys.

The crowd cheer for Cain's self confidence.

Number 8 : Not that easy, demon boy. I want some answers regarding Seline's baby.

A wicked smile graced Hunt's face.

Cain Hunt : Well, well..... I guess I made a little controversy back there, huh? Don't worry my boy, I will reveal the case tonight after our dance. I believe this is going to be a HELL of a dance.

"Back In Black" by AC/DC plays as Cain Hunt leaves the ring and walks up the ramp. He passed Number 8 and Shotgun confidently. But before he can leave, "Stupify" by Disturbed filled the arena as the fans went into a chorus of boos. Brimstone came out. Brimstone and Cain Hunt stared at each other. Brimstone swings for a clothesline! Cain ducked, and Brimstone hits Shotgun by mistake. Shotgun dropped twenty feet down from the ramp to a stack of tables below. Cain Hunt stared at Brimstone as he leaves the arena. Number 8 is irate. He attacked Brimstone, but was caught by Brimstone by the neck. Brimstone chokeslammed 8. "Stupify" by Disturbed plays and Brimstone left to the back.

DM : Holy crap did you see what just happened?

CK : I doubt that Shotgun can compete in the match tonight now. This might be a handicap match.

DM : I'm sure Lars will think of something, because he is a genius!

CK : And now ladies and gentlemen we are ready for our Tag Team match with Lightning and Justin Lawless pitting against the EOD.

"Blood Brothers" by Papa Roach plays as Elements Of Destruction walks out. Iceberg and Inferno walks down the ramp and climbed the apron. DX's theme song "Break It Down" plays as Lightning, Mc. Carmen, Crystal, Justin, Enforcer and Ex walks out. They do their high five chops as the fans cheer.

DM : That is a friggin stable! The new DX!

Justin and Lightning climbed into the ring. Justin Lawless and Iceberg starts first. Iceberg nailed Lawless with a scoop slam. Lawless got up and climbed the turnbuckle. He nailed Iceberg with a Frankensteiner! Justin Lawless got up and climbed the the turnbuckle again. Swanton Bomb! Iceberg slowly gets up. Lawless has no mercy! Neckbreaker to Iceberg. Lawless tags in Lightning. They performed a double powerbomb together!

Lightning picks up Iceberg. Knee to face! Iceberg staggered to his corner. Inferno extended his arm. Lightning grabbed Iceberg and whips him to the other side. Lawless chops Iceberg. Iceberg turned around in pain and was met by a sidewalk slam by Lightning. Iceberg is exhausted. Lightning tags in Lawless. Lawless climbed the turnbuckle. He performed a leg drop from above. And it missed! Iceberg crawls to his corner. Inferno extends his hand. Iceberg lifted his arm. Iceberg is about to tag..... Lawless pulled him by the legs!

CK : This is awful! They are keeping him from tagging! Iceberg cannot tag in his partner!

Iceberg managed to deliver a right hand to Lawless. Lawless returned the favor with a huge right hand. Iceberg is down again. Lawless bounce off the ropes.... Moonsault! Iceberg rolls around in pain. Lawless slowly got up. Iceberg stood up and ran to his corner as fast as he could. Lawless stops him with a drop toe hold! Inferno is furious!

DM : He can't tag in! He's like a dog in it's kennel trying to get his bone on the outside! Ha ha!

Lawless picks Iceberg up and sets him up for a powerbomb. Lawless signals the crowd. Inferno with a flying dropkick! Lawless is down. Inferno quickly got out of the ring. Iceberg got up. He walks towards Inferno. They are finally going to make a tag. Justin Lawless bulldogged Iceberg!

The crowd showed their annoyance with a long "Aaaaahh!"

DM : This is not wrestling! This is like a pillow fight between Justin Lawless and Lightning! And Iceberg is the pillow!

Inferno runs in to knock Lawles. The referee got a hold of him and told him to get out of the ring. Lawless picks up Iceberg again and delivers a German suplex. Then a fisherman suplex. A German suplex again. Elbow drop! Iceberg is not moving! Lawless laughs with Lightning and did a high five tag. Lightning walks in shaking his head to finish Iceberg. He picks up Iceberg..... A punch to the midsection by Iceberg! Finally, he is fighting back! Lightning bends down holding his stomach. Cradle DDT by Iceberg. Iceberg picks Lightning up and whips him. Lightning bounce of the ropes and met a samoan drop by Iceberg. Lightning quickly got up and knocked Iceberg down with a left hand. Iceberg falls near his corner. He turned around and make a quick tag!

CK : Finally! A tag! A tag! Inferno is in the ring! All the efforts finally paid off!

DM : Look at that man!

Inferno is in rage. He clotheslined Lightning down. He taunts Lightning. Inferno turned around and slapped Lawless. Lawless got mad and went inside the ring. Inferno gave him a Fireman Carry drop. Lightning is up, Inferno knocks him down with a clothesline again. Inferno grabs Lightning by the head and did a head press. Lightning screamed in pain. Inferno stood up. Lawless punched him from behind. Inferno and Lawless exchange right hands. The referee tries to break them. Lawless delivers an eyerake before he steps out of teh ring. Inferno covers his eyes in pain. Lightning did a school boy roll up. 1.....2........3!

CK : Weak finish there. I don't know how a raging Inferno can be defeated with that move.

DM : Who the hell cares? And look who's coming to join us!

The BOWtron shows a segment of Ary Moreno walking in the back towards the ring!

----------- Commercial Break -----------

Buy Cain Hunt's Trenchcoat at BOW's Onlone Store!
Only $59.99!

----------- Commercial Break -----------

"Root" by Deftones plays as BOW owner Ary Moreno walks out with fans cheering him. Moreno climbs the apron and signals for a mike. Nita Spankee threw him one. He grabs it and smiled.

Moreno : Hey all! I just wanted to say that things got really out of hand recently..... I am sad to inform you that Shotgun injured his knee from the high drop earlier tonight. So he won't be competing in tonight's match.

The fans react with a mixture of boos and cheers. Many stayed silent.

Moreno : To make things fair, I found a substitute wrestler for tonight's match-up..... BRIMSTONE!

The fans boo at the mention of that name.

Moreno : So now that that matter is settled, I'm here to talk about another issue. The Tag Team titles! I have decided to make this title grab a gauntlet match. So how do we make a tag team gauntlet match? Well it goes about something like this..... This Thursday, two teams will face off in the ring for the first round. The winning team will be met by another team. And the winning team will be met by another team, and so on. So the lucky team will only face one team to become a tag team champion. I will decide these teams by a fair drawing. The result of the draw will be revealed within a few days.....

Lars : No need to do so!

Moreno is shocked to find Lars standing on top of the stage. The fans boo loudly at him. Lars has a mike in his hand and a small card in the other.

Lars : I have already drew the cards and I came up with this order... Firstly, Justin Lawless and Lightning will face The Tank and Jason Forman! The winning team will then face NoB! And the winner of that bout will then face Elements Of Destruction!

Moreno : Ah shit..... let me guess........

Lars : And in the final round, the winning team will face S&N for the Tag Team titles!

The crowd boo at that statement.

CK : Bullshit! This is crap! It's a goddamn set up!

DM : What are you saying? It's a fair draw!

CK : Fair draw my ass!

Moreno : As you wish.... I'll grant you this stupid order. Just don't think that you can always get away with this, Douglas!

Lars : Relax, boss.... I don't know what you are talking about... I draw these results, I didn't make them up.

Moreno : Do me a favour and shut your damn mouth. I grant you your stupid little wish. Go ahead and make those two pets of yours the tag titles. I don't think my opinion or authority matters anymore in this fed.

Lars : You're damn right it doesn't!

"Guerrilla Radio" by Rage Against The Machine plays all over the arena as Christian York walks out with a microphone.

Moreno : York, stay out of this.

York : I can't, Ary boy..... This is my matter, too. Don't forget that I am a co-owner of this company. Now what I say is, the main event is going to take place in a few minutes so I want you, Mr. Moreno, to step the fuck out!

Moreno : Are you threatening me?

York : No, I'm telling you to step the fuck out!

Moreno : And I'm telling you to shut the fuck up!

York stared at Moreno for a while. Finally, he smiled. But before he can say anything, "Back In Black" by AC/DC plays. The fans jumped to their feet and cheered their ass out. Cain Hunt walks out with a mike.

Cain Hunt : I believe this discussion is over.

Lars : Who do you think you are telling us--

Cain Hunt : I said it's OVER!!!!!!

Cain Hunt stared at Lars with eyes full of hatred. Lars stepped backwards, scared stiff. Cain Hunt turned his head towards Christian York. They both stare at each other. Cain Hunt starts walking down the ramp. He enters the ring. Ary Moreno talked with him without the mike. Finally, Moreno nodded and stepped out of the ring.

"Synthetic" by Spineshank plays and Number 8 came out. He talked a bit with Lars and York. Then the three of them stared at Cain Hunt. Hunt sent them all a devilish grin. 8 and York walked down the ramp to meet Cain. They are ready to gang up on him. Before they can lay a hand on him, a scratching sound can be heard, and it all exploded with a......


NoB ran out with "Jumpdafuckup" by Soulfly playing. Number 0 jumped on Number 8 and did a Lou Thesz Press. Number 0 and Number 8 brawl on the floor as Number 1 take on York.

DM : Amazing! This is NoB's first in ring actions in months!

CK : One man is missing...... and here he comes!

"Stupify" by Disturbed filled the arena as Brimstone makes his way into the ring. He met York and Number 1 brawling on his way, and pushed both of them apart to clear his way. Then he climbed the apron to meet face to face with Cain Hunt. Both of them stare. Cain Hunt smiled an evil grin. Brimstone does the same, but both smiles quickly faded and they go at it.

The bell has rung. The match has begun.

CK : And here we go! Somewhat of a grudge match for Massacre!

Brimstone lifted Hunt high in the air and threw him over the ropes. Hunt landed on his chest. Hunt is in pain. Brimstone steps down and grabbed Hunt by the neck. Cain Hunt kicked him in the mid section and broke free. Hunt grabbed Brimstone's head and rammed it to a ring post. Number 8 snuck up behind Cain Hunt and gave him a backflip. Brimstone locked Number 8 in a chokeslam. He slammed 8 down hard to the protection mat. 8 arched his back up in pain. Hunt recovered and nailed Brimstone with a flying clothesline. Brimstone is down!

DM : This is great! I love 6 man tag wars!

CK : You gotta be kidding me! Brimstone have just chokeslammed his team mate!

York hits Number 1 over the head with the steel steps. When Number 1 is down, York ran over to 0 and gave him a bonk with the steel steps also. But he was met by a boot to face by Cain Hunt. Hunt quickly turns around as he realizes that Brimstone is behind him. Too late. Brimstone lifts him up for the torture rack. Hunt yelled in pain. Brimstone lifted Hunt over his shoulder, and drive his head to a ring post. Cain Hunt is busted open!

DM : Yes! Blood!

Number 8 and Number 1 brawled to the top of the ramp. Lars ran to the back and came back out with a chair. Lars tried to hit Number 1, but missed. As Lars wanted to try again, Ary Moreno ran up the ramp and punched Lars between the eyes! The crowd cheer as Moreno yell at Lars. Number 8 and Number 1 brawled to the back.

Cain Hunt and Brimstone is back in the ring. They almost got counted out. Brimstone locked Hunt in a Texas Clover Leaf. Hunt is in agony. He crawled slowly to the ropes. He extended his hand to reach the ropes..... and he got it! The referee breaks free the submission hold. Brimstone bounce off the ropes and hit Hunt with a shoulder block. Hunt is down, but quickly got up again. He nailed Brimstone with a drop kick. Brimstone caught his legs and reversed it into another Texas Clover Leaf. Cain Hunt is in pain!

Meanwhile, York is battling 0 near the announcer table. 0 threw York over the table.

CK : Whoa! Watch out!

Christian York nailed 0 with a kick to face. York then climbed the table and did a shooting star press to 0. 0 caught York in mid air and reversed it into a piledriver. Number 0 picked York up and put him over the announcer table. 0 climbed the turnbuckle. S.S.D! The announcer table broke in half as 0 hits his finisher on York.

DM : I bet that the richest guy in BOW is the guy who makes these announcer tables.

In the ring, Cain Hunt yelled in pain as Brimstone wont let go of his hold. Suddenly 0 climbed up and kicked Brimstone. Cain Hunt is free! Brimstone tossed 0 out of the ring. When he turned around, Cain Hunt nails the Hunt You Down! Brimstone is down. 1......Kickout!

CK : Fast kickout there by Brimstone.

DM : It's gonna take a lot more than that to bring this demon down.

Brimstone lifts Hunt with a vertical suplex. Followed by a knee drop. Cain Hunt snuck up behind and grabbed Brimstone's waist. Then he did a Triple Suplex. 0 went back in to interfere, but the referee sent him out. York has recovered also and went to his rightful corner. But it seems that neither Brimstone or Cain Hunt doesn't want to tag out. 0 went in and again and managed to hit Brimstone with a spinning heel kick. Hunt picks him up for the Hunt You Down, but York nails Hunt from behind! 0 and York go at it again, and the action spilled to ringside. As Hunt hold the back of his head in pain, Brimstone kicked Hunt's stomach. Hunt rolled in pain, finally rolled under the ropes to the outside. Brimstone climbed down and delivers his finisher the Death Drop. Then he went back in the ring, leaving Hunt a bloody mess outside. The referee starts the count.....

0 tags Hunt! Number 0 slides inside and jumped on Brimstone! Brimstone whips him to a corner. Brimstone stomps 0 down. Brimstone keeps stomping the hell out of 0. Then he picks 0 up and deliver another Death Drop! Brimstone pins.....1........2.......3!

Nita Spankee : And the winner of this match..... Brimstone, Number 8, and Christian York!

The fans boo in disappointment. "Stupify" by Disturbed plays as Brimstone climbs down the ring. York congratulates him, but he simply responded with a punch in the face and a reversed DDT! Brimstone then walks up the ramp and left.

CK : Ladies and gentlemen, the hellacious match is finally over! What a night!

DM : It's not over yet, Chris! Let's take a look at Number 8 and Number 1 backstage!

The BOWtron shows 8 and 1 brawling in the parking lot. All of a sudden Number 1 jumped ran away. 8 is furious. He looked around for 1. Suddenly a pickup rushed in and tries to hit him. 8 jumped to clearance and the truck, with a WAI symbol on the side, missed him.

Number 8 : What the hell?

BOW reporter Amber Hailie-Jones rushed out to meet Number 8.

Amber : Number 8! The match has ended! Your team won!

Number 8 : The hell with the match! Who the fuck is that trying to run me over! And where the fuck is Number 1?!

Amber : I-- I don't know......

Number 8 : Dammit..... I'm having such a bad night..... Have you seen Seline? She should be here.

Amber : She's waiting for you in the ring with Cain Hunt.

Number 8 : What?!!!

Number 8 ran inside the building. He entered the arena and found Seline in the ring with Cain Hunt.

Seline : Ahhh, you finally showed up.

Number 8 : What's the deal, Seline?

Seline : I want this baby, 8. And I won't let you kill it.

Number 8 : Fine! But don't ask me to look after it or ask any money! I'll send some lawyers in the morning to sort this out.

Cain Hunt : 8, my boy..... It's MY baby now. You have no control over it.

Number 8 : You shut up you lousy freak! Don't expect me to believe that crap you pulled at Jaded. I don't buy that shit, got it?

Cain Hunt : Well it's up to you..... but I am saving this baby from your hands. No, I didn't do it because it was right. I'm no hero. I did it cause I want it to be as evil as me. I am the devil, and this child will bring Armageddon to my grasp!

Number 8 : Stick that bible crap up your ass, Cain. I'm outta here. And remember, title match with Shotgun this Thursday, punkass!

Number 8 walks out to the back. "Back In Black" by AC/DC plays as Cain Hunt raised his hand to the crowd as they cheer him on.....