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Dan Manic : Ladies and gentlemen, here we are at Atlanta, Georgia for this week's edition of Monday Night Rampage! Yeaaaaah!

Chris Kerrang : This will be helluva night with BOTH the Tag Team Title and the BOW Heavyweight Title on the line!

DM : Don't forget that Mr. Moreno has some important announcement he wants to make.

CK : Yes, I wonder what that would be.

"Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus hits the speakers and Dirtbag Dogg comes out to a line of boos. "The Kings" by Run DMC plays and out comes The Tank, alongside Timmy. The two battle it out on the rampway. Suddenly "Latino Heat" plays. The fans wonder who this newbie Razor is. Razor interrupts the two and starts giving right hands to Dirtbag Dogg. All three battle it out on the stage. The Tank kicked both Razor and Dirtbag Dogg off the stage, and both of them fell to the tables 10 feet below and lay unconscious. The Tank walks to the back as EMTs rushed to save Ditbag Dogg and Razor.

DM : Poor guy that Razor is. First day on the job and he got slammed through a table. Well, tough days at BOW!

"Root" by Deftones plays and Ary Moreno came out to address the crowd. The fans gave him a positive reaction. Ary Moreno climbs into the ring and grabbed a mike from Nita Spankee.

Moreno : Hi everyone! I've got some news for you all. First, the Tag Team titles will be on the grabs for either S&N or Brimstone tonight, right here in Atlanta!

The crowd cheered.

Moreno : But I have to turn down DX's request on the title shot. No, Lawless, Lightning.... you two lost in the gauntlet match last Thursday. There is no rematch for this. Absolutely none! So, if you two wants a shot at the Tag Titles, well.... here's the deal. You two will face three opponent of your choice on Massacre in a handicap match. If you win, then you will get your title shot on next Monday's Rampage!

Mr. Moreno cleared his throat.

Moreno : As for tonight's BOW championship title match, Josh Storm will face on Cain Hunt. Yes, Cain Hunt, as much as you hate it, you must defend your title tonight! But to make things a bit fair, considering that there is a 24-7 rule on the KFC Hardcore Title, if Cain Hunt pins Storm, then the KFC Hardcore belt will be Cain's. Now there are absolutely NO stipulations to this match, except this little punishment. If any of you two got disqualified, on Massacre I will make you face the whole roster in a gauntlet match!

The crowd cheer as they will see a huge battle this Thursday.

Moreno : One last thing..... York, you are not going to hold that title forever. I will see to it that this Thursday you will defend your title against..... Enforcer!

The crowd cheers and broke into a "4-20" chant.

Moreno : I will make another shocking announcement before the main event. So wait for the news!

"Root" by Deftones play and Mr. Moreno left the arena.

---------- Commercial Break ----------

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---------- Commercial Break ----------

CK : Now we are ready for our next match, which is the long awaited Tag Titles Gauntlet Match finals!

DM : Let's roll the footage of last Thursday's battle.

The BOWtron shows a highlight of the gauntlet match. DX won against TnT, and followed by NoB's sudden attacks. Then the shocking words by Brimstone that he will face NoB alone! And even more shocking when he actually won the match!

CK : What monster! Such power!

DM : Well he's not going to win the Tag Team titles, Chris. There is no way, absolutely no chance in hell, that Brimstone can defeat both Shotgun and Number 8 alone! It's just impossible!

"Wherever I may Roam" by Metallica plays and the fans engage in a mixture of cheers and boos. Mostly boos, though. Brimstone steps inside the ring and leans on the ropes, waiting for his opponents. "Synthetic" by Spineshank plays and Number 8 came out.

DM : Huh? Where the hell is Shotgun?

Number 8 : Yo Brimstone. It's not really at the degree of S&N to be so unfair and do a handicap match for a title like this. So just to show you that I am that fair, I told Shotgun to not interfere in this match. So it's a one on one for the Tag Titles! Ha!

Brimstone said nothing but gestures his hand for 8 to come forward.

CK : This has never happened before! A one on one for the Tag Titles?

Number 8 slides inside the ring and engage in an exchange of right hands with Brimstone. When suddenly, Shotgun came from the crowd! Shotgun slides and Brimstone doesn't even know he's there! Shotgun held Brimstone's arms to his back so 8 can get a good punch. 8 attacked Brimstone's stomach with his fists. Shotgun let go of Brimstone and he dropped to the ground. Both of them stomped on Brimstone as the fans boo.

CK : Oh come on! This is a set up! 8 is a big fat liar!

DM : Well it proves that he can plan great strategies!

Brimstone got up and nailed Shotgun with a back flip. Brimstone turned around and 8 gave him a flying clothesline. Taunts from 8 to Brimstone. Brimstone lifted his legs and kicked 8 right in the face. 8 stumbles backwards. Brimstone is trying to get up..... Shotgun with a knee drop! Brimstone rolls to the side and uses the ropes to help him get up. Shotgun is waiting and nails a huge clothesline. Brimstone flipped over and fell over the tope rope to beneath. Number 8 climbs the turnbuckle... Brimstone got up and saw 8 on the turnbuckle. Number 8 with a Shooting Star Press! But Brimstone caught him!

Brimstone threw 8 at Shotgun back in the ring. The two fell on the mat. Brimstone used the opportunity and slides inside the ring again. Brimstone picks 8 up.... DEATHDROP! Number 8 is down! Now he picks up Shotgun.... He gets ready for a power bomb, and low blow by Shotgun! Shotgun escaped Brimstone's clutches. Number 8 got up and bounced off the ropes. Number 8 bulldogged Brimstone! Shotgun picked him up.... Bullet Bomb! 8 climbed the turnbuckle again, leg drop by Number 8! And followed immediately by an elbow from Shotgun!

CK : This is unfair!

DM : My God that freak is still standing!

Brimstone stands between 8 and Shotgun. Number 8 and Shotgun attacks Brimstone at the same time. Brimstone ducked, Number 8 and Shotgun hits each other! Brimstone quickly locked Shotgun in an arm drag. Brimstone wasted no time and hit Number 8 with a cradle DDT. Then he picked up Shotgun, whipped him, Shotgun bounces off one side, and Brimstone vaults Shotgun over his head, and over the top rope! Shotgun landed on the safety mat below. Number 8 got up and smacked Brimstone's head from behind. Brimstone turns around, 8 kicked him in the mid-section. 8 sets Brimstone up for his finisher. Shout Drive! Brimstone is out cold.

Shotgun slowly climbs back in. Shotgun picks Brimstone up and sets him up for the Bullet Bomb. But wait, 8 stand in front of Shotgun! Shotgun lifts Brimstone up and deliver the Bullet Bomb, but in mid air, Number 8 caught Brimstone's neck and perform a neckbreaker!

CK : Wow!

DM : Did you see that move, Chris?

CK : Unbelievable! What the hell was that?

Brimstone is completely out. Number 8 is ready to pin him, but suddenly... "Back In Black" by AC/DC plays and Cain Hunt come out to a huge ovation! The crowd is nuts as Cain Hunt walks down to ringside.

DM : Is he nuts? All three men in that ring hates his guts! What is he doing?

CK : Cain obviously have something on his mind.

Cain Hunt gets in. He stared at both Shotgun and Number 8. Cain Hunt speared Number 8! Cain Hunt is pummelling on 8! Shotgun pulled Cain back. Cain Hunt hits Shotgun with a Lou Thesz Press! Cain Hunt is on fire! Cain Hunt dragged Shotgun's body to the corner. Suddenly Brimstone got up again! Cain Hunt, Brimstone, and Number 8 looked at each other.....

Brimstone knocked 8 right between the eyes! Number 8 is down, and Brimstone is stomping the hell out of him! Cain Hunt lifted Shotgun's body to the turnbuckle and perform a deadly hurricanranna. Now Cain Hunt and Brimstone is looking at each other...

DM : Uh ohh here it goes!

Cain Hunt smiled, and Brimstone smiled back! Cain Hunt turned around and stomps a mudhole on Shotgun, and Brimstone turned around and punches the hell out of 8 like  maniac.

CK : What the hell?

DM : Are they working together?

Cain Hunt picked up Shotgun and gave him the Hunt You Down. Cain Hunt pins....1......2..... Number 8 with a leg drop! Brimstone picked up Number 8 and gave him a bear hug. Cain Hunt hits an elbow drop and pins again.....1......2.....3!

CK : Oh My God!!!!!

DM : Cain Hunt, and Brimstone? Tag Champs? This is unbelievable!

The referee handed Cain and Brimstone their Tag titles. The two shake hands and left the ring together as Cain's music "Back In Black" plays. The fans cheer for Brimstone and Cain Hunt, the new tag team champions!

Number 8 yell from the middle of the ring while checking on the unconscious Shotgun. Before Cain and Brimstone left to the back, "Root" by Deftones plays and the fans are on their feet! Ary Moreno came out with a mike.

Moreno : I promised you people a huge announcement. But before I unveil the surprise, Number 8, I want you to pick Shotgun up and wake him, cause this is special for him!

Number 8 did so, and Shotgun stared at Ary Moreno. Ary Moreno smiled at him.

Moreno : Shotgun dear, I want you to open your eyes and see this... I have just signed someone to a contract deal, and I'm sure you know him. Yes, a man who left BOW a few months ago.... I have renewed his contract and now he's ready to kick your ass! Carlos, meet Damien.... or should I say... HACKSAW!

The crowd erupted into cheers when "One" by Metallica plays and Hacksaw emerges from the curtains. Shotgun's eyes are filled with shock and hatred to see Hacksaw standing there, as a part of the BOW roster. Suddenly, "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath plays and Lars came out. The fans booed and starts to chant "Cocksucker".

Lars : Ary you son of a bitch. What is the meaning of this?

Moreno : It means that I am hiring a new wrestler for our fed.

Lars : Don't play mind games with me. That's my specialty. I know where you're getting at, Moreno!

Moreno : Oh you don't know jack!

Lars : Really? Then you are not going to use this lumberjack as a tool for screwing Shotgun up?

Moreno smiled and stared at Lars deeply.

Moreno : Mr. Douglas, son.... You have seen the skin, but you have yet to see the veins!

Lars : What's that supposed to mea--

Moreno : I've got a plane to catch. See you later, Lars. All you people have a wonderful night!

The crowd cheers as "Root" by Deftones play while Ary Moreno and Hacksaw left to the back together.

Lars looked at Number 8 and Shotgun in the middle of the ring. Shotgun is covering his face in his hands, while 8 is stomping around furiously. Brimstone and Cain Hunt looked at each other and laughed. They both went to the back still laughing.

---------- Commercial Break ----------

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---------- Commercial Break ----------

CK : And we are back from the commercial break. For you who have just joined us, before the break Ary Moreno re-hired Hacksaw, the former WAI partner of Shotgun!

DM : The last time Hacksaw showed up he was arrested with trespassing charges by Lars. Now that he's a part of BOW, he has the rights to be at every BOW event!

CK : Lars must be really pissed right now.

DM : Anyways, we are ready for our main event.

"Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve plays and KFC Hardcore Champion Josh Storm walks into the ring accompanied by Ms. Vixen. The fans booed, but he simply looked away arrogantly. Storm waited inside the ring for Cain Hunt. But then "Wherever I May Roam" plays!

DM : What the hell? What the fuck is Brimstone doing here?

Brimstone walks down towards the ring with the fans standing madly and cheering him on. Brimstone takes the Tag title off his waist, and slides inside the ring. Brimstone quickly nailed Storm's head with his belt. When Storm is down, Brimstone pinned Storm. Storm tried to kick out, but Brimstone had him locked good. As referee Chief Luke is unsure of what to do, Hardcore Referee Purple Hornet ran down and counts....1.....2.....3!

CK : Brimstone! Brimstone is the new Hardcore champion! Oh My God!

DM : Storm you idiot! How can you lose like that?

CK : Ladies and gentlemen, Brimstone have just used the 24-7 rule to strip Storm off his Hardcore title!

DM : Wait a minute.... where's Cain Hunt?

CK : Wait look there he is!

The BOWtron shows Cain Hunt in his locker room.

Cain Hunt : Well, well, Storm.... I believe you have just lost your precious title. Too bad, and despite what Mr. Moreno said, I will not defend my title tonight. No, not because I'm afraid of losing to you. No, I am not a coward. I'm not even afraid of bleeding, why should I afraid of you? Well, tell you what. I've got business to attend to, that's why I sent Brimstone to strip you off that damn title.

The camera panned and showed Seline in the room

Cain Hunt : It seems that the NoB have gone to straighten out some things up back in their hometown in Iowa, so that left Seline open for the S&N to abuse. She asked for my help, and I will protect her until the NoB gets back. So I have no time for your sorry ass, Storm. See ya.

Suddenly the lights in that room went out, and Seline's scream can be heard. A crashing sound was heard next. Then a light "You like that, MF?". Then there are bumping sounds and grunts. Then someone said "Drag this punkass out." Then the door to that room creaks open, and we can see silhouettes of two men dragging another unconscious man out of the room.

In the ring, Brimstone was about to ran to the back, when suddenly "Fuel" by Metallica plays and out walks S&N, dragging Cain's limp body. Cain's head is bleeding heavily. Both of them threw Cain inside the ring, and then the duo clotheslines Brimstone together.

Number 8 : You there, pin this motherfucker down.

Storm smiled at Number 8, stepped over Cain's brutalized body.

Shotgun : Yo, ring the bell!

Chief Luke rings the bell and S&N dragged Brimstone outside the ring. Storm laughs at the laid out Hunt. Storm pins Cain Hunt. Referee Chief Luke counts...1......2.....KICKOUT!


DM : How in the name of God--?

Cain hunt stumbles as he struggles to get up. Storm simply grabbed him and deliver a reverse DDT. Cain's head is bleeding some more. Storm hits the Stormlock...

Number 8 : Don't waste time, pin that sonnuvabitch! Get his title, goddammit!

Josh Storm released his hold and pins Hunt. 1.....2.....

Brimstone nailed Storm with a baseball slide! Referee Chief Luke saw it. He ordered for he bell to ring. Josh Storm wins by disqualification! Shotgun and Number 8 got in the ring and double teamed Brimstone. Storm asks for a mike.

Josh Storm : Cain Hunt, congratulations, boy. You have just earned yourself a match with the whole roster, because of your "friend" Brimstone! Good luck on Thursday!

The crowd boos. They threw some trash at Storm. Storm chuckles and flips them off. Then he looked at the beaten Brimstone and spits.

Josh Storm : Now as for you, you little turd... How dare you interrupt in my title match? After you screwed me out of my Hardcore title you dare to screw me again?

Ms. Vixen hands Storm a steel chair. Storm drops the microphone and beats Brimstone with the chairs for a few times. Number 8 and Shotgun then lifts Brimstone up and held him back. Storm grabs Cain Hunt's BOW title and nailed Brimstone over the head with it. Storm then pins a bloodied Brimstone. Purple Hornet counts.....1.....2....3! Josh Storm is once again the Hardcore champ!

"Bittersweet Symphony" plays as Josh Storm and Ms. Vixen celebrates in the ring, while S&N retreat to the back as the show came to an end.