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The scene opens with a footage of Brimstone attacking Dan Manic. Then it shows the statement Shotgun made at the Beer Domain. Lastly, the BOWtron showed the footage of the Chris Kerrang interview with Brimstone.

The pyros goes off and Monday Night Rampage has begun!

Chris Kerrang : Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another exciting night of Bloody Online Wrestling, right here in Ft. Jackson, North Carolina! As you can see, Dan is not present today, due to Brimstone's brutal attacks.

Chico Estavagues : Aiyiyi, ain't that right, Pedro. Poor Manic, chokeslam from Brimstone can make a guy gone loco!

CK : Um yes, Chico. My name is not Pedro by the way. And in our first match this evening, there will--

"Synthetic" by Spineshank plays and Number 8 came out to a deafening chorus of boos. 8 walks down towards the ring, only in jeans, Nonpoint T-shirt, and his black cap. He slides under the ropes and raised his fists as he stand up. Then he grabs a mike from Nita Spankee.

Number 8 : Cut the music. Nice song, but I'm here to talk. Now as much as I never gave a damn about any of you, I still need your opinion on this. Do you people want Shotgun to quit? C'mon, say it. Goa and yell "Fuck No, 8!" Come on!

The crowd obeys and yell "Fuck No, 8!"

Number 8 : See, Carlos boy? No one wants you to quit. Even Brimstone, the fuck of the land that wants a piece of your ass..... literally.... tried to urge you not to quit. I know, I almost cost you your career, but that didn't stop you did it? I broke your back, mate, but you came back and never backed down. Why should you now? Especially when we're on top. I mean, Hacksaw is back, Goddamnit! Are you going to leave all that behind?

The crowd cheers cause they agree with 8 about Shotgun.

Number 8 : Come on, man. This is not the first time you said that you're going to quit BOW. This is what, the third, fourth times already? How many times have you made a "last match ever in BOW", huh? And it was never your last match, didn't it? What, you some kinda Mick Foley or something?

Crowd breaks into "Foley Is God" chants.

Number 8 : Yeah, and I'm Dalai Lama himself. Geez.

"One" by Metallica plays and Hacksaw comes out to a huge ovation! "WAI" chants are all over the arena!

Hacksaw : Hey there, 8. Talking shit as usual, huh?

Number 8 : God, what do you want now?

Hacksaw : Just thought I'll come down and chat with my opponent later tonight.

Number 8 : Yeah well, have you talked to Carlos, too?

Hacksaw : Listen here, asshole. How many times do I have to tell you, only his friends call him Carlos.

Number 8 : Obviously you're not one of it.

"Return To The Hangar" by Megadeth plays and out comes Shotgun! A mixture of cheers and boos emerge from the fans. Signs are being raised up in support of him. A chick is holding a sign that says "Shotgun I want your Hot Gun".

Shotgun : You two kids break it up. It's my decision and you are the one who's bitching about it.

Number 8 : I hope you remember that the two of us is going to beat his ass down tonight.

Shotgun : No.

The crowd cheers, thinking that Shotgun have chosen Hacksaw's side.

Number 8 : What the hell do you mean by--

Shotgun : I told the world I am not going to wrestle anymore. On Blasphemy, my match with Brimstone will be my last. But until then, I am not going to get into a match anymore.

Hacksaw : You're always like this. Dammit, you are such a selfish bastard.

Shotgun : Some things never change, huh?

Hacksaw : Well, obviously too much has changed, Carlos. You're not the man I used to know. Obviously you have lost your mind, your heart, and your loyalty. As a matter of fact, you've lost your balls too.

Shotgun : You know what, screw you, Hack! And only 8 can call me Carlos.

Hacksaw seemed hurt by this.

Hacksaw : Fine. No more Carlos and Damien, the twosome from WAI. What's left is us, right here right now.

Shotgun : I said Hack, didn't I?

Hacksaw shook his head and left. Shotgun stared at 8 who is in the middle of the ring for a moment, then silently leaves. Number 8 drops his mike and walks to the back.

CE : Bravo! That was really somethin', eh ese?

CK : Yes it was. Huge triangle confrontation here. All will be settled tonight. Now, we have a huge match going on. A triangle tag team match! Comin up!

"Livin It Up" by Limp Bizkit plays and Raizin Hell walks out. Dirtbag Dogg and the Vault enters the ring. They wait for the others... "The Kings" by Run DMC plays as TnT, alongside Timmy, walks out to a cheer. The fans love him! And now, the last team on the match. "Latino Heat" plays as Razor comes out alone.

CK : Who's his mystery partner?

In a shocking event, "Wherever I May Roam" by Metallica plays and out comes Brimstone!

CE : Viva la Nachos! It's Brimstone, ese!

CK : What the hell is going on?

Brimstone and Razor calmly walks towards the ring and enters as the other two team backed off. Brimstone stared down the Vault, then smiled an evil grin. Brimstone grabbed Vault by the throat and delivered a chokeslam. Then he turned and chokeslammed Dirtbag Dogg. With ease, he clotheslined Jason Forman out of the ring. The Tank stared at Brimstone. The two looked at each other as Razor watched from the back. Brimstone delivers a clothesline! Tank ducked and quickly delivers the Tank Handle Drop. Brimstone got up quickly before Tank could pin, and gave him the Deathdrop!

CK : This is chaos! Brimstone is totally dominating everybody!

Brimstone grabs a mike from Nita Spankee.

Brimstone : Now people, most of you are probably wondering why I am in this kind of match with these losers. The answer is, I care not about this goddamn match. This is simply a demonstration of what I am capable of. And no one escapes!

After he said that, he grabbed Razor's throat and lifted him to a one-hand choke. Then he single-handedly threw Razor over the top rope. Brimstone walks out of teh ring and stands at ringside. In the ring, Dirtbag Dogg struggles and managed to pin an unconscious Tank. The referee counts.....1.......2.......3! Raizin Hell wins!

---------- Commercial Break ----------

Order NOW on Pay Per View!

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CK : Ladies and gentlemen we are back! What we just saw is utterly shocking as Brimstone laid out all the other 5 men in the tag team three way! And now he is back in the ring for another match against D-Generates, Justin Lawless and Lightning!

"DX Theme 2001 Remix" plays as D-Generates walks inside the ring bringing in a car door.

CE : Senor Chris, aren't you curious about the car they trashed that they thought was Brimstone's but it wasn't it was someone else's and Brimstone knew that person and he said now that person is pissed cause his car was trashed by DX who though that car was Brimstone's and accidentally trashed that man's car?

CK : Just shut up, okay? Eat your burrito or whatever and shut the fuck up.

Lawless : Aiyoyoyo, Brimstone... Looks like we trashed a wrong car again. Damn we always forgettin bout the 'Brimstone never owns a car' shit. Should've known that a freak like you rides on a pumpkin-headed camel.

Lightning : Not to worry, Law-Dawg, we can make use of this mistake......

Lightning smashed the car door against Brimstone's head. Because the bell hasn't ring yet, this isn't considered as a DQ. Brimstone grabbed the door and smashed Lightning's face against the car window. The glass is shattered.

The referee calls for the bell. The match is finally official! Lawless with a spinning heel kick. Brimstone caught his leg! Enziguri by Lawless! Brimstone staggers. Lightning bounced off the ropes, lands on top of Brimstone... Head scissors take down! Lawless continued with a camel clutch. Brimstone managed to escape, but met by a DDT by Lightning. Brimstone grabbed Lawless' legs and delivers a Boston crab. Lightning tries to save Lawless, but met by a thunderous power bomb. Lawless with a bulldog on Brimstone! The match is fast paced and action packed!

Lawless and Lightning both chokes Brimstone with the ropes. Lawless pulled him up and deliver an X-Factor. Lightning climbs the top rope.... Frog splash! But Brimstone moved out of the way in time! Brimstone got up and gave Lawless  bear hug. After a few seconds, he released Lawless and picked up Lightning. Bear hug!

Lightning crumbled to the floor. Brimstone grabbed Lawless by the feet and catapulted him to the ring post. Brimstone grabs Lightning by the head and launched him over the top rope and lands on the announcer table.

CE : Whoa! Easy, ese!

Brimstone signals for the Deathdrop. He is ready to finish Lawless off, but "Return To The Hangar" by Megadeth plays! Shotgun makes his way to ringside! Brimstone released Lawless and climbed out of the ring. He starts to yell at Shotgun, but Shotgun ignores him and slides in the ring. Then he Bullet Bombed Justin Lawless! The bell rings! Brimstone wins via DQ!

CK : Huh? Is Shotgun helping Brimstone?

Shotgun grabbed a mike.

Shotgun : Hey Brimstone. Seems that since no one came out to interfere and help these guys, they don't get disqualified, huh? Instead, you have to win with my help, and now you get a disqualification. Since you're the one who got disqualified, then well... I guess D-Generates keep their titles. Ciao, man!

Brimstone is irate. He stared at Shotgun as Shottie walks up the ramp laughing. Brimstone attacked Shotgun but the D-Generates pulled him back as Shotgun grabbed the car door. Shotgun smashed the car door on his sorry face several times.

CK : An unexpected turn of events there. Really good match, though.

Suddenly the BOWtron shows a footage of Enforcer's wedding earlier today at Miami. The crowd cheers and clapped at the happy couple. The party was huge. A lot of BOW  staff and employees were there, along with some superstars. Ary Moreno was also seen congratulating the two.

CK : We wish them a happy marriage, too. And now, ladies and gentlemen, Hacksaw is going to face S&N in a handicap match!

"Root" by Deftones plays and Ary Moreno came out to a chorus of cheers! He walks down the ramp and enters the ring. Moreno raised his fist to the crowd.

Moreno : Yo congratulations to my boy Kevin a.k.a Enforcer for his wedding!

Crowd cheers.

Moreno : Actually, I'm out here to inform you guys that Shotgun has left the building. He refused to participate in this match. So, the match will clearly be a one on one basis between Number 8 and Hacksaw. But that's not all. I have some things to add, too. I want this match to be a ladder match! The prize? A title shot at Blasphemy!

The crowd is shocked and cheered at this announcement.

Moreno : Well, you know... since this is the BOW and all, and Number 8 is one of our top guys.... I think we'll make a slightly different ladder match. I m going to hang a steel chair up there, and wrestlers must climb up and reach it. The one who got the steel chair, must beat his opponent repeatedly until he bleeds. The match end as a first blood match. Using other foreign objects are not allowed.

The crowd is excited. Officials hangs the chair as the match is ready to start. Ary Moreno joins commentary. "One" by Metallica plays as Hacksaw makes his way into the ring. Before he reached the ring, Number 8 ran down and send a flying clothesline from hell! Hacksaw is down! 8 lifts Hacksaw by the head and threw him in the ring. 8 pulled out a ladder from beneath the ring and slides it in. 8 picks up the ladder and used it to bash Hacksaw's head. Hacksaw staggers backwards. 8 sets the ladder up. 8 climbed halfway up and jumped with an axe handle slam. Hacksaw grabbed 8's head and slammed it against the turnbuckle several times. 8 fell down on the corner. Hacksaw stomps the hell out of him.

8 kicked out Hacksaw's face and quickly got up using the ropes. 8 rammed Hacksaw's face against the ladder. The ladder fell and bounce on the opposite ropes. 8 jumped and did a Lou Thesz Press on top of the ladder! 8 whips Hacksaw to the other side. Hacksaw bounces off, 8 with a German suplex! Hacksaw lands on top of the ladder! 8 climbs the turnbuckle, 8 with an elbow drop, Hacksaw got out o the way! 8 lands on the ladder!

CK : That's gotta hurt!

Hacksaw lifts the ladder, 8 fell on the outside. Hacksaw sets the ladder up. Hacksaw climbs... Number 8 spears the ladder! Hacksaw fell on the announcer table! Hacksaw gets back in the ring..... 8 slapped Hacksaw's face with the ladder! Hacksaw is getting dizzy.... 8 smacked Hack's stomach with the ladder. 8 sets the ladder up again.... Number 8 pushed the ladder so it lands on top of Hacksaw! 8 with a splash! Hacksaw is crushed down there! Hacksaw pushed the ladder, along with 8. Hack managed to set the ladder up. He climbs again.... Number 8 is climbing on the other side! The two is at the top.... Hacksaw kicked the ladder! Hacksaw grabs hold of the chair! 8 fell down along with the ladder. Hacksaw got the chair!

CK : It's not over yet! Hacksaw needs to bust 8 open!

Hacksaw climbed down the ring. Hacksaw charged at 8. 8 kicked the chair and it bounced to Hack's face. 8 quickly grabbed the chair and smacked Hacksaw's head. 8 slams Hacksaw against a ring post. 8 swings the chair..... THWACK! Hacksaw's head is sandwich between a steel ring post and a steel chair. Hacksaw is busted open!

CK : Holy shit! Number 8 VS Cain Hunt for the BOW Title at Blasphemy!

---------- Commercial Break ----------

Autographed Sledgehammer From Number 8


---------- Commercial Break ----------

CK : Welcome back, and we are ready for our main event. The Bloody Title is on the line, and here is our challenger, the cockiest man in the damn planet.

"Bittersweet Symphony" plays as Josh Storm and Ms. Vixen makes his way into the ring. Various trashes are being thrown. "Money, Power, Respect" by The Lox plays and Enforcer showed up with Shannon. He held the Bloody title high up and smiled to the crowd.

Enforcer : Yo Storm, since this is my wedding day, I want to ask you for a little request. Let's make this shit happen on thursday, aight? Me and my lady here gotta catch some planes for our honeymoon.

Storm : No! We finish this, now! I'll show you what wrestling is all about! Come on!

Enforcer whispers something with Shannon. Enforcer smiled. Shannon walks down to the ring and slapped Ms. Vixen. The two started a catfight. Storm tried to break it apart. Enforcer grabs Storm from behind. E-ternal Driver! Enforcer grabs Shannon and leave the ring.

Enforcer : Thursday, bitch. I promise!

Storm : Goddamn you Enforcer! I want that title now! The hell with your goddamn honeymoon!

Enforcer : Thursday. I promise. If you are really that good, then except this. Postpone tonight's match, and on Thursday, we can have an Iron Man match for the Bloody Title.

The crowd cheers for the Iron man match.

Storm : Hmmm very well. I agree. This Thursday, you're dead. In 60 minutes I will make you tap out more than 10 times!

Enforcer : We'll see about that.

"Money, Power, Respect" by The Lox plays as Enforcer makes his way to the back. Suddenly, the lights and sounds are all cut off. It was pitch black in the arena. After 15 seconds, the lights came back on...... but there in the middle of the stage, Enforcer is bleeding heavily. Josh Storm looked confused. Shannon is screaming with tears as the show came to an end.