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Monday Night Rampage starts as fans in attendance waits for someone to walk out and cut a promo, but then Rob walks out! The fans watch as Rob makes his way into the ring with a mike in his hand.

Rob : Ladies and gentlemen, tonight will be a very special night here in BOW. Yes, with the departure of three top former BOW champions, we will present you tonight, a tape of one of BOW's best show ever. Yes, the tape that Shotgun has been talking about. A tape of last year's Monday Night, which is still known as Wrath! And we used to have Thursday Night Torture, of course. So without further bullshit, here it is!!!

The arena's lights fades, and the BOWtron shows the Monday Night Wrath logo, and the show begins.....


Earlier today:

Number 8 greets Lars as he arrives on his limo, Lars seems very confident while 8 is a bit shaky.

Number 8 : So you got a plan Lars?

Lars : You seen Shotgun in the building?

Number 8 : No.

Lars : Good, and you wont either, HAHA.

Number 8 : You are a genius.

Right now:

A limo pulls in into the parking lot, President Beckham steps out of his limo, he looks very concerned about tonight, he walks into the building, the camera man gets a shot of the parking lot, no sign of the WAI pick up truck, but there is a nice shot of 8’s jeep, the Eight ball, in a night that anything can happen, will Shotgun even arrive? Sure he will.

Meanwhile we are live in the BOW arena, pyrotechnics explode as we begin this edition of Monday Night Wrath with the Hardcore KFC title match, Kristian Kilmer is already in the ring when Bob by NOFX plays, Bob Lombardi and the official KFC ref The purple hornet walk down to the ring, they high five a few times before they enter the ring, Bob and Hornet climb into the ring, Hornet signals for the bell to ring and this match gets underway. Quickly Kilmer nails a clothesline on Bob followed by angry stomps. Hornet gets a little upset when he sees Bob in trouble, he takes a cheap shot on Kilmer by giving him a strong punch to the back of the head, Bob capitalizes and nails a low blow on Kilmer, Hornet with a take down, Bob quickly goes for his wet newspaper, he sets it up on Kilmers head and nails the Bad News Knee Drop, Kilmer is out, Bob sees Kilmer laying there in the middle of the ring and in a true unoriginal and totally ridiculous fashion Bob takes his elbow pad off, the crowd chants rip off as Bob bounces of both ropes and nails the, um, Bobbo elbow? Anyway, Bob pins and Hornet does a quick three count, 1,2,3. Bob retains the Hardcore KFC title, both Hornet and Bob shake their um, bun, bun in the ring. By the way, there is a real funny sign in the crowd that reads “bob and Hornet, The ambiguously gay duo”, ever seen those cartoons on Saturday Night Live? Well you should. 

Meanwhile we go backstage where Rob is waiting for Shotgun in the parking lot, still no sight of him. Anyway, we go back to the ring were Dirtbag Dogg is setting up the kennels for the Kennel match with Red Hot, Burning down the house plays and Red Hot with Torrie come down to the ring, Red hot climbs into the ring and the bell rings, Dogg with a quick drop toe hold, he stomps on Red Hot's knee, he picks up red hot and goes for a pile driver, suddenly Red Hot hits a back drop, Dogg lands on the kennel totally destroying it, Red hot drags Dogg to the other side of the ring, he tries to put him into the kennel, Dogg counters with a stiff blow to the midsection, Dog hits a DDT, Hot is out, Dogg pushes Red Hot into the kennel as the bell rings, Dirtbag Dogg is the winner. Dogg celebrates as he makes his way to the back.

Meanwhile backstage Chris Powa is warming up for his match against Alex Hawk when suddenly Lars approaches Powa.

Lars : Hey Powa, you got a second brother?

Powa : Sure, shoot.

Lars : Powa, I am not gonna shit with you, I want to you take Hawk down, deep inside he is a Shotgun supporter, and I wont stand here and see another guy join him, I want you to humiliate him, hell, I want you to take his title away.

Powa : But, its non-title man.

Lars : Not anymore buddy, not anymore. Go kick some ass.

Victim of reality by Pennywise plays, Alex Hawk wearing his Australian title around his waist makes his way to the ring, he warms up in the ring waiting for Powa. Fuck the police by NWA plays, Chris Powa alongside his better half Sally walk down to the ring, the bell rings and this title match gets underway, both men lock up but Powa easily over powers Alex, Powa throws Alex against the turnbuckle, Powa goes for a splash but Alex counters with a drop, Powa gets up and is meet with a front face DDT by Alex, Powa gets up against and charges towards Alex, Alex goes for a sunset flip but he gets a 2 count only. Powa with a chop to the chest, he throws Alex over the top rope to the outside. Powa follows him to the outside, Powa whips Hawk against the security rail, Alex takes the bump back first, brutal move, Powa goes over Alex and hits some chops to the chest, Powa goes for a Powa-Bomb right there in the concrete, Alex hits a low blow on powa, Alex puts Powa in a front face lock, he picks him up in the air and throws Powa on the guard rail stomach first, Powa lays there on the rail, Alex climbs the security rails, the fans get pumped up as Alex hits a leg drop to the back of the head of Powa, both men are hurt, they lay down on the protective mat on the outside. The referee has really let go of this match as he goes to the outside and checks on both men, surprisingly Powa is the first one to get up, he picks up Hawk and rolls him into the ring. Powa with stomps to the back of Hawk, Hawk slowly gets up, Powa goes for a clothesline, Hawk ducks, Hawk goes for the Acid drop, Powa manages to over power Hawk and get out of the move, kick to the midsection by Powa, the fans stand up as Powa points to the crowd, Powa hits the Powa-Bomb in the middle of the ring, Powa pins, 1,2,3! Powa is the new Australian champion! Fuck the Police plays, the music is suddenly cut and is replace by Iron Man by Black Sabbath, Commissioner Lars alongside Descent and Number 8 make their way down to the ring, the fans boo as all three men join the new champion in the ring.

Lars : I knew it Powa, I knew you had it in you brother. Look at this ring, all the champions in the same place where we belong. Descent, the man that has publicly humiliated Matt Morgan time and time again, the current Bloody champion, the man who beat up Dan Copeland so hard her turned him into a washed up hippie! Then we got the new champ, Chris Powa and his lovely girl Sally. Now Chris, I hope you don’t get pissed, but Karen has shit on Sally, everyone knows that Chris Powa is a better lover than Shotgun ever tried to be.

“Shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up”, the fans start to get upset at Lars.

Lars : What? Does that piss you off? The fact that I trash that loser has been Shotgun? Well I haven’t even begun, because right here next to me is the man that retired him and nearly broke him in half, Number 8, my champion, a real champion, how do you like that eh?

“Shotgun, Shotgun, Shotgun”.

Lars : Now you people don’t know this, neither does the wrestlers, but I finally figured it out, 8, the deal that Beckham and Shotgun have been cooking up lately is not the commissioner job as rumored, oh no, he wants to be CEO of this company, which means he has more power than me in every way.

The crowd cheer as crazy, they go wild over Shotgun.

Lars : But right now I am the god damn boss, right now I am the power, right now I am in control. Shotgun, I don’t know where the hell you are, but I got news for you. As I checked your contract the other day I noticed that you are paid to wrestle, not cut promos, not pop out from time to time, not nothing, I got a contract here that states that you have to wrestler of either a commish, a CEO or a president orders you too. 

The crowd goes silent.

Lars : So listen up fat ass, I hope you liked retirement, cause you are coming back for one last match!

The fans erupt in cheers, the suddenly explode.

Lars : And it will be this Thursday live on Torture when you and your little bitch Hacksaw will face the No. 1 contenders for the tag titles, and that is final!

Suddenly Closer by Nine Inch Nails plays, the president of BOW Mr. Beckham walks out with a microphone in hand, suddenly Lars turns white as he sees the real boss in the ramp.

Beck : Well congratulations Lars, you managed to screw up my plans, I applaud you.

Lars : Get to the point… “boss”.

Beck : Well, seems like you have it all worked out Lars, by making Shotgun come back he can not be appointed CEO, you remain in power for the time being…

The fans boo in disappointment.

Beck : But Lars, let me ask you something. Who is the number one contender for the Universal title?

Lars remains silent.

Beck : I mean, who will be facing your boy Number 8 at the PPV?

Lars : Um, ah, I got a credible opponent lined up for him, I assure you.

Beck : Well it is very simple Lars, you don’t got his opponent, I do. My first order of the night is this Thursday 8 will defend his heavyweight title, and it wont be against a camera man, the beer man, a kid or a bum, oh no, Thursday you will face Matt Morgan!

The fans erupt in cheers, fans love Morgan.

Lars : That is bull and you know it, he isn’t even able to challenge descent for the bloody title, not to think of the universal title.

Beck : Shut up bitch, I haven’t even begun to fuck with yah.

“Beckham” chants start over the arena.

Beck : Since Shotgun is officially out of retirement against his own will he wont come back for a shitty tag match, oh no, he is back for two matches. One is to defend the tag titles he currently owns and the second match will be at the PPV…

The crowd remains silent.

Beck : And it will be against number 8 for the universal title!

Lars and Number 8 freak out in the ring, suddenly in the BOW tron we get a shot of Shotgun and Hacksaw inside their pick up truck on the parking lot.

Shotgun : Hey Watson, getting a clean shot of us?

Watson : Yep.

Shotgun : Well we just arrived here at the arena and thanks to my friend Rob and his Cell phone (mobile phone for you aussie people) I know what is going on. Say Hacksaw, is that the 8 ball parked over there?

Hacksaw : I think so.

Shotgun : Well I wont lie, we are so completely wasted we can barely walk, Hacksaw, you know the drill, both you and Watson step out of the car.

Watson holds the camera as Hacksaw looks at Shotgun.

Shotgun : 8, you owe me a car you son of a bitch!

Shotgun hits the gas full blast, just seconds before he crashes against 8’s jeep he rolls out of the pick up, both car crash and it’s a disaster, both car seems to be in a total loss. In the ring Lars and 8 are so pissed off its hard to describe. Hacksaw helps Shotgun up as they both make their way to the ring.

Lars : You piece of shit, you fuckin piece of shit!

Beckham laughs, Shotgun passes on his way NoB, NoB follow him, Fade to Black blasts through the speakers, Shotgun and Hacksaw along side NoB step out and stand on top of the ramp next to Beckham.

Shotgun : Well, it looks like we have a little 4 on 4 here Lars, how about it, WAI/NoB vs Lars, 8, Powa and Descent, got the balls?

Lars : Well Shotgun, you are half right…

Shotgun looks weirdly at Lars. 

Number 8 : Do it little brother.

Suddenly Zeke nails Beckham, Number 1 grabs Hacksaw and DDT’s him right there in the steel ramp, Number 0 hits a kick to the midsection, 0 whips Shotgun off the ramp! Shotgun falls off the 10 foot ramp onto some tables (good thing those tables were there eh?), Lars and his crew come up to the ramp, Hacksaw is a bloody mess, Shotgun lies there unconscious as EMT come out to help him out, we go to a commercials as NoB join with Number 8, the original NoB is back and Lars is in control!

We go back, they put Shotgun in an ambulance and take him to the nearest hospital, they fear he might have bruised his ribs or something… we are told that Hacksaw is receiving medical attention as well.

My Generation by The Who plays (forgot Lavine’s actual theme, I apologize), Sean Lavine makes his way down to the ring, he gets ready for Matt Morgan. Linoleum by NOFX plays, Matt Morgan makes his way down to the ring with a huge ovation, Matt Morgan faces his friend in the Love Solution, he slides into the ring, the bell rings and the match gets underway. Morgan with a quick take down on Sean, Morgan with a splash the knocks the wind out of Lavine. Morgan picks him up, Morgan goes for a suplex, Lavine reverses it into a suplex of his own. Lavine with an elbow drop, Morgan holds his chest, Lavine picks Morgan up and goes for a DDT, Morgan quickly reverses into a pinning Northern Lights Suplex, red pins, 1,2,…3! Morgan takes the quick win, he leaves to the back as Lavine is a little shocked that he lost that way…

We go backstage where they are trying to give Hacksaw medical attention, he refuses and leaves over to Rob, he grabs the microphone from Rob.

Hacksaw : 8, you little bitch, not only did you have NoB turn on us but you took out my partner, tonight I will take you out and your title, I challenge you for a match later tonight, got the balls bitch?

You make me feel like dancing plays, Boogie and Jackie Brown make their way to the ring, the slide in and dance a bit, the hippies are back. Jumpdafuckup by Soulfly plays, NoB walk down to the ring ready to face Love Solution and win the #1 contendership. Number 1 and Jackie kick the match off, they lock up, they are dead even, they break the lock and exchange punches, Jackie with a poke to the eyes followed with a drop kick, Jackie tags in Boogie, 1 tags 0, Boogie clotheslines 0, 0 gets right back up and hits a scoop slam on Boogie, 0 tags in 1, one with a springboard guillotine leg drop (bet u fucks didn’t know that move existed, did u?). Boogie holds his head in pain, 1 goes for a half crab but Jackie clotheslines him down, 0 quickly hits a drop kick on 0 that sends him out of the ring, 0 climbs the ropes, 1 hits a brain buster on Boogie, from the top rope 0 hits a five star frog splash, 0 pins 1,2,3! NoB will be facing WAI Thursday for the tag titles.

On the back Number 8 walks out of his locker room accompanied by Lars, 8 vs Hacksaw next!

One by metallica plays, Hacksaw walks down to the ring with a cane in hand, he slides in and waits for 8 to come out, Good God by Korn plays Number 8 makes his way to the ring, he slides into the ring and looks at Hacksaw, Hacksaw canes the ref before he can even ring the bell, Hack canes Number 8 in the head, Lars tries to interfere, he gets a cane shot for his effort, Descent runs down the ramp and attacks hack, Chris Powa comes out as well and helps to put a beating on Hacksaw, suddenly Alex Hawk and Groovy Dude run down and brawl with Powa and Descent, 8 now is recuperated, he helps Powa to beat on Hawk when suddenly Matt Morgan comes down and tackles 8, Hawk hits the Acid drop on Powa, Groovy throws Descent through the ropes, Matt hits a knee to the mid section and throws 8 over the top rope. 

Closer by NiN plays, Beckham steps out, Lars looks up at Beckham.

Beck : Well I like what I see thus far, so I am gonna make your job easier Lars, this Thursday it will be Groovy Vs Decent for the bloody title, Powa vs Hawk in a rematch for the aussie title, NoB vs WAI for tag titles and Number 8 vs Matt Morgan for the universal title, and that is final!

The scene slowly fades as both heels and faces look at each other.


The fans cheer when the segment ends. It's been a long time since BOW was packed and furious like that.

Rob : And now, ladies and gentlemen, I'll let Nita do her job and butt out, cause I'm gonna go over to The Beer Domain and pass out! Ciao!

Rob runs to the back. Nita stand in the middle of the ring. Suddenly "Livin It Up" by Limp Bizkit plays.

Chris Kerrang : I hate to say this, but this is going to be the only match tonight.

Dan Manic : Good thing they show that footage of the old Wrath show. Or the crowd will go home with only memories of Raizin Hell brawling senselessly against Razor in this god awful handicap match.

Nita : And now, the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way into the ring.....

Suddenly Nita was cut off by the sudden footage on the BOWtron. It's Ace, one half of the tag team newcomers, the Happy Go Luckies! He is in some sort of a locker room. We get a shot of Ace's upper body. He is closing his eyes. Then he opens them, looked over to the camera, and act shocked.

Ace : Hey Gary we are on!

Gary : *Slurp, Slurp* Wha? Oh yeah....

Gary suddenly pops out from the bottom and flashes a grin. The camera jiggles and suddenly faced teh floor. We can hear the cameraman puking.

Gary : Now open those floppy ears and listen here! We want a match here in BOW! You all see how charming we are, now we want to prove how muscular and tough we are!

Ace : Yeah! And so we have proved that we are better than the tag team here in BOW! Take a sneaky peeky!

The camera pans to their right, and it's Dirtbag Dogg and The Vault! They are tied with colorful rubber bands and their mouth is stuffed by a cucumber wrapped in a pink handkerchief.

Gary : See? We are soooo tough!

Ace : And muscular! So with that in mind we figure that we can get a match soon here? Hmmm?

Gary : Yeah, Thursday against any team! We're ready!

Ace : We are Ace and Gary and we will rock....

Gary : Your....

Ace : World!!!

The BOWtron changes scene as Nita Spankee stands there in the middle of the ring, confused.

DM : Those two eliminated the only match this evening! What the hell were they thinking???

CK : I think the creative team needs to think of something, fast!

Suddenly the lights went out and "Back In Black" by AC/DC plays. Cain Hunt walked out to the ring. The crowd mostly boos, but there are always some loyal Cain-o-manias. Cain Hunt gets in the ring and grabs a mike.

Cain Hunt : First of all I want to clear up this personal issue between me and York. York, we shared different thoughts, although I am positive that my opinion overruled yours. Think about it York, you are a nobody. Why do you suddenly came back just to freeze my hell? You tried to lure the fans against me by showing that edited tape of yours. York....

Suddenly Cain was cut off by the music of "Guerilla Radio". Christian York makes his way down the ring and slides inside. He stand in front of Cain and they both had a stare down. Both men stood still, neither of them are making a move! And suddenly Cain slaps York! Devastating chops on York! Cain Hunt chokes York and threw him out of the ring! York grabs a chair and went back in. York swings. Cain anticipated this and us ready to block, but York made a quick swerve and aims for the legs instead! York bash Cain's leg with the steel chair. Cain is down. Now York demolished Cain with chair shots to the head!

Moreno : Stop the fuck right there!!!

The crowd cheers when they see Mr. Moreno.

Moreno : York I won't allow this! Get your ass away from Cain!

Christian York backs off, with the chair still in his grip.

Moreno : God, York.. If you want to beat the guy so bad, do it in a ring!

The crowd cheers as they can guess what is developing. York smiled a bit.

Moreno : Okay, so Thursday... York, you get a partner. And Cain, you get a partner too. We'll have a little tag team match on Massacre!

The crowd cheers! Ary Moreno triumphed once again in winning their respect and heart. Mr. Moreno is still standing on the ramp. Christian York, chairs ready, stares at Cain Hunt, who is getting up. Cain eyes York, with his head heavily bleeding.

Suddenly the scene cuts to the parking lot, where there are arguments that can be heard.

DM : That sounds like Brimstone....

CK : Look it's Enforcer!

Enforcer and Brimstone are brawling on the parking lot, without proper wrestling attires. Enforcer pulled out his sledgehammer and swings. Brimstone ducked. Enforcer hits a car windshield. Enforcer swings again. Another car. Brimstone punched Enforcer. Enforcer staggers backwards. Enforcer took a wild swing, and it hit Brimstone in the legs! Brimstone bows, and Enforcer grabbed his head, then smash it into another car window! Brimstone climbed to the roof of the next car, and Enforcer followed.

Some fan at the stadium is grinning like an idiot.

Fan : Holy shit, dude.... that's my car!

Enforcer swings his sledgehammer and it smashed the car roof. Brimstone bulldogs Enforcer and both of them crash down on the car. The car collapsed.


Brimstone escapes through the cars and disappears. Suddenly patrol cars can be heard and Enforcer slowly climbs out of the car, sledgehammer in hand. Three cops grabbed hold of him.

Cop : Sir, we received a report of complain of vandalism here. We better take you to the police station.

Enforcer : What?

The cops grabs him tighter and they shoved Enforcer in a police car. The cops then drive away to the police station with Enforcer as the scene fades to black.