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***Thursday Night Massacre comes on the air as the cameras pan the jam packed crowd live at the First Union Spectrum. Fireworks go off and the lights come on as the fans raise signs all over the place.***

Manic: Fans, we are live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania for Thursday Night Massacre!! Tonight before a jam packed crowd in the First Union Spectrum will be the crowning of a new BOW World Heavyweight Champion. Six men enter, one man comes out victorious. Alex Hawk, Shotgun, and Number 8 will face off in one match. Chris York, Matt Morgan, and Descent will face off in the other match. Whoever wins their respective matches will go on to a world title match. Chico, who do you think will come out on top?

Chico: My guess is Christian York. Afterall, he is the man with the book Manic.

(Alex Hawk is already in the ring waiting for his opponents. "Blood Line" plays over the PA system as Shotgun makes his way out to the ring. Flanked by Sasha, Shotgun enters and stares down Hawk.)

Chico: Tensions are running high at this point. Everyone wants a piece of the gold here in the BOW.

(Number 8 charges down the ring before his music plays and starts to beat on Shotgun. Chief Luke calls for the bell and the match is under way.)

Manic: Number 8 didn't even wait for his entrence music to play. He wants to stomp a mudhole in someone's ass!!

(Number 8 tosses Shotgun to the outside and goes to work on Hawk. Number 8 whips Hawk off the ropes and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Number 8 goes for a pin and gets a two count. Number 8 picks up Hawk and Hawk counters with right hands to the face and kicks to the chest.)

Manic: Hawk mounting a comeback here Chico!!

(Hawk whips Number 8 off the ropes and ducks. 8 counters the backdrop attempt with a DDT.)

Chico: DDT!!!

(8 covers for the 2 count.)

Chico: Almost got the pin there!!

(8 picks up Hawk and goes for the attack. Shotgun finally rolls into the ring and starts to beat on 8 from behind. Hawk gets thrown out of the ring as Shotgun and 8 stare each other down. Both 8 and Shotgun tie up and exchange headlocks and put each other down for pin exchanges. 8 goes for a rollup, and gets the win.)

Manic: 8 goes for the rollup, and WINS??

Chico: Well THAT was anticlimatic to say the least eh Manic??

Manic: 8 won!! I dunno how he managed to slip that one through, but he frickin WON!!

Chico: Well sometimes people tend to get those quick wins and 8 was lucky that he was able to get the victory VERY early in the match.

(Commercial break.)


(Show is back on the air as the cameras pan around the crowd in the arena. Descent is waiting in the ring as "Guerilla Radio" plays over the sound system. The crowd rises to their feet as Christian makes his way out for the next match.)

Chico: The winner of this match will go on to face Number 8 in the finals. If anything, Christian might just pull out the win just so he can kick Number 8's ass!!

("Hazy Shade of Winter" plays over the system as the camera pans to await Morgan's entrence. York distracts the referee.)

Chico: Wait a minute, is that Morgan?!?

(Morgan dashes into the ring from the crowd and blindshots Descent with the most wicked chairshot ever heard.)


(The referee, of course didn't "see" it. Morgan tosses the chair out and goes for the pin and gets a 2 count.)

Manic: How did he kick out of it?? My goodness that was a vicious shot!!

(York looks at Morgan with disgust and picks up the chair.)

Christian: You idiot, that's not how you swing a chair. This is!!!

(As Descent gets up, he gets wailed with an even bigger chairshot to the head. Descent is out. The referee is about to call for the bell.)

Christian: You call for the bell ref and it's your job!!!

(The referee, unwilling, continues the match. Morgan covers and gets the easy three count.)

Manic: Morgan wins!! For some odd reason, Christian gave him the assist. I think there's some back history to this because those two have alot of past here in the BOW. Either way, it's going to be Morgan vs Number 8 for the BOW World Heavyweight Title!!!

(Commercial break.)


(The show comes back as Morgan is still waiting in the ring for Number 8 to come out. Number 8 takes no time at all in dashing down to the ring for the BOW World Heavyweight Title. The referee calls for the bell and the match is underway.)

Manic: This matchup will crown a new beginning for the BOW.

(Morgan gets the advantage with big chops to the chest but gets poked in the eyes. Number 8 whips Morgan off the ropes but Morgan leaps up with a flying clothesline. Morgan covers for a 1 count. Morgan picks up Number 8 but gets jawbreakered in the process.)

Manic: Big counter by 8!!

(Number 8 kicks Morgan in the midsection and hits a DDT. Covers Morgan for a 2 count. Number 8 picks up Morgan and starts to work on the arm.)

Manic: Number 8 looks to be picking Morgan apart piece by piece.

(Number 8 wrenches the arm around and hits a neckbreaker. Morgan has trouble getting up as Number 8 looks on.)

Number 8: Look at him!! Crawling like a bitch!!

(Number 8 kicks him in the midsection but Morgan fires back with right hands of his own. Morgan picks up Number 8, but Number 8 counters and hits a release Dragon Suplex. Number 8 picks up Morgan again, but the referee gets bumped.)

Chico: Referee is down guys!!

(Shotgun makes his way down to the ring. Number 8 locks on the figure four leglock to Morgan in the center of the ring.)

Manic: Shotgun is out!! This may be his revenge on Number 8 for Number 8 beating him in the first match!!!

(Shotgun slides into the ring with a chair in hand and looks ready to drill Number 8 in the head. Instead he swings and SMACKS Morgan in the head. Morgan is still in the figure four and it outcold. Shotgun exits the ring quickly and the referee checks Morgan. Morgan's shoulders are down and the referee counts for the 3.)

Manic: What in the hell is going on here?? Shotgun!! Shotgun!! Mah god what in the damn hell just happened?!?

Spankee: The winner of the match, and NEW BOW World Heavyweight Champion, Nummmmmmbbbbeeeerrrrr Eiiighhtt!!!

Chico: What the hell just happened? Give me a break guys, release the damn hold Number 8 you already won the damn title.

(Number 8 still has Morgan in the figure four and will not let go. Number 8 finally lets go as Shotgun enters the ring. Shotgun takes the chair and unloads with shots to Morgan's knee. Morgan is already outcold and doesn't even show any effects of the big chairshots.)

Chico: They're beating on a deadman here. Wait, it's Christian!!!

(Christian dashes down to the ring as Number 8 and Shotgun take the lowroad and slide out of the ring. Christian is pissed as he looks on to Morgan. Number 8 holds up his title belt and Shotgun looks on also. Both of them smile at the carnage left in the ring.)

Number 8: It's mine Chris, not even your front office role can stop that, it's all MINE!!!

Manic: My god look at what's going on here. Shotgun has joined Number 8, who is ALSO the new World Champion. Morgan may be out, and Christian is livid!! What will happen at the next show?? We'll see you then!!!

***End of show***