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***Bloody Online Wrestling comes on the air for another edition of Thursday Night Massacre. The 30 second introduction plays. Afterwards, scenes from Monday Night are shown. The camera switches to a live feed as it spans the jam packed crowd. Signs flood the arena all around. The camera cuts to Manic and Chico who are at the ringside commentary table standing by.***

Manic: Fans, welcome to another edition of Thursday Night Massacre as we are live at the Arco Arena in Columbia, South Carolina. The last couple shows have been red hot as Number 8 at the current time is the BOW World Heavyweight Champion. Tonight in the main event, Cain Hunt has a chance to capture the organizations greatest prize.

Chico: As we've figured out, anything can happen in Bloody Online Wrestling. This coming Pay Per View, Chris York will face whomever holds the title at the time.

(Clips are shown of the York vs Shotgun cage match.)

Chico: As you can see, both men had their hands full but in the end, York came out on top. Number 8 has had alot of things to say about York since the revival of the BOW, but tonight he's going to have his hands full with Cain Hunt. We are being told at this time...Yes.

(A black limousine pulls into the arena.)

Chico: Who could that be?

(The door opens up as Shotgun rises out of the limousine. Number 8 rises out second with the World Title on his shoulder. Number 8 and Shotgun casually walk away.)

Manic: Number 8 and Shotgun have arrived to the arena. Ironically, Shotgun isn't even scheduled on the card tonight, what in the hell is going on?

(BOW Hotline Spot.)

Rob: Shotgun and Number 8 formed an alliance last Thursday. Is there more than meets the eye other than a business proposal? Beckham is at it once again. Is there a chance that he might pop back in the BOW? Who knows, plus other news going on in the world of wrestling. Call now at 1-900-764-3207. Calls cost 0.39 cents a minute. Kids, who needs parental permission, call now!!

(The show comes back on the air as the cage is being lowered for the next match. "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit plays over the sound system as The Tank makes his way out. Tank walks down the ring as the cage finally finishes lowering. Tank enters the ring and paces back and fouth awaiting his opponent. "My Way" by Limp Bizkit plays next and Flex Kavana makes his way out. Flex stares down Tank as he paces down the eisle. Flex enters the ring and Tank charges. Senior referee Chief Luke calls for the bell and the match is under way. Tank fires with rights to the head.)

Chico: Tank in control early in this match.

Manic: In control? Tank is DESTROYING him right now.

(Tank kicks Flex in the midsection and signals for a piledriver. Flex trips up Tank and slingshots him into the cage. Flex picks up Tank and drives his head into the cage once again.)

Chico: Flex fires back!!

(Flex picks up Tank and drops him with a snap suplex for a 2 count. Tank goes for the eyes, but Flex fires back with a kick to the groin.)

Manic: Downstairs to the....lower obstrenity.

Chico: All legal in this match, by the way.

(Flex bodyslams Tank and drops an elbow. Flex goes for a side headlock and grinds Tank to the mat.)

Manic: Flex going to the basics now.

Chico: It may be basic, but not only is he resting himself, he's also draining the energy out of Tank. Smart wrestling by Flex Kavana.

(Tank gets to his feet and gives Flex a belly-to-back suplex. Tank stands up and tries to climb out of the cage.)

Manic: What is he doing? In a traditional cage match, yeah that would work. He can't win thay way, he has to BEAT Flex.

Chico: Yeah, none of the running away garbage.

(Flex climbs the turnbuckle and props Tank onto his shoulders. Flex jumps and turns around for an Electric Chair Drop.)

Chico: Oh my god!!! Tank was destroyed from a SUPER pancake off the top rope!!

Manic: Electric Chair Drop off the top, whaddamove!!!

(Both men are down on the mat as Chief Luke starts the 10 count. Luke gets to 9 as Flex covers Tank for a 2 count. The crowd responds from that one.)

Chico: I thought it was over and so did the crowd!!

(Flex calls for the Fingerbang, but Tank goes to the eyes and takes control. Tank hits a sidewalk slam into an elevated Boston Crab. Flex shakes his head saying he won't quit as Chief Luke looks for the tap. Flex grabs Tank's legs to trip him over. Flex gets Tank's legs up and gives HIM the same move. Tank is screaming in pain but will not quit.)

Chico: What a counter out of the Boston Crab!!

(Flex picks up Tank and goes for a Dragon Suplex. Tank counters and does a go behind which ALSO gets countered into another go behind. Flex turns Tank around, picks him up, and hits an Emerald Fusion.)

Chico: Tank gets dumped on his head out of that big exchange. That may be it for Tank.

(Flex picks up Tank and cradles him with a rollup gone bad because Tank gets his head DRILLED into the mat. The referee counts for a 2.)

Chico: Tank looked to have gotten hurt from that because his head got planted in a NASTY pin attempt. Somehow, he was able to kick out.

(Flex throws Tank into the corner and goes for a jumping splash. Tank moves as Flex hits the turnbuckle. Tank goes up top and jumps. Flex counters Tank's top rope move with a jackknife powerbomb pin. The referee does the 3 count. Flex wins.)

Chico: Flex Kavana wins!! Tank looked like he was trying a top rope huracanrana, but it got countered into a huge powerbomb which in the end WAS the end of the match. Flex wins and man what a big win it is for the man from Australia.

(The cage rises as Flex looks into the camera and says something which isn't played on the mic. The show goes to a 30 second spot for the upcoming Pay Per View.)

Pay Per View commercial: New York...Home of the Yankees, home of Madison Square Garden...Home of the upcoming BOW Pay Per View!!! Number 8 defends his title against Christian York. Who will walk out on top in the Manhattan Project? Find out as Bloody Online Wrestling presents JADED. Live on Pay Per View on March the 25th. Order it now!!

(The show comes back on the air as the ring crew does their thing preparing for the next match.)

Chico: Jaded is coming up in about 16 days. Already the show has sold out so the only way of seeing this big show is to order it on Pay Per View...Hold on a second...We've been told that Christian York is on his way out. I dunno what the situation is because this isn't scheduled on our sheets.

(Christian makes his way down to the ring before the main event title match. Christian enters the ring and walks to the center.)

Christian: Someone turn the damn microphone on. I came out here to address an important issue. It has come to my attention that a certain individual who is NOT scheduled to be here tonight is in the building. Shotgun, get your ass out here right now.

(Christian looks towards the entrence way and waits for Shotgun to come out.)

Christian: I know you're here because I SAW you arrive earlier. Get out here RIGHT NOW!!!

(Lars Douglas walks out of the entrence way.)

Chico: That isn't Shotgun, that's one of the bosses Lars Douglas. What's HE out here for??

(Lars takes the mic and looks towards the ring.)

Lars: Now Chris, before you...Now hold on a second.

Christian: I didn't ask for you.

Lars: Hold on, I'm on the mic here. Shotgun has the legal right to be here at this time because he had a contract stating that he MUST be present at the request of the BOW committee. And as much as you would like to believe that you hold ALL the rights to this place...Well, I TOO am part of the committee. You can't do a damn thing about it so why not smoke some cancer and take a chill. That's about as much as you do around here anyway. I'll see you at the meeting after the show, ciao.

Chico: He's right, as odd as this whole situation seems.

Christian: I'm not done yet. Lars, hold on a second.

(Lars walks through the curtain as Christian follows. The camera goes to the back as Christian paces around trying to find where Lars has gone. Someone rushes Christian from behind as the cameraman falls over and the video feed is lost.)

Chico: Fans, we seem to have lost the feed. What in the hell is going on here??

Manic: Someone has attacked York from behind. What the...Wait a second, we've got another camera backstage now. Oh god, Christian looks to have gotten injured from the attack.

(Christian is on the ground as Number 8 passes by making his way to the entrence for the next match.)

Christian: You!!!

(Number 8 gives Christian a confused look.)

Number 8: Don't look at ME gimpy, I was in my dressing room.

EMT: It wasn't him, he didn't even come from that direction.

(Number 8 laughs to himself and walks away. Christian is shown clutching his knee as the EMTs help to aid him. The camera shows Cain Hunt walking backstage making his way down for the main event.)

(Another plug for the Jaded PPV is shown.)

("Back in Black" is played as the show comes back on the air. The crowd rises in preparation for the world title match. Cain Hunt makes his way out as he focuses his eyes on the ring. Cain enters the ring as "Synthetic" is played over the PA. Number 8 makes his way out as the crowd stirs with anticipation. Number 8 points a finger at Cain as Cain rushes out of the ring. Number 8 drops his title as Cain meets him in the middle of the eisle. A slugfest ensues as the referee calls for the bell.)

Chico: The match is underway. Not in the ring, but I guess with the world title on the line the referee is going to be a bit lenient.

Manic: As he SHOULD be.

(The referee rushes down as Number 8 and Cain destroy each other with skin breaking chops to the chest. Cain takes advantage. Cain grabs Number 8 by the head and paces down the ring. Cain throws Number 8 in the ring and enters. Number 8 stomps on Cain as he attempted to roll in the ring.)

Chico: Damn, an old trick in the book if there ever was one.

Manic: But an effective one because Number 8 is now in control.

(Number 8 whips Cain off the ropes and misses a clothesline. Cain rebounds off the other side and hits a Lou Thez Press. Cain wails away with right hands before getting up and hitting Number 8 with a side suplex. Cain covers for a 1 count.)

Chico: He's going to have to do more then that to win the world title Manic. Good attempt though but he should focus on wearing Number 8 down.

(Cain goes for a DDT, but Number 8 counters with a Northern Lights Suplex. Number 8 gets a 2 count and gains advantage with a clothesline. Number 8 goes to the outside and grabs a chair from one of the ringcrew members. Number 8 goes to hit Cain, but the referee holds onto the chair from behind. Number 8 turns around and shoves the referee. Number 8 turns in the direction of Cain and Cain hits a dropkick to the chair which in end smacks Number 8 in the face. Cain goes for the cover and gets a 2 count.)

Manic: Chico almost got the win there!!

Chico: I almost won?? Sweeeeeet...

Manic: I mean't Cain almost did.

(Cain takes Number 8 to the turnbuckle and goes for the 10 count punch.)

Manic: Cain is on a roll now.

Chico: Number 8 better do something or we may see a new champ here guys.

(Number 8 goes for an atomic drop but Cain blocks and hits a clothesline. Cain covers for a 2 count. Cain whips Number 8 into the corner and runs right into him. Cain whips Number 8 into the opposite corner and does it again.)

Chico: Cain got him twice Manic!!

(Cain tries to do it again but Number 8 puts the knee up and Cain gets drilled in the groin. Number 8 staggers around and flops down hitting a headbutt onto Cain's groin again.)

Chico: Number 8 is down but Cain just got ballshotted twice!! Who will be the first to get to their feet?

(Number 8 gets up at the 9 count and goes to hit Cain. Cain fires back. Cain blocks a bunch and hits one himself. Cain does it again. Number 8 gets whipped off the ropes and Cain hits a powerslam. Cain gets a 2 count.)

Chico: Cain may get the win here Manic, he's on a roll!!

(Cain picks up Number 8 and whips him off the ropes. Cain gets a sleeper hold on and Number 8 backs into the turnbuckle. The referee was sandwiched from the last spot and now all three are down. Shotgun makes his way out with a steel chair.)

Chico: Shotgun is out!!!

(Shotgun gets behind Cain and DRILLS him with a chairshot. Shotgun tries to revive the referee. Number 8 rolls on top of Cain and the referee counts. Number 8 gets a 2 count. Number 8 picks up Cain and goes for a powerbomb. The referee, still groggy, gets drilled by Cain's foot as Number 8 hoisted him up. Cain gets dropped and now Number 8 is frustrated. Number 8 goes to revive the referee and Cain gets a rollup from behind. Another referee rushes into the ring out of nowhere and counts the three. Cain is the new World Champion.)

Manic: Cain won!!! Cain won!!!! Oh my god, Cain somehow won the World Title!!!

Nita: The winner of this match, and NEW BOW World Heavyweight Champion...


(Lars is shown at the entrence way. Cain hoists up the title and celebrates but looks down and sees Lars.)

Lars: Before you say anything Nita...If you want your job, you skip what you just said. Masta D is NOT the legal referee, LUKE is. There is no winner yet, and this match must continue!!

(The bell rings and the match continues. Lars makes his way down to the ring and Cain is furious. Cain gets out of the ring and trades words with Lars. Christian out of nowhere is seen limping down to the ring.)

Manic: Now CHRISTIAN is out here, what the hell?

Chico: He wanted a piece of Lars and he might just get some. Lars doesn't even know he's there!!

(Christian gets right behind Lars who is trading words with Cain. Christian turns Lars around. Christian hits a superkick on Cain as Lars ducked it. Christian looks at Cain.)

Christian: NOBODY!!!

Chico: It's a miracle, Christian is okay!!

Manic: What?? It was a swerve Chico!!! Give me a break, Christian swerved us all!! Did Lars have anything to do with this??

(Shotgun looks at Christian as the two of them trade money gestures by rubbing their fingers. Lars walks away looking satisfied with himself. Shotgun rolls Cain into the ring and Number 8 hits the Shout Drive. Number 8 covers and the official referee counts for the 3. Number 8 wins. Shotgun enters the ring and celebrates with Number 8. Christian walks away looking at Number 8.)

Christian: Pay Per View, it's all about the title man. I'll see you in the ring.

(Number 8 raises his title and points a finger at Christian. Cain staggers to his feet as Number 8 and Shotgun exit the ring. Cain grabs the mic.)

Cain: You want to get into my business Shotgun?? I saw you trading gestures with that golddigging bitch York. It was you...You watch yourself Shotgun. You costed me the world title. It'll cost your ass.

Manic: This has to be the oddest turn of events I've ever seen Chico. York apparently was paid off by one of his rivals and in the end he TOO helped the man who he'll be facing at the PPV win the match!! There's more than meets the eye here, but right now I'm clueless to what in the hell is going on.

Chico: It's all about the money man, that's all there is to it.

Manic: So explain Lars' participation in this thing....

***Shotgun shrugs and laughs. Shotgun points to Number 8's title and shakes his head. Shotgun and Cain stare down each other as the show comes to an end.***